"You... are a mega ass goth"

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~Jin's POV~

Tanaka left the dorm to get dog stuff for their adorable... Feisty pet dog Mon-chan, but while she was gone me, and Toga were keeping Mon company.
And Touya was probably chilling in his room, and Tomura.... I'm still speechless of how childish he acts I mean, WHO THROWS  TANTRUMS AT THE AGE OF 15!?!

"She is just so cute~" Toga said, scratching Mon's head gently.
"Yea, now I know why they stole her" I mumbled, "what was that Twicy?" She asked, she calls me Twicy, Jinny, Jin, and Twice... She just calls me by Jinny, and Twicy sometimes but most of the time she calls me Jin or Twice.

"O-oh! Um I was just talking to myself" I quickly said, I know Neither Tomura or Tanaka would want anyone to know that they stole Mon-chan.
"Oh, well what do you want to do cause I'm bored" Toga whined, I thought about it for a minute, but then I wondered how Tomura was doing.

"Wanna go see if Tomura is okay?" I asked, she starred at me for a second then shrugged, and nodded.

"Leggo" she said, we both got up and walked out of the living room to Tomura's room while Mon followed behind excitedly.
"Heh, what are you excited for" I chuckled, looking down at Mon while she started jumping around but still following.

"I guess he's calmed down now, I mean I haven't heard a peep from him 24 minutes ago" Toga said, she turned to me with her left hand on the door nob.
"Well not sure unless we check" I said, Toga nodded and slowly opened to door.

We poked our heads in while Mon squeezed in and started running around trying to find her boy owner, "where is he?" Toga whispered, I made a "idk" noise, but then the bathroom lights caught my eyes.
"He's probably in the bathroom, let's just wait for him to come out" I said, "okie" Toga said, we closed to door and went back into the living room and watched Spongebob.

~Tenko's POV~

I was in the bathroom applying my makeup because I was going to go out somewhere, I don't know where but anywhere away from here.
But as soon as I was done applying my black eyeshadow, I heard small fast foot steps running around.
I put my makeup down and peaked out my bathroom door, and there I saw Mon-chan jumping and running around excited.

"Mon-chan~" I sang, which got her attention quick when she quickly stopped and looked at me, she gave a bark and ran to where I was.
She started jumping around but stopped when I began to pet her head to back.
"Now how in the hell did you get in here?" I laughed, but seriously how the fuck did she get in here... Maybe she can open doors now or something.

Once I was done petting her, she ran right back into my room and sat in front of my TV, which was on Spongebob... I'm never giving that show up.
But after adding eyeliner under my eyes and shit, I put my makeup back and walked out of my room, I didn't bother to change cause I actually like the outfit I was wearing all the way up here.
But I did put my hood on just because.

I was heading for the door but two things I noticed... One, my sister has our only key, Two! Touya was standing at the door with the same clothes he had on before and shoes on.
He quickly noticed me and looked at me up and down, "now where the fuck do you think your going?" He asked, with humor in his voice.
"Non of your fucking business, that's where" I scoffed, I leaned on the wall to wait for Hana to come back, I can just tell that one key for five people is gonna be a problem.

"Your going somewhere, you got all that makeup on~" he teased, the more he spoke, the more I wanted to shove a pineapple up his ass.
"Just fuck off" I sighed.

"No, I don't think I will" he said, he walked up closer to me which made me hella uncomfortable. He looked up and down at me once more like he was checking me out or something.
"What?!" I asked.

"you... Are a mega ass goth" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "well I guess I shouldn't talk since I'm becoming emo" he shrugged, he went back over to the other side of the wall and leaned his back on it.
"And just so you know, I'm taking the key" he said, I didn't give two fucks cause im also gonna find four more keys for our room cause I just cannot with one key for five people.

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