Ch. 33

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"Son...! You get us wrong, I only do this for everyone shake...." Mr Ming said and Wei interrupt him "I got wrong....? wow! Let me clear one thing.......whatever you do it's not for anyone shake, actually you do that only for your satisfaction!" Ming shook his head "No! you got me wrong son...." Ming again interrupt.

"DON'T!!!! I'm not your son anymore.....Which father deals with the honor of his own son with the Mafia?" Shenwei shout on him "I am your culprit Wei.....please, forgive me! But what do I do? Wangji is very angry man and if he had come to know about this, he would have been angry with Xian" Ming's excuse

"You are right! Wangji is a very angry man, he must have be angry with Xian.....but you also knew that if Yunlan came to know about this, he would leave me.....and won't even give me a chance to speak of my innocence..." Shenwei come close to Ming "you already know that, right? But still you destroyed my little world, which was I created so hard" Wei became sad.

"I knew about Yunlan's nature, so I were hide everything from him with the help of the doctor..." Ming said and Wei chuckle "HIDE! ha! ha!.....You must know this much, no matter how much you hide the truth, it always comes to the fore. You think you hide everything from me and my hus....(taking breath) Yunlan! So you mistaking......because I already knew everything.

I just didn't know that the dreams I used to have at night.....were an injustice which done to me! about which I don't know...." Shenwei sits on the couch and look at the fireplace "The weather was very cold on that day, and I fell asleep in the lobby while breastfeeding Roulan.....









Shenwei snapped open his eyes and sit up on the couch.....he look here and there with his sweaty face. "" Roulan mumble in her sleep which get Wei attention....he look at her and smile.


Shenwei received the call "Hello! Baobei, Sorry for today I'll be a little late....but it's not means that I'm not coming tonight.....just wait for me" Yunlan lovingly talking to his wife "okay!" Shenwei simply said and about to cut the call "are you okay? You look nervous, what's the matter?"

Zhao asked and Wei said that he again see the same dream.....which he seeing from last month. Shenwei told about his strange dreams to his husband.....which mostly he saw when he sleeps, but poor soul don't know that it's not only a......DREAM!!

Yunlan also feels suspicious but because of his overtime work....he don't have a time for his wife "relax! Xiao Wei.... I'll try to finish my work early then I come home...until don't think about it much and cook something special for me..." Zhao try to change Wei's mood "SPECIAL! so what you want to eat, something tender or juicy.....Ah lan!"

Shenwei seductively said which make Yunlan's mouth wide open "Chief? What happened....why you look shocked is there any new case?" Officer asked and Yunlan grit his teeth "just shut up! and do your work....Otherwise I will fire you all!!!" Yunlan shout on his staff and other side Shenwei giggle beautifully.

Meantime, another officer come and inform Yunlan that their senior officer call him for talk "you go...I'm waiting for you!" Shenwei said and cut the call. Yunlan also smile then go to meet with his senior officer.

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