Ch. 1

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Today is grand celebrations for Zhao industry and mostly for Mr. Zhao Xinci.......who won the best business man of the year trophy again. It was like this trophy is only made for him, and maybe in upcoming years......this trophy always gone in Zhao lets go to Mr. Zhao Xinci and ask directly to him......what was behind his success.

"ha! ha! It's all credit goes to my dear wife......Jun (Mrs. Zhao) she always there for me, in any condition.....never complain never demand, whatever I'm only because of her." Xinci said feeling proud.

"Mr. Zhao its our honor to talk to you you are on the peak of success, where everyone want to go. Please sir tell us about your strategy behind your success" another interviewer ask to Xinci.

"My youngest son Wangji......who take all responsibility as a good son and also take our business on this position" Xinci said while looking at Wangji......who stand beside him and smile to his father.

"Sir you are like inspiration for our upcoming youth. Sir what is your secret.... tell us how you manage this" another one interviewer ask question to Wangji.


"Zhao Xinci........!! you are on my place! snatch it from me! Enjoy your success Zhao Xinci! because today is your last day of your happy life. Because very soon you only shade tear of blood and your family too, wait for your...........KARMA........Zhao Xinci!!" one old man said while break his Television screen with remote, and grit his teeth in his anger......!!


In Dragon City

"I want it....*cry* mommy*cry*......I want" Ru crying while rolling on the floor in front of Yao for candy......but Yao ignore him and doing his laundry. Meantime, Yutong enter in the room and he pick his son on the floor.......who spread like soup.

"Yao don't you think you are harsh on him......come on! Yao gave him, after all he's our sweet son" Yutong said and snoozing his nose on Ru cheek......this make Ru giggle a little "One candy! did you ever see his teeth?" Yao angrily said to Yutong "but" Yutong want to say but Yao pinned him against the wall "I'm not gonna repeat again....Bai behave like human" Yao angrily shout and other didn't utter a word.

Yutong smirk then move quickly.....and pinned Yao against the wall. He start kissing Yao's lips....... which make other startled first, but he smile and let his husband devour him.......meantime, Yao feel uneasy and he push Yutong and rush toward the washroom.....Yutong confused he also go behind him......and shock to see his dear wifey, who vomit and suddenly unconscious.

Yutong holding Yao "Yao? Yao....?? Mom......!! Mom....." Yutong shout and Mrs. Zhao come "what happened? why you shouting...." Mrs. Zhao said and also shocked to see Yao......then they hurriedly call the doctor.

One of Yao colleague come and treat Yao.....he come out the room and congrats Yutong "Yao is pregnant with your second baby...... that's why it's happened to don't worry! It was common in pregnancy. But take care of one thing.....this time Yao is little weak so make sure you all take good care of him" doctor said take his leave.

all were so happy with this good news "congratulation........Yutong ge I'm so happy for both of you.......wait I tell him first" Xian said and as he go to meet Yao, Mrs. Zhao hold Xian's hand "dear! let Yutong go first" Mrs. Zhao said and Xian shyly smile

Yutong open the door and enter inside the room "how are you love! are you okay....." Yutong politely said to while seeing his wifey who is sitting on the bed.......Yutong sit beside him and Yao hand then place kiss on back of his hand "Yutong are you happy.....about this news?" Yao ask and Yutong confusedly look at Yao.

"why this question something bothering you?" Yutong said.......then Yao hide his face in Yutong's chest "I don't know Yutong.....I want to be happy but, don't know why it was difficult for me to......digest this happiness" Yao said and Yutong smile "don't worry... cat! maybe you think too just relax and let me enjoy this happiness, with my wifey" Yutong wink and Yao smile shyly.....

Later everyone comes and congrats them and Mrs. Zhao hurriedly dial Xinci number..... and tell him about this good news..... Xinci can't control his happiness, he hug Wangji and they both congrats each other then Wangji say to faster!


In Paris

"! eat!" Roulan said to her mama who busy in washing dishes......Roulan keep doing back forth around Wei's legs "ma...*sob* ma....*sob*" Roulan start sobbing, and she get Wei's attention....... Wei hurriedly wipe his hand and pick his crying daughter in his arm "what happened my love! feeling hungry?" Wei touch her little tummy which was empty now.....

Wei come in the lobby and sit on the couch "Aw! don't cry darling.... please! forgive mama....." Wei said while opening his shirt button, as he open it Roulan stop crying and try to suck her mama milk..... Wei smile and place Roulan near his nipples and baby happily start drinking her favorite drink.

Wei twirling his soft finger in her silky smooth hair which make Roulan relax and she smile while drinking.


Doorbell rings and Wei slowly stood up from the couch, don't want to disturb his princess...... and go to the door while caring her..... first Wei checked on the monitor and a beautiful smile appear on his thin pink lips..... Wei open the door "I'm home!" Zhao Yunlan said to his beautiful wifey and peck on his soft lips "welcome home.... Hubby!" Wei said and smile to him

"my baby! enjoying her mama warmth....." Yunlan seductively said while looking at Wei's chest and other only avert his eyes to other side and try to hide his blushed face.....


Hello everyone......🙋

Hope u all enjoy my first chapter of Unbreakable ❤Bond......

Please share your comments.......... and tell me you like or not........

Sorry for my mistake 🙏

Fingers crossed......😰...... hehehe!! I'm too nervous 😅😅

Thank you 😅❤

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