Ch. 9

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The view make Yao uneasy and he run toward the washroom and start vomiting....watchman who come with Yao also shocked to see everything....he hurriedly call the police and ambulance. Meanwhile, Shenwei complete his work and call Mrs. Zhao that he returning the apartment.....So there is no need to worry, he will reach in a while. Mrs. Zhao smile and tell him about Yao....Shenwei become worry because he knew about Yao's condition.

Shenwei come there and found some of police vehicle and ambulance....park there and neighbours gather at his apartment and whispering to each other. Shenwei frown and hurriedly come inside but someone hold his hand....which make him look back. "Yao?!" Shenwei shocked to see Yao, his condition was not good, his head was bleeding.....and looking at him, it seemed that someone had tried to force on him....and one nurse treating him.

"Yao! what happened? and...and Maggie? where's Magg..." Shenwei widen his eyes when he saw ward boys were going out with Maggie's dead body! "Maggie? what happened to her..." Shenwei asked and one officer tell him everything. Shenwei cover his mouth in shocked "you are Mr. Zhao?" Officer asked and Wei slowly nod his head in his heavy breathing.....officer gesture Wei to come with him.

Shenwei slowly follow him and that officer tell him....they got a call from here, that someone were killed here after raped brutally. But when they arrived here, they found three victims....first is babysitter Maggie, second Yao....and watchman. Shenwei listening everything thing but he suddenly realised something "ROULAN...! my daughter.... officer my daughter?"

"Daughter? but we didn't found anyone other except them..."

Wei's breath got stuck after listening to the police officer, it seemed as the whole world had stopped. Shenwei about to fall that officer hold him "sir....are you okay?" Officer asked and Wei hurriedly come inside his bedroom and check baby cradle....and found some blood stained. "Roulan...?? Roulan....????"

Shenwei shouted in his crying state while looking here and there....Yao try to stop him but Wei cry and cry....they Wei's sight fell on Yao's wounded head. He asked and Yao tell him that...when he comes and found Maggie's dead body....he feels nauseous and start vomiting, after that when he come out from the washroom.....he found watchman unconscious there.

Yao become frightened and try to call Yutong, but someone hit on his head... which make him fall, Yao turn back and see a man who holding base bat in his hand....and try to hit him again. Somehow Yao manage to dodge him.... and run toward the main door, as he was to open....that man drag him and throw him on couch, then start forcing himself on Yao.

Meantime, police come and save Yao.....and kill that man. Then he start searching for Roulan, but didn't found her. Shenwei fall down on his knees while crying heavily....Yao place his hand on Wei's shoulder and.....try to calm him but he can't. "I want my daughter back....please! anybody... please... please" Shenwei said in his cries.

"Brace yourself Wei! crying like this won't work, we have to be patience...."

"Patience! what daughter is missing and you say have patience" Shenwei shouted on him and harshly swat Yao's hand....which make other stumbled on the floor. Other officer who investigation the crime scene....come inside the washroom for checking the area. He check everywhere and suddenly he come to the bathtub.....and found its full of water, he think of something.

And drain the water after removing the water start draining that officer widen his eyes in shock...because baby Roulan's body was start visible to him "Sir!!! We found her..." Officer shout and other side Yao also scream in pain "AaHhhh...!!!!!" nurse hurriedly come and check him "oh no he's bleeding..."


In hospital

Doctors running here and there in the emergency ward......for treating Yao and Shenwei stand outside the room.....worried and crying, Xian consoling him. Yutong and other family members also there and Xinci talking to the other doctor for Roulan. Yutong pacing back forth in his panic state "what have you done Wei! he's your own could you do this to him" Mrs. Shen angrily shouted on Wei.

"But mom....What is Wei ge fault in this? Roulan also suffering here..." Xian defending his brother "And because of whom? huh! tell me...." Mrs. Shen scold Xian and other look at his husband....who try to calm his worried brother.

Later doctor come and give them a bad new.....about Yao's miscarriage. Yutong's world goes upside down and he run to see his wife.....other family members also go behind Yutong. Shenwei wipes his eyes and come to see Yao. "my baby! Yutong..... I loose my" Yao crying in Yutong's arm. Shenwei come there and apologize for his harsh move.....he didn't know it would happen.

Yao looked at Wei "Will my dead child, come back because of your sorry? Tell me Wei? Answer me...." Yao question make Shenwei more hurt....he only cry standing there "you always stand for him, fight for him.....but in return what Wei give to you, pain.... sorrow...." Mrs. Shen come close to Yao "for fight with your parents even you quit talking to us. But what Wei did to you...."

Yao hugs his mother and cry for sometime "mom! what are you talking least you don't talk like t....." Xian interrupt by angry Yao "What did the mother say wrong, Xian? Mother is rightly saying, I have always supported Wei, but today only because of him.....i loose my baby. Grandma was right, you're a bad omen Wei....bad omen!!

Yao harsh word pierces Shenwei's heart "You know the pain of losing a child, then why did you push me? Or you have forgotten.....but remember one thing, God will punish yo...." Yao stop when a nurse come and inform them....that baby is not conscious and she has gone into a coma!!

Everyone who present there shockingly looking at her.....and Shenwei head spin and he fall down on his knees "Ge!!!" Xian run and hold Wei "You were right Yao! look, God has punished me..." Shenwei said then start crying.



One more chapter left, promise! hehe...😅

Thank you so much 💕💕😘

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