I Went YEET!

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~Hana's POV~

After me and Sako were done shining the floor, me and Tenko went to go play upstairs while the adults were gonna go drink wine. "Okay Ten! Your cape is on and ready to go" I said, after clipping Ten's cape to his shirt. The cape was black and it was leather of somewhat I think, "Yay!" He yelled, spinning around and showing it off. "Hehe, you look awesome Ten! Now let me put mine on and then we can play" I said, I went over to my bed, grabbed a dark red cape, and clipped it onto my shirt. "Okie, we're ready to fight crime!" I said, putting my right hand fist in the air, and my left hand fist on my hips.

"Yay!" He yelled, while putting both of his fists in the air, he looked so adorable! We were posing like this for 15 seconds but realizing something, "Hana? How the hell do we even play hero?" Tenko asked, "right now...i don't really know, we've never played this ever" I said, we were standing there thinking of something else to play, but then video games hit me. "You wanna play Friday night funkin?" I asked, he quickly nodded with a smile. "Okay, Friday night funkin it is then" I said, with a smile.

~Nao's POV~

Me and the boys were in the kitchen drinking wine... And talking about our pasts of going to U. A, some moments were hilarious, and some weren't.

(Just roll with me here, I came up with it. If Kurogiri went, then all of them go, besides I might make a flashback bonus chapter of when they all met. And these moments I'm making up as well... And they may seem off but that's the whole definition of an "AU"... I think.)

"Okay, question number 1, Shiggy remember that time you were yeeted across the Hall and screaming like a goat?" Kurogiri laughed, "yep" shiggy chuckled, "who did that, was it that bunny girl?" Sako laughed, as he took another sip of his wine. "Hell yea! Let me tell you something! She over here talking bout, "testing her leg strength" I know she hated me!" Shiggy laughed. "I'm pretty damn sure no one liked you, remember Enji lit your ass on fire?" I giggled, "yes! That shit hurt then a mother fucker! And nobody liked me because of my quirk!" Shiggy said, pouting in his seat and taking a sip of his wine which he barley drank. "But enough about me... Babe, who was your biggest competition/enemy in U. A?" He asked, everyone turned their attention to me while I was thinking, and by that I had a lot of them.

"I have a lot of them but um... My biggest enemy had to be Nemuri Kayama" I said, "wait... Why? She seemed nice" sako said, "Ooh let me tell you, she wasn't nice to me... She was always jealous of my "Hero" design, and my quirk" I said, it was funny at first but then it wasn't. "I actually saw it too, that's why I unfriended her" Kurogiri said, before hearing a big thud upstairs, and the kids laughing. I gave a smile, "now what in the hell could be so funny for them to make that weird sound?" Sako said, "Their probably playing Friday night funkin, now Sako? Why did you become endeavors biggest hater?" I asked, he gave me a blank but funny face as I giggle.

"Ohh, so you were his biggest hater?! Oh I gotta here this, spill the tea!" Shiggy said, while snapping his fingers. We all gave our attention to Sako as he rolled his eyes, "okay, I had to go up against this son of a bitch... He literally burrrned me! And I was moving to the fucking top with my marbles, But noooo! He just had to take my spot at being on top! And he was being so fucking aggressive..." He pouted, "ohh I remember that fight, I bet you got revenge though~" Kurogiri said, "oh I did, while he was sleep, I dragged him and his mattress out to my Van and drove over to the closest water I could find, then I just dragged him and put him on the water... Just letting his drift along the waves" he said, mimicking the waves with his hand.

We all gave a laugh.

"But did you know this man actually got a women?!" I said, they went from laughing to shocked, "fucking ew! Who could ever! And I mean ever! Date a man like him?! Shit if he had kids, he'd probably end up being those types of dads that abuse you!" Kurogiri yelled, "fuck, if he does get kids... Pray for them cause Oof!" Shiggy laughed, then we all started laughing our asses off, but then I saw the kids coming down stairs. "Hello my babies~" I greeted, "hi Mommy" they both said, weirdly at the same time... Da fuc?... "Mommy... Can we have a pet?" Hana asked, it surprised me for a second, but having a pet wouldn't be a bad idea to be honest. I looked at the guys and it looked like they were thinking, then shigaraki turned over to Hana with smile, "of course sweetie, but we ain't cleaning the shit" he said, I mean it's fair.

Hana and Tenko gave a big smile.

"Can we go get one now?" Tenko asked, "hmm, okay but be back before dark okay?" I said, "okie mommy we will" Hana said, she grabbed Tenko by the hand and dragged him out the house... Literally. "They better not choose a fucking cat" sako mumbled, "what's wrong with cat's?" Kurogiri asked, turning back around to face him. "I dispise those coughin hairball FUCKS!..." Sako said, squinting his eyes and making a stank look. We were all starring at him... Cause who the fuck doesn't like cats?! He stopped making a funny face and looked at his surroundings... Who were giving him a blank, eye squinting look. "The fuck you rats lookin at?!" He yelled, jerking his head at each of us which made us laugh real quick.

"I forgot you hated cats cause of that incident you had with a stray cat weeks ago" Kurogiri laughed, "wait you ran into a stray cat?!" I laughed, "hell yea! It was after my groceries!" He yelled, throwing his hands in the air. We laughed for two minutes, then we were silent and drinking our wine. But it wasn't silent when Shiggy spoke, "my mission in the afterlife... Is to fight Lucifer" he said, circling the roof of his glass, "umm, why would you want to do that... Exactly?" Sako asked, "so I can rule hell my damn self!" He said, popping his neck. We all starred at him... In complete... What the fuck.

"Ya know what baby, we're not gonna argue with you on that cause we're all going to hell anyways" I said, "exactly" he said, as we all agreed with a slight nod.

Weirdest conversation of our lives.

"Wait... Giri, didn't you have any enemies in U. A?" Sako asked, "no, they forgot I ever attended actually, despite of me disappearing when they try to talk to me" Kurogiri said, with a odd smile.

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