Ch. 3

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WARNING!!! mature content......

Wei pushed Yunlan and breathe heavily "what.....h-happened Yunlan? what's" Wei ask while breathing "your ignorance! I'm feeling like you get bored of me..... that's why you pushed me away, right?? you also don't trust me..." Yunlan coldly said with teary eyes and other didn't take any second to understand the situation.....Wei cup Yunlan's face with his soft palm.

"I trust you more than myself....and if you need me, I'm always there for you...Ah lan!" Wei said and kiss his husband passionately..... Yunlan pull Wei by his waist and start devouring him, and Wei cross his milky slender arms around Yunlan's neck.

Yunlan break the kiss and sucking Wei's chest bud "umm...uh...hh" and Wei moan in pleasure, Yunlan keep doing this and it's hard for Wei to control this.....because his lower body become wet, and it's start leaking " can't.....mmm...." Wei say and Yunlan stop

"don't move!" Yunlan said Wei hold the kitchen counter.....because Yunlan again sit in front of him then put Wei's one leg on his shoulder and again start sucking his manhood continuously.....until Wei not plead for mercy, because his private part is hurting too much.

"Ah...yunla.....nnnn...please..... it'" then Yunlan stop and pick Wei in his arm......and come to their bedroom, then he lay Wei on the bed. "you trust me....babe?" Yunlan said and Wei smile to his husband "whatever you do, you always do right!"

Wei said and close his eyes..... because Yunlan again do the same and also thrust Wei's hole couple of times.....Wei crying when he feel the pain and pleasure at the same time.....he clearly know that his husband is suffering with lots of emotions, so Wei decided to wait until Yunlan didn't tell him.

"AAAHHHhhh.....aahhhh" Wei moan louder when he cum on Yunlan's stomach and Yunlan release his seeds inside Wei's harm hole and Wei feel something inside it.....they both pant heavily and Wei get unconscious.... after catching some breath Yunlan remove himself and clean their bodies....he lay beside his dear wifey, who never complain to any situation "I'm sorry! for hurting you today.....Wei!!" Yunlan said and hug his beloved and sleep after wiping his tear.


Dragon City

"Mommy! where's my lunch box?" Yuan said to Xian who busy serving his in law's "wait for two minutes baby! mommy is bu...." Xian word cut by Wangji "don't make MY SON repeat his word!!" Wangji said while glaring at Xian......and other shiver a little then looking at his in law's, who chuckle to seeing his helplessness.

"Good Morning! everyone...*yawn*" Yutong come there while yawning "what happened honey! last night you didn't sleep well?" Mrs. Zhao ask in her concern "last night....daddy again beaten by mommy...." Ru said cutely "b-beaten? what are you talking about baby......mommy didn't beating me, we're only talking to each oth...... " Yutong word cut by Yao "REALLY! then you tell them, exactly what happened last night.......BAI YUTONG" Yao glare and Yutong gulp down his saliva and smile hesitantly.

"how you manage to scare Yutong ge?" Xian whisper to Yao "Yutong is not afraid of me, he is coward by birth" Yao proudly said "you are lucky ge!" Xian said and give lunch box to Yuan and Ru......then Xinci take their grandsons to the kindergarten along with Wangji "Jun! call Yunlan and tell him about the business party, which held two days ago.....and also about the good news! Yunlan and his family has to attend this grand celebration" Xinci said to his dear wife and other smile to him.

"I am going to call him in a while.....Till then you drop children at the kindergarten" Mrs. Zhao said and Xinci left from there. "bye! mommy....." Ru and Yuan hug their mommy then left with their grandpa......Yao and Xian also smile then doing their kitchen work.


In Paris

Morning comes and Wei open his beautiful doey eyes and sit up slowly on the bed "aahh!" he hiss a little because his lower body is still hurt.....Wei look beside him and found Yunlan sleeping there peacefully. Wei lean toward Yunlan and kiss his forehead then slowly stood up from the bed.....don't want to disturb his husband sleeps.....he go to the bathroom for quick shower......half hour later Wei come out while wiping his wet hair......and looked at his husband.

Wei come to him and shake his hair on other's extremely handsome face......which make Yunlan stir and open his cute brown eyes "wake up......sunshine!" Wei said and Yunlan smile to see his beloved wife's face in the morning

"how are you feeling....." Wei ask and Yunlan pull him closed to his chest and kissed Wei's wet and soft lips "umm......yummy! now I'm feeling superb!" Yunlan answer and Wei shyly smile.

"*cry*!*cry*!*cry*" they both chuckle when they heard Roulan's crying "go! she needs you....." Yunlan said and Wei go to his daughter, who is crying in her sleep for milk. Wei come and sit on Roulan's bed then pick his daughter on his lap.

"Aw! my little bud is hungry......don't cry baby! come to mama" Wei roll up his top and help Roulan to suck his milk.....and in few second baby stop crying, and Wei soothe her while twirling his soft finger in her silky hair. After filling her empty tiny tummy Roulan sleep again......and Wei kiss her chubby cheek then place her on the bed.

Wei come to the kitchen for making breakfast......he start preparing and two strong arms cage him from behind and place his chin on Wei's shoulder "I am sorry! for last night!! I did wrong with y...." Yunlan stop when Wei turn and place his soft finger on his lips "Ssh! don't say like didn't do anything wrong with me" Wei said and kiss Yunlan's cheek.

"so don't think too much and go.....get ready for your office, until I make breakfast" Wei said while breaking the embrace and Yunlan again hug his wife dearly then go to the shower.......Wei smile and start making the breakfast.



Wei heard doorbell and go to open it......he check the monitor and found a old lady stand in front of the door, Wei open and asked who is she? that old lady stunned to seeing Wei's beauty......he was wearing denim short which showed off his long milky legs.....and his baggy low neck top making him even more sexy "Shen Wei..?" that old lady said "yes! but who are you...?" Wei ask politely "I am Sheng Fu..... and I'm Jun's mother!" She said and Wei shocked "Mom?!"



I'm sorry for my mistake.....🙏🙏

Please share your vote comments.... which I really need to improve myself😓

Thank you 🤗🤗

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