Ch. 2

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"" Wei moan with pleasure and his husband smile to see him more hot and sexy than before "what you used to make yourself so sexy and beautiful...!" Yunlan break the kiss and said....Wei pant heavily and looked at Yunlan's handsome face "YOU! Ah lan❤" Wei said and they both smile.... Yunlan pull him in his embrace "then let me make you even" Yunlan interrupt by a sweet voice

"da.....da... play! play!" Roulan said while pulling Yunlan's pant and its make both laugh "go.... play with her.... until i clean the kitchen" Wei said and Yunlan nod his head like a servant "C'mon baby! Let play......!!" Yunlan said and pick Roulan in his arm and run here and there in the backyard.

Sometime later Yunlan got phone call from his office and he had to go..... Yunlan come to Wei and tell him about the phone call. Wei smile and kiss Yunlan's cheek "come soon.... I'll waiting for you" Wei seductively whisper and Yunlan smile widely "okay!" Yunlan said and peck on Wei's lips then go..... Wei chuckle and close the door and again doing his household work.


"What the hell is this chief have been called here to catch the criminal or to roam free?" One senior officer shout on Yunlan..... and throw file on his face, which rises Yunlan's anger.

"you came to me I didn't say, that ask me for help.....and the matter of that my way of working is different, and I already told this thing earlier.....(glaring at the officer) and as far as talking about roaming freely.....then it has nothing to do with you, and if you are having problems then it is and your department go to hell" Yunlan angrily stood up from the chair and kick it, then left from there in his anger.


In Dragon City

"what are you doing......weiying?" Wangji ask to his wife who try to call someone "I'm calling Wei ge! to inform him about Yao ge...." Xian said and again try to call his brother......Wangji come to him hug Xian from behind "I'm happy for them...." Wangji said and Xian smile "you are right lanzhan! after a long time this happiness has come to our house.....and I want to celebrate it" Xian said in his happiness......and Wangji touch Xian belly with his palm

"I'm also want it from you...." Wangji said and Xian turn red.....he pushed his husband and run toward the door "shameless!" Xian smirk and open the door to run away.....meantime, Ru and Yuan come inside and go to Wangji "daddy! teach us skating...." Yuan said and they both drag Wangji with them.....Xian only wink and chuckle to see his husband.

"what are you doing here Yao...?" Mrs. Zhao asked to Yao when she found him in the kitchen "preparing dinner mom....." Yao said while doing his work "oh! dear...... please take care of yourself....and please don't take too much stress, remember what doctor said to you" Mrs. Zhao said and Yao chuckle.

"please mom! you don't take stress.....I'm fine already, I only want to see Roulan.....I don't know why I miss her" Yao said while thinking something "don't worry! Next morning I personally call them and tell them to come back" Mrs. Zhao cares Yao cheek and other become happy. "I want to share this happiness with you Wei....!!" Yao touch his belly and inwardly said.


In Paris

WARNING!!! mature content......

In night time Wei waiting for his husband, and it's already passed 2 o'clock......Wei again check Roulan and come to the kitchen counter, where he doing his office work...... he got call from his friend Evy and they talk for sometime on some artifacts.......which Evy's team members found in a old museum.

They both keep talking and decided to go there and check it..... then Evy ask to Wei about his daughter and husband..... and Wei tell her that everything is fine and he is waiting for his husband. Evy smile and after some talk they cut the call.

Sometime later Yunlan come and Wei open the door.....and about to ask Yunlan.....he kissed Wei suddenly and start devouring him forcefully, first Wei shock but he sense his husband is in bad mood and he let Yunlan do what he wants.

"umm.....uhh" Wei moan and Yunlan break the kiss and let Wei take some air...... Yunlan kiss Wei's neck and leave red mark on it..... "aah....uh.....aahh" Wei again moan and Yunlan trail down while kissing every part of Wei.

Yunlan sit in front of Wei and pull down his pajama pants and start sucking Wei's manhood "ahh.....yu.....uhh....yunlaaaa....aahh" later Wei cum and pant heavily but Yunlan not satisfied yet......he grab Wei hand and drag him to the kitchen counter and he pushed Wei on it......then again do the same.

Yunlan again suck his manhood.....and Wei cum in heavy amount "yun....lan....stop.....ple...ase....I'm tired...." Wei tiredly said but Yunlan pull Wei and make him stand "how dare they.....!" Yunlan said and cup Wei face "they think I'm roaming around.... Xiao Wei, do you also think like that...." Yunlan said and kissed Wei's lips hungrily "ummm.... uuhh....Um" Wei tap on Yunlan's shoulder, when he out of air.......


Hi 😊

Please enjoy while reading......and share your vote comments, which I really need to improve myself ☺

Sorry for my mistake....🙏

Thank you 💕💗

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