Fuck off!

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~Hana's POV~

After Lunch and class, everyone just wandered around and talked, and some went back to the dorms, me and Ten were walking the long halls full of dorm doors and discussing what our plan was gonna be cause we haven't made a single one all this time we've been here.
"I don't see why we need a plan, we can just find that stiff noodle hair wearing ass mother fucker and kill him with my decay" Tenko said.

"Uh, first of all, we can't just kill pro's like that, especially pro's like all might, he's a big thing" I said, I began biting on my lucky pencil out of stress. I could tell Ten was looking at me in the corner of my eye.
"I know what that pencil biting means, there's nothing to be stressed about sis, we'll find a way" he said, laying his glove covered hand on my shoulder.

I looked at him and gave him a smile, then he smiled back. "But what I'm actually worried about.... Is when are we gonna tell them?" He asked, and I knew exactly what he was talking about.
I rolled my eyes and deattached his hand my shoulder and picked up my pace.

"Hey! Come on we can't keep this secret from them forever! We've been best friends with them for a decayed!" He said, while catching up to me and pushing me a little to get my attention. Which worked.

"We have to tell them sooner or later Hana" he said, he was trying to make eye contact with me but I just looked down. Just thinking of telling Toga and Twice would cause problems.
"What if they don't agree with what we're doing and try to stop us?!" I said, finally making eye contact with his eyes.

"They don't have too, and they won't hurt us Hana... Our friendship with them matters more then being hero's" he said, and he was right... Sometimes I'm the dumb one.
"Fine, we'll tell them once we get this planning down" I said, he cracked a adorable smile, the same smile he had when he was five.

"So how do you think we go about offing Mr fame and glory?" He asked, putting his hands in his pockets as we kept walking. "Well, we need to see him first, I mean Daddy said after all those years he should be somewhat weak by now" I said.
"Well, all I know is that he wears uncooked noodles for hair" he laughed.

"Shut the fuck up" I laughed. Our laughing went from wheezing cause that's what his hair looks like lowkey. We walked and walked till we were at a dead end so we turned back.
"So we'll start off by meeting him and maybe he'll actually train us other then Mr Aizawa, so maybe we can somehow see how strong he is before we try anything cause you don't know how much this big rhino mixed with a fucking hippo can do" I explained... And maybe roasted him a little.
"Okay, then when the time is right we can just kill him" he said.

"But we don't know for sure how strong he is so we have to train as much as we can while we're here" I reminded. After discussing what we needed to, we headed back to our dorm.
Once we got into our dorm, Mon-chan greeted us by running towards us and scratching me and Ten's legs.
"Hey girl~ did Toga or Twice feed you like we told them too before we left?" I said, gently petting her head. One cool thing Mon-chan can do is that if she barks once then she says no.
And if she barks twice then she says yes, she barked Twice and started running around happily.

"Guys! We're back!" Ten called. "Hey you guys" Toga greeted, she was on the couch watching TV while drinking blood like she usually does.
And Twice was in the kitchen cooking random stuff.
"Hey guys, y'all want some chocolate cake?" He asked.
"Sure I love ch-... Wait since when can you cook?!" Ten said, walking into the kitchen.

"I told you, I've been teaching myself how since my parents died" Twice said, "I'll get some in a minute, I just gotta go brush my hair" I said, I walked to my room and headed towards my bathroom while letting my hair down.
I walked in and turned on the lights to see my reflection, and my messy snow hair.

"I'm starting to question what was the reason to get neon red highlights, it doesn't even match with white... Da fuck?!" I said, Lifting up a section of my hair. "I don't know women that was you choice" Tenko said, I looked over to my right too see Tenko eating cake and chocolate all over his face. "Sissy he put fucking strawberries!" He said, he looked amazed as he put his plate in my face to show me five stemless strawberries, then he took one strawberry and ate it.

"Sometimes I just wonder why your even in here" I said, rolling my eyes, I picked up my brush and began brushing my hair. But of course I had my annoying sibling eating cake and fucking strawberries while watching me creepily while I brushed my hair. "I just noticed your rockin a Christmas color sis" he teased, "yea yea shut the fuck up before I grab that cake a rub it in your hair like shampoo" I threatened.

"I want to call mom" He said, as he FINALLY walked his stupid Gothic ass out of my room.
After I was done brushing my hair, I put it in a bun and went back out with the other's. I sat down on the couch beside Toga and watched whatever she was watching, but that's when I realized something. I forgot we had another roommate but I haven't heard a peep from him sense. "That's weird... " I mumbled.

"What is?" Toga said, "Touya isn't here" I said, I mean I don't really care at all but lowkey I think he's probably in his room bitching that he knows good and damn well he lost that fight with Ten.
"Oh he never went back with us to our dorm" she said carelessly.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know, all me and Jinny saw was that he was still sitting down in his seat when everyone else left, me and Jinny was the only ones who noticed" she went on.
"Sis! Mom wants to say hi, and maybe ask you what happened today cause I kinda told her about that class fight that happened" Tenko said, running into the living room. He handed his phone to me and I put the phone up to my ear.

(Now I am just using this writing style only when someone is talking on the phone in my books since I am no longer using it to right my books anymore)

Hana: "hey mommy"

Nao: "hello my precious little girl, how has- uh... Well, what was this thing Tenko was talking about... Uh, a class fight?"

Hana: "Oh! Um, yea this girl was sitting in my seat, and the problem was that I wanted to sit by Tenko at all times but she for some reason wanted to sit in my seat so I got into a chick fight, but I won though"

Nao: "oh, well that's nice, but Tenko also said you and your dorm friends won money too?"

Hana: "oh, Tenko made everyone bet who was gonna win, and whichever girl won, which was me, that girl and whoever her dorm mates are, get that money and do whatever they want with it"

Nao: "well, that was probably entertaining, just make sure you focus on what you came there for, good luck to you and your brother sweetie, and I love you"

Hana: Thanks mom, me and Ten love you too

I took Ten's phone away from my ear and ended the call, "here, and once we can, we do as much training as possible" I said, tossing his phone to him. He caught it without effort and gave me a nod and went back to his room.
"Wow, you guys must want to be good hero's in the future" Twice said, I looked at him for a second just wondering of how hard it must have been too cook for himself since he had no parents as he walked over to the couch we was sitting on and handed me and Toga that chocolate cake he randomly baked out of nowhere.

Me and Toga including Twice had a plate with a huge slice of chocolate cake and five strawberries on it. Did I mention that there was a butt load of FROSTING on it? Eh, maybe not.
"What made you wanna bake a cake out of nowhere Jinny?" Toga asked, taking a big bite after.

"Uh, I saw this dude from our class eating it for lunch and I started craving it" Twice said, honestly I would do the same if I saw someone eating cake.
"You guys wanna watch a movie?" Toga asked.
"Bee movie" I said, "okay, Jinny?" Toga asked, turning to him.

"I agree, bee movie" Twice said.


"I'M COMING! DAMN!" Ten yelled back.

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