"Mon-Chan! Down!"

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~Tenko's POV~

"Okay, that was embarrassing to say but I said it" I said, looking down at the shiny floor. "Yea but what was your point?" Hana asked, "I don't know, but we have fucking school tomorrow me saying that in class is the least of our worries" I said, I mean how does father and mother expect us to go to this school but Carry on the mission at the same time.
"What do you mean? Class shouldn't be that bad" Hana said, I looked at her like she was a crazy women... Cause she is.

"Umm, have you forgotten why we came here the first damn place?! Or do I need to punch you in the boob?!" I yelled but whispered, "heh! Okay first of all, no! I didn't forget! And second! If I see you throw your fucking fist anywhere near my lady parts! I'mma kick you where it really hurts" she yelled, she didn't even whisper!

"You didn't forget what?" Touya asked, I forgot he was with us cause he was walking behind me and Hana.

"Nothing! Mind your business God damnit!" I yelled, walking over to Touya and uncontrollably got in his face with rage. "Woah! Chill, and I can't mind my fucking business when your sister be loud as fuck" he said, nonchalantly.
Not calling me Tomura is one thing but talking about my damn sister is the fucking draw!

"Ten... Let's go, he's not worth it at the moment" Hana demanded, but I obviously didn't listen.

"Maybe if your sister would shut the fuck up and just get into the fucking dorm! Then she can be as loud as her annoying ass can!" He insisted, I was so pissed I couldn't move or say anything back. I just slowly let my head down.
It's like anger froze me in place for 5 seconds.
But that's when my adrenaline kicked and making me clench my fists until my fingers popped without my command to.

"TEN! LET'S! GO! NOW!" Hana yelled,

"What?! You think you can scare bitch you got another fucking thing comin!" He yelled, my adrenaline was going absolutely crazy and I just wanted to remind him what he did to my face 10 fucking years ago... Just so I can do the same.
Yea, I hold major grudges so what?!
I looked up at him with a anger-filled smile forcefully fixed on my face.

"And what the fuck are you smiling for?!" He laughed, "TEN SO HELP ME!" Hana yelled again, Touya took his light blue eyes off of me for a second and looked at Hana when she spoke.
Then he put his eyes back on me with a goofy lookin ass smile, "better listen to your sister" he said, "you remember me!?" I laughed, "no I obviously don't! What are you insane!?" He asked, looking at me up and down in judgement.

But before I could say anything else, I could feel myself being pulled back. "Tanaka! Toss the keys!" Toga yelled, Hana quickly took the keys out of her pockets and threw them to Toga.
Toga caught them in instant and unlocked the door, but right there I yelled what I shouldn't. "YOU PUNCHED ME IN THE FUCKING FACE 10 YEARS AGO!" I yelled, "TEN!" Hana yelled, and that's where I should have kept my mouth shut.

Cause as soon as I said what I said, his smile dropped and he stopped walking while Hana dragged me along, "Fucking dumbass!" Hana said, she quickly pushed me towards Twice who insisted to take me to my room, while she stayed back.
And yea I was making it hard for Twice till Toga had to step in and help Twice carry me, "YOU TOUCH MY SISTER YOUR DEAD! YOU HEAR ME!?" I yelled, before Toga and Twice literally threw me in the dorm.

~Hana's POV~

"Look! Ten can say some crazy shit when he's mad... He probably thought you was someone else" I said, trying to lie out of trouble. It doesn't matter if he's on the hit list, our real target is All might and All might only.
"No... There is no fucking way, I remember... I fucking remember..." He said, he took his eyes off me for a second, then put them back on me once more.
"Heh, our "little Qurrall" isn't over~ remember?" He said, slowly raising his hand with a blue flame covering it.

"That was fucking Ten years ago! I didn't mean to make you hit your head that hard! And I did it for a fucking reason!" I yelled, "And!? That still fucking hurt!" He said, I took a big inhale and exhale before having to do something I wasn't intentionally doing. "Touya! Don't make me boost you again!" I threatened, but he wasn't backing down at all.
But before I could have a second thought, I heard barking and Toga's worried squealing.

I turned around and saw Mon running out the dorm and Toga trying catch her but stopped when Mon already tackled Touya. I turned to see Mon growling angrily at Touya and I was actually impressed, I was so impressed I started to laugh.
"Okay okay, Mon-Chan! Down!" I said, still laughing.
Once I did, Mon-Chan quickly ran to my side but still in defense mode. I took a good look at a Traumatized-Touya just laying there like lightening struck him.

"Now, let's just calm down and get in the dorm shall we?" I said, picking up Mon-Chan and giving Touya a evil smile.

He slowly sat up in shock but not even looking at me, "a mutt! Just. Tackled me.... A FUCKING MU-" he yelled, but I quickly cut him off in offense.
"Oi! She's not a fucking mutt! She's my cute evil little puppy" I said, scratching her head.

"Now get the fuck up and let's go" I demanded, he slowly got up and walked behind without saying a word.
We saw that the door was cracked so I guess Toga and Twice left it opened for us, but when I opened it and walked in along with Touya... We saw both Toga and Twice rushing out and closing the door shut.

They were trying so hard to catch their breath which is very concerning to me, "hey, how is he?" I asked, setting Mon-Chan down which she instantly ran off into the living room.
"Don't... Go in there... He is piiiissed" Twice said, I rolled my eyes cause I know he shouldn't be that mad.

"Ugh, move aside" I said, Toga and Twice moved aside to let me through. I grabbed the door nob and opened the door wide, but only to receive a Tramatizing message... "I WILL CUT YOUR FUCKING TITTIES OFF! GET THE FUCK OUUUUUUUT!" Tenko yelled, at the very top of his lungs as in his demon is showing.
"Okay, we'll give you time" I quickly said but calmly, I shut the door with no hesitation and turned to Toga, Twice, and Touya.

And they had shocked faces as in they heard every little thing he said to me without hesitation.
"Uhh, you okay?" Twice asked, I had big a smile on my face even though he said that he will cut my titties off, "yea, he threatens me like that all the time when he's mad" I said, still smiling like nothing happened.

I walked off to my room and got some clothes on to get dog stuff from the store soonly after that.

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