Ch. 34

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"Daddy...!!" Yuan entered inside Wangji's cabin and hold his leg in joy "Yuan? What are you doing here....and where's your Mommy?" Wangji worriedly asked and pick his son in his arms "Lanzhan!" Xian also step inside with sad face.....which make Wangji more worry than before.

"Weiying, what happened? Why you here in early something bother you?" Wangji asked in his concern but Xian hug him tightly and start crying.....which make Wangji startled "what's the matter babe? Please tell me.... what happened??" Wangji again asked then Xian told him.

Xian was crying because few days ago he got some tests done.....and from which he came to know that now he can never conceive. All this happened during his first pregnancy, as there was some problem during delivery. "It's okay Weiying....don't cry please! I know you want a baby girl....but see, we have Yuan right, and as parents it's our duty to fulfill his all dr....."


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Knock..... Knock...... Knock......

"Sir! Someone sent this envelope for you...." Ning (Wangji's secretary) knock the door and get Wangji attention.....he look here and there in his cabin and found no one there. Wangji close his moist eyes "leave it...." Wangji said and other place that envelope on the table then take his leave.

Wangji calm himself down then pick that envelope and open it.....he found a video tape. Wangji arch his eyebrows and think of something.....he put that video tape in player and play it.

Video clip~~~~

#Wenchao hovering over Xian body.....and kissing him by force, Xian struggle in his unconscious state....but all in vein. "Hello! Mr. Lan are you? I hope after seeing your sexy wife will definitely curse me or want to kill me. But i tell you one thing....I'm not interested in your wife, I only want your brother in law!

And if you don't want that what happened to Shenwei earlier......doesn't happen to your wife, then you know what to do......bring Shenwei to me and in exchange take your wife. And one more thing, you have only 2 hours left.....!!"#

Wangji break the player in his anger and immediately go to Hong meet Shenwei.


Hong Kong

Wangji come to Hong Kong and directly go to grandpa farm house. On the other side Yao try to contact Xian but.....his number is out of range "Did you talk to Xian?" Shenwei asked seeing Yao in tension "not yet, I don't know why his phone is out of range...." Yao said and again try to call him.

"Maybe he went to meet his friend...." 

"Xian get kidnapped by that Mafia....!!" Wangji step inside the house and said. Yao widen his eyes in shock and looked at Shenwei.....who standing there with blank expression, Wangji fold his hand in front of Wei "please ge! save my wife....he said, if I didn't bring you with me. Then they...mmm...nnn...mmmnnnn....please gege! Help me!!"

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