Part 8

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"YAO!! don't you dare say this again...or I really slap you hard! who said I'm pushing you away, I only want safety for you and..." Wei stop and Yao looking at him "and... what? you thinking about it's safety... but didn't dare to say this. I know why... because you thinking if you say anything then this time...again I lose it right?"

Yao said and Wei shook his head "no sweetheart! I didn't mean that...I only want your happiness! nothing else" Wei said in his low and sad tone "my happiness is you.... without you it's all waste for me" Yao sadly sit on the bed and touch his belly "I want to share this happiness with you....(looking at Wei) you remember that day when I was expecting Ru, you're the one who happy and care for me the most! and when I gave're the one who hold him first"

Wei smile in his tear while nodding his head "but now.....I think my second child will be deprived of your love" Yao start crying and Wei hugs him "No! dear.... don't think like that....who says I'm not going to love your child, I love my niece or nephew.... and I'm sorry if I hurt you...I'm sorry Yao!" Wei said while soothing his crying brother and other clinch Wei's clothes tightly then cry for sometime.

Yutong seeing this, standing at the door..... and smile to sees both brothers cuddling each other. Few minutes later when both calm down Roulan come there..... and try to climb up on the bed. Yao looking at her cute action..... which she doing right now for climbing on the bed, Yao chuckle and looked at Wei.

"can I talk to Roulan...." Yao asked and Wei nod.....Yao pick her in his arms "how's your health sweet doll!" Yao said and Roulan smile beautiful then kiss Yao's cheek "mama....missed you so much!" Roulan word make Yao looked at Wei......and other turn his head other side to hide his tear.

"Me too baby! me too!" Yao said and place Roulan on the bed..... then hold Shen Wei's hand "is she still have breathing problem...?" Yao asked and Wei tell him, doctor.... told them that Roulan's problem have no cure....but she survived if they taking good care of her. "! eat!" Roulan come to Wei and try to reach at his chest "I know my baby can't live her life... like other children, but I'm still happy and thankful to God! atleast she alive"

Shen Wei said and make Roulan sit on his lap.... and Roulan smile beautifully, because what she wants..... soon she going to rewarded with it. "after all it's my fault! because of my stupidity, she suffers like this.." Yao ruffle her soft hair which make other giggle cutely. Wei's eyes filled with tears after listening to Yao.


2 years ago....

After Roulan's birth Yunlan shift with his family in the apartment only for sometime.....because it's near to his HQ(headquarters). When Yunlan go on a mission for two day Shenwei got phone call from his friend Evy.....she inform Wei about research which she doing with their team members.

Evy need some help in this research and also they have to attend meeting....with some government officers. Shenwei think of something and agree for this meeting....then he call his regular babysitter Maggie....she happily accept this and come there. Wei said that he come in afternoon and left hurriedly after giving rain of kisses to his daughter.

Shenwei reach at the meeting place and meet with Evy. They happily greet with each other then start doing their works....because Wei have to finished it on time. Otherwise his daughter start crying when she didn't found her mother in front of her eyes. But as Shenwei's bad luck meeting went so long....and it's causes problem for Wei because it's already evening....and that babysitter again and again calling him.

Shenwei don't want to do this....I mean disturbing his in laws, but just like I's his bad luck. Shenwei call his mother in law and asked for some help.....she happily agree for this. She hurriedly get ready for going there, but Yao stop her and says.....he has to go for hospital work, so he will go to see Roulan and when Shenwei comes back he will return too.

At first Mrs. Zhao was not ready for this because Yao is 4 months pregnant and doctor tell him to take complete bed rest.....but Yao assures her that he will take care of himself.., and after that he go to see his cute and adorable niece Roulan. Yao park his car in the parking area then pick beautiful flower bouquet....and a panda's soft toy, which he brought for Roulan.

Yao come to apartment door and press the door bell.....but get no response, he again press it but no one come to open the door....Yao think of something and come to the watchman.....then ask for duplicate key of Yunlan's apartment. Watchman first asked him....who are you? and after knowing Yao.....he give the duplicate key.

Yao come again at the door with watchman and open it....Yao entered inside the apartment and place that bouquet and toy on the table.....while looking here and there "Roulan! look, whose here for you darling...where are you?" Yao sweetly said and take his step toward Wei's bedroom.

*knock* *knock*

"Maggie? Maggie...??" Yao knock the door first....and when he didn't get any reply, so he open the door and come inside "MAGGIE!!!!!" Yao shout in shocked to seeing the view of the bedroom....everything scattered around like a deadly storm and Maggie's lifeless body in brutal condition laying on the bed. Her clothes are tear apart and her wounded body tell everything what happens with her in passing hours.



I'm revealing their past event which happens 2 years ago....and don't worry it's not very long, only taking 1 or 2 chapters....🤗🤗

Please enjoy reading.....and I apologize for my mistake...🙏

Thank you ❤️

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