Black out

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~Twice's POV~

It was about time to go, Mr. Aizawa obviously gave Tomura a talk as soon as we left the lunch room and came back to class. He had an attitude the whole time for the last few minutes of class. When the bell rung, everyone gathered their things and headed back to their dorms. Along with my friends.
We walked to the elevator, we found a whole bunch of people grouped up in front of the elevator. "Oh sweet Jesus" Tanaka scoffed. Rolling her eyes.

"First I burn my fucking tongue with rice, and now we have to wait to get in a fucking elevator" Toga said, she laughed sarcastically and crossed her arms. "Get the fuck out of my way" Touya said, pushing past me and Toga. "Rude" I said, "don't give a fuck" he said, flipping us off behind his back, it pissed me off when he set fire on his middle finger as he did it. "That mother fucker is asking for it" I growled, glaring deeply at him when he pushed more people out of his path.
"Don't pay him no mind Twice, he'll get his sooner or later" Tanaka said, we decided to wait for our turn to get in, cause there was no way in hell we was gonna walk up all those stairs.

~12 Minutes Passed~

"Finally! After these people then it'll be our turn" I sighed in relieve, The people from our class and some other people from different classes got in, but someone spoke. "Hey, there's still some room in here" Mydoriya said, he held the door opened for us to get in. Number 1 I'm claustrophobic. "Uh, we're good" Toga spoke, she sounded a little disturbed to the suggestion.

"Oh come on it will be a lot faster then just waiting" Denki said, poking his head out from the big crowd. My mind went completely blank, and all I could think of was ( I am very nervous and angry when it comes to tight spaces... and people. Tanaka turned and looked at Tomura, he just shrugged as in (sure), HE. HAS. ENDED. ME.
Tanaka turned back around and did a hand signal as in to tell everyone to make room. The people in the elevator made a medium sized circle space for us to squeeze through. Once we were in, I stood completely still. I watched as the numbers went up by how many floors we were going, and trying not to listen to the loud conversations around me. But trying not to listen to the multiple conversations blasting in my ear all at once, made me feel like the elevator was just becoming smaller by every second.

I raised my hand up to my ears and covered them tightly, I could see in the corner of my eye that Toga had her eyes focused on me. Then I felt her hand wrap around my arm, I looked at her with a uncomfortable expression on my face. "Are you okay?" she whispered, I shook my head slowly, and looked down at the ground. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to go to my happy place, but it was obviously not working well. I know I said I wasn't scared of ANYTHING! But being surrounded with a bunch of people in a small ass elevator... That's a whole other story.

~Toga's POV~

I looked at Twice as he let his head hang down, but then it hit me. I completely forgot he had claustrophobia, I leaned forward to see what Tomura and Tanaka were doing, they were also looking at Twice. Then they looked at me confused, I mouthed "he's claustrophobic" and their eyes shot open. But thankfully we've reached our level just in time, the door opened enough for Twice to rush out, pushing everyone aside. Me, Tomura, and Tanaka also left the elevator.

Twice stopped at the door trying to find his key, "Twice, why didn't you tell us you were claustrophobic?" Tomura asked, "I don't fuckin know, I just went along with what you guys decided" he said, finally finding his keys. He unlocked the door and rushed inside, "well, if you would have told us then we would have just tooken the stairs" I said, following behind him. We both sat ourselves on the couch and turned on the TV. "Who the fuck wants to walk up a million stairs!?" He said.

"If I walked up a single step, my legs will give out" Tanaka said.

~Hana's POV~

Me and Ten walked into my room so we could start making our plan to end the symbol of peace, "so, how do we go about writing this plan out?" He asked, "first we need a huge pa... per..." I said, just realizing that either one of us could have went out and got the paper before we got to the dorm. "Do you want me to go get it?" He asked, "sure if you feel like it" I said, looking for a pencil in my bag.
"Okay, I won't be long" he said, Ten hurried out of my room and went out as I heard the front door open and shut. Once I finally found a pencil (my favorite pencil) in my bag, I took one look at it. It wasn't sharpened, so good thing I packed a sharpener, I took the sharpener out and sharpened my favorite pencil till I was satisfied with the results.

But as soon as I put my sharpener back in my bag, I slightly jumped to the lights in my room flickering for about 2 seconds and then shutting off. But what really made me jump was the sounds of Twice screaming, "AHHHHHHHHHHH! CHRIST!"
I patted around to see where I put my bag, and a few minutes of looking I finally found it. I dug in it, got my phone out, and turned on the flashlight. I shined it around my room to find my door and when I found the door, I walked out and when I say it was pitch fucking black, all I could see was darkness... Well not unless I shine the light in a area, but without the light... No. Just no.

I shined the light in front of me, and the sight of seeing Touya just standing there... Eating a fucking ice cream sandwich, made my soul almost jump out. It looked like he was about to go into the living room, "ayo can you not shine that bright ass light in my fucking eyes" he said, trying to shield the light away from his face, he walked off into the dark like he had night vision, but what I found kinda cool was that he just set some parts of his body on fire. It was like he was his own night light.

I followed behind him into the living room while I shining my flashlight to watch my step, I shined my light where the couches were and there I saw Toga and Twice huddled into some cover and hugging each other tightly. "Oh thank Jesus you have a light" Toga said, "um, do you two not have your phones on you?" I asked, sitting myself on the couch. "No, we left our bags in our rooms" Twice said. I sat my phone on the table with the back faced up just so we can see at least some light in the dorm.

So it was just me, Toga, Twice, and I guess Touya just chillin on the couch. I waited for Ten to get back with the paper, but then I heard a ding from both mine and Touya's phone. I couldn't check mine because I was using it for a light source, but thankfully Touya checked his. He looked at his phone for a good minute and then shut his phone off and put it back in his pocket, he sat there and went back to eating his ice cream. He probably wasn't gonna tell us the situation so I just focused on waiting for Ten to get back.
But to my surprise, he actually spoke. "They said a black out occured inside the whole school, they will try to get everything back working shortly"

So wait, if the whole school is out... "Aw shit" I said, letting my head fall back. "What's the problem?" Twice said, I lifted my head back up and looked at Twice and Toga. "Ten was getting some stuff from the store, and the school is just gonna be plain dark by the time he gets back. He probably doesn't even have his phone with him" I said. We sat there for some minutes until we heard banging on the door, I was about to get up because that might have been Ten knocking, but Touya just insisted by getting up before me.

~Tenko's POV~

The halls looked so dark, I made sure nothing was near me by flashing my area with my flashlight on my phone. If I have to die at anytime, it's not gonna be me dying in the dark. That's not how I wanna go out. Honestly I would have been in the dorm by now but my key was in my bag and my bag was in my room, the door flew opened and there I saw Touya. He had blue flames on some parts on his body for light, "thanks" I mumbled, he didn't say anything. He just moved aside for my to get in. "Hana! I got the thingy thingy!" I yelled.

"Okay! Just put it in my room!" she yelled back. I went into her room and sat the big paper on her bed, before walking back out, I looked at Mon sleeping on her bed in the corner. I went over to pet her and then left Hana's room. I walked into the living room and saw everyone on the couch, I decided to join till the lights came back on. I went over to sit by Hana and sat my phone right beside her's to also use as light.

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