Ch. 11

142 13 22

Present Day

Shenwei wipes his eyes and smiles "don't think too much and please smile for upcoming happiness! because it's very important for you and your baby" 

Yao smile and Wei asked him about Xian and both boys.....Ru and Yuan. Yao tell him, they all fine and doing preparation of the function..... which held day after tomorrow. Shen Wei smile after listening and Yao stood up "you feed her...I'll be back" he about to go.....Wei pull Yao and tightly hugs him, he kiss Yao's forehead.... and look at standing Yutong "take care of him...." Wei said and Yutong smile with moist eyes. "I'm also sorry! and thank you.... because of you, he finally smile" Yutong said looking at Yao.....who smiling in his brother's embrace.


Random Place


A servant covered in blood was groaning in pain and begging for mercy.....but his master did not have the slightest pity on him, rather he was enjoying seeing him in pain "Xurui darling! Now let it go, and how much will you play with its blood?" Mr. Xurui who stabbing knife in his servant....his wife means aunt Ai said while smoking a cigarette.

"How dare he (pointing at the servant) to give me that invitation card which was come from those Zhao's.....don't you know that he is my enemy! and you came to give me the news of the party happening in my enemy's I had to rewarded you" Mr. Xurui once again stabbed knife in servant's stomach....and he died in agony.

"It is our hobby to play with blood, and soon we will play with someone's life" aunt Ai narrow her eyes toward the voice.... which come from the wet bars. (Image like this 👇)

"My dear son I know what you want to say

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"My dear son I know what you want to say.....and whom you are talking about, but keep one thing in mind....the one we are going to take revenge from him, has a family that loves him more than their life" Mr. Xurui said to Fengjie while wipping his own hands with cloth....he gesture another servant to clean the mess.

"Dad! I know everything about Him.... and I already planned what....when and where do I have to take my first move" Zhujiu entered inside the house and sits on the couch beside his new mom "what you trying to say dear..." aunt Ai asks "don't you worry mother.... soon you will find out what I'm trying to say"

Zhujiu stood up from the couch "let's get ready for the LAST function of Zhao Wei and his family!" Zhujiu smirk and an evil smile plaster on his face.



After feeding Roulan....Shenwei immediately clean the room....then place sleeping Roulan in his bedroom, and go in the kitchen where Yao already making tea for their mother in law....Wei smile and start dinner preparation. Meanwhile, Yunlan come with He Luo and sign his officer to lock her.....inside that room which prepare by Wei.

Yao give tea to Mrs. Zhao and glare at her "what she doing here....?" Yao asked in his angry tone "for interrogation..." Yunlan said while doing something in his cellphone....Yao arch his eyebrows and looked at Shenwei "why you let her in? Have you forgotten because of her......your married life had become hell"

Shenwei clearly seeing worry and tension on Yao's beautiful face....he stop cuting vegetables and place his soft palm on Yao's shoulder "I know that you worry about me.....but please! don't take too much tension, okay!" Shenwei politely said then again doing his work "but ge..."

"Yao! I trust him.....and this is enough for my relationship!" Shenwei again said and Yao sigh "if you okay with this.....then I'm also good with it" Yao said and both brother smile to each other. Yunlan behind Wei and lean a little "bedroom...." Yunlan whisper and after giving smile to Yao he go from there. 

Shenwei think of something then excuse himself....he come inside the bedroom, and look here and there.....and suddenly Yunlan wrap him from behind, then kiss Wei's nape slowly.....which make Wei smile "someone said before....he not going to touch me!" Wei taunt and Yunlan chuckle "then who said.... I'm touching you, it's called kiss! my dear wifey.."

"and what's the difference...?"

"Want to know?" Yunlan asked and Wei nod....Yunlan smirk and sneak inside Wei's pant, and touch Wei's little angel "ahh...Ah lan!" Shenwei hold Yunlan's hand and other retreat his hand "I'm telling you the difference between kiss and touch.." Yunlan said seductively while licking his finger.

Shenwei rolls his eyes and only smile....because he knows very well, if he say anything further...then his beast take it as advantage. Yunlan smile and place his chin on Wei's shoulder "thanks xiao wei......for your kindness" Yunlan said and again sucking Wei's nape "umm......uuhh....don't take advantage of my kindness....otherwise you know the consequences"

Shenwei turn toward Yunlan without breaking the cage.....and place his beautiful arms around Yunlan's neck. Yunlan lean and Wei lift himself little up, then their lips collide with each other.....Yunlan kissed Shenwei's lips gently which later became hot and hungry. Roulan woke up and found her parents eating something very happily......she slowly get off the bed and come close to them.

"I also want to eat....daddy!!" Roulan cutely said and pout her mouth.....both smile after breaking the kiss, Yunlan pick her in his arm "sorry my love! but it's only for daddy, and daddy don't like sharing..." Yunlan wink and Wei shyly look down "but you share my milk...." Roulan cutely complaining and it's make Yunlan widen his eyes.

"guess i have to change my timing..."

"why don't you change your habits..."

Shenwei said and take Roulan in his arms....kiss her pouting mouth "it's okay baby...mama here for you" Wei again kiss her cheek and baby giggle beautifully.



Please enjoy while reading and I'm sorry for my mistake 🙏😘

Thank you 💕💘

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