Ch. 25

145 18 34

In Zhao house...

Everyone comes inside the house and a beautiful lady welcomes them all, but Yao and Xian doesn't like seeing her at all. "Got to know anything about Roulan?" She asked in her concern and Mrs. Zhao tell her everything.....but Xian can't control himself "please! Don't pretend that you care about her....I know you feel happy because, finally my brother's weak relationship is end!!"

Xian shout and left from there in his anger "Xian! Xian....wait....I am sorry about it" Yao also don't like her but he understand the situation....that's why he apologize and go behind his brother. Wang(Yunlan's wife) sadly smile then looked at her mother in law and Mrs. Zhao understand everything.

"Wang! My dear....I'm sorry! Because of this kidnapping we didn't welcome you well.." Mrs. Zhao cares her cheek "please mom, don't say like that... I don't need any welcome here. I just....(get emotional) Excuse me!" Wang excuse herself and go from there.

Mrs. Zhao knew that it was not Wang's fault in whatever was happening, but still they considered Wang as culprit.


"I am dying Yunlan, I have very little time left...."

Hearing the words of Shenwei, it was seems like ground slipped under the feet of Yunlan. he stumbled and about fall Wei hold him "How long will I take care of you? Now get used to taking care of yourself on your own" Shenwei said and Yunlan continuously looking at him....and was just remembering that thing which Yunlan did to Wei, which no husband would ever do to his wife.


"What you like? Handsome!" One beautiful lady sit close to Yunlan and try to seduce him.....but other ignoring her while drinking alcohol nonstop. That lady smirk and sit on Yunlan's lap "after seeing you, it seems that either you are upset or else you are hurt from the heart!" she said and Yunlan sadly chuckle.

"Now, sellers of the body started talking about the heart?" Yunlan taunt and that lady feels bad.....she smile "You are also the heartless person who sells the body......who happily sold his wife because someone else said, he is wrong.....isn't it!?" that lady mock on Yunlan and it's perfectly work on him.

"WHAT THE HELL!!! how dare you to talk to me like bitch!" 

"I am not bitch, that's your wife! who doesn't know the name of the father of his child....!!!"

It was enough to ignite Zhao Yunlan's suppressed anger like a volcano. He immediately took out his gun and pointed it on her head......and about to press the trigger "YUNLAN...!!!" Shenwei hold his hand and pushed him aside then gesture her to go.

"You are angry with me, so why are you taking my anger out on that woman?" Shenwei shout "All this is happening because of you, because of you my life has become hell.....and I know how to make things right..!!!" Yunlan grab Wei's arm harshly and drag him somewhere.

"Leave!! I!" Shenwei struggle to free himself but other forcefully pull him out of the car....then drag Wei in their old apartment (where Maggie was die) 



Yunlan received the call and talk for sometime....then he cut the call and think of something. Zhao looked at Wei "can you help me?" Yunlan asked to Shenwei "Are you sure about this Chief..." Wei said and Zhao only nod then go from there with him.

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