Ch. 12

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"Yao! We have to go back.....Wangji needs some help" Yutong said but Yao don't want to go....because Wei didn't say he coming or not. Yutong understand his feeling....but he can't force Shenwei to come with them. Mrs. Zhao also want Wei to join the party....but she also scare what if Wei reject it and never ever talk to them.

Yutong sigh and hold his mother's hand "mom I know, you and everyone what want....but you already know that it's impossible, and we can't force him" Mrs. Zhao sadly smile while nodding her head "I wish....I could change the time, so it's never hap...." Mrs. Zhao's word cut by a sarcastic voice.

"If the time has to change, then get your son married least you won't have to see the wretched appearance of Shenwei" Shengfu come there and her arrival shocked Mrs. Zhao....she tremble and hold Yao's hand for support "Mom!" Yao confusedly looking at her and Shengfu "NAINAI...."

Yutong said and Yao understand everything....he looked at her with annoyance "why you here mother?" Mrs. Zhao asked in her shocked state "Jun! my dear are you?" Shengfu pretend to be nice to her daughter "stop it mother....and just answer me, why you are here and why you scold Shenwei...." Mrs. Zhao shout which make other couple come there hurriedly.

"Mom what happened..." Yunlan asked to her and Wei also worriedly stand there....but other only looked at Shengfu....Yunlan turn toward that way, where Mrs. Zhao looking "you again..." Yunlan coldly said....Shengfu smirked then come close to Yao "you are Yutong's wife right....and I'm not mistaken, you're pregnant!"

Shengfu said and Yao first looked at his husband....then slowly nod. Shengfu smile and hugs him dearly "god bless dear! and I I pray to God, that he once again blessed you with baby boy... not like your brother Shenwei....who can't even able to give Yunlan a.....HEIR!" Shengfu taunt and Yunlan growl.

"JUST SHUT UP!!!! how dare you to talk about my wife...." Yunlan grab her neck and tighten his grip "ahem!!...." Shengfu start coughing and struggling "Yunlan....No!" Shenwei immediately go there and tried to pull Yunlan. "Ge! leave her....stop it...don't do this...." Yutong also try....Yunlan angrily looked at him "if it's about Yao...then what you do..." Yunlan word make Yutong stop.

He leaves his angry brother hand then look at panic Yao....he hold him in his embrace and soothe him. Yunlan leave her then look back at his mother "please mom...I'm not going to repeat myself, you go from here...and about the party (looking at Wei) we will come directly to the party" Yunlan said then again turn back at Shengfu.

"And you....what you say, heir.... second marriage....hmm! give me one reason that I am not shooting you" Yunlan take out his gun "Yunlan please...i know she did wrong, but don't do" Mrs. Zhao knows very well, that if she does not stop his son....then today he will kill his grandmother.

"Please! Ah lan!!"

Yunlan grit his teeth then sigh deeply....he look at Shenwei then Shengfu "I love him so much! If I had to get married again, I would have done it before.....but I don't want to leave Wei because, I can't live without him....he's my soul. Without him I can't imagine myself" Yunlan come close to Wei....who looking at him with moist eyes.

Yunlan place kiss on Wei's forehead....and other close his eyes, then tear rolls down on his cheek "in passing years i've done so wrong with him. But he never complain to me and silently bear everything.....and you say that, I should leave Wei..." Shenwei hide his face in Yunlan's neck.....while sobbing. "Get out!! from here....." Yunlan shout and Shengfu glare at him "soon! soon you will regret for your words...." then she left angrily.


Dragon City

"A-Xian, don't worry we will reach at the right time..."

"I know Shijie! okay I'll talk to you later...lots of work I have to finished..."

Xian cut the call after talking to his cousin Jiang Yanli....then he start checking all the preparation of the party. One servant come and inform him about Mrs. Zhao and other arrival....Xian become happy and rush toward them...but he stop seeing only three of them "Ge? where's Wei ge...." Xian asked to Yao and other only give him light smile.

"They coming tomorrow directly in the party...." Yutong said and sit on the couch....Yao and Mrs. Zhao also sits and servant give them water "means....Wei ge is coming right?" Xian asked in teary eyes...Yao hold his hand and nod "he forgive me.....and promise to me, he come tomorrow..." Yao said and both brother embrace each other....then cry for sometime in their happiness.

Wangji come and asked what happened in Paris.....Yutong tell him everything and Wangji also become happy...he also miss his brother. Later they all enjoying their dinner while talking to each other happily....Xinci smile and hold his wife's hand "you happy?" Mrs. Zhao smile at her husband and other inwardly thanking God for this happiness.


Morning comes and everyone gather at the breakfast table....Xian and Yao placing breakfast "did check all guest list?" Wangji asked to his secretary Ning and other telling him....what he did or not. "Is our name in that guest list or not?" Zhao Yunlan entered inside the house.....making everyone shocked and speechless.

"Da ge!" Wangji run to hugs his brother and Yunlan did the same "dad.." Yunlan break the embrace and hugs his father "how are you son....?" Xinci asked with moist eyes "handsome aa ever..." then they all laugh....Xian look here and there but didn't his brother, he greet him Yunlan and asked where is Wei?

Zhao smile and gesture him to go outside....Xian and Yao both run outside the house and found Shenwei....who picking his sleeping daughter in his arm "Wei mama.....!!" Ru and Yuan shout in their happiness and run toward Shenwei.....then start circling his leg "Wei ge?" Xian run and hugs his brother dearly.

Both brothers were crying.....because after two years later, they both met with each other.....Yao also can't control himself and hugs them and then start crying. Shenwei wipes their eyes "how are you Xian? Let me see you....(looking top to bottom) you look perfect" Wei said and Xian smile "and you are still angel...who always bring happiness!"

"And what about us?" Both boys pout cutely and Shenwei kisses their cheeks "I'm sorry...please forgive me" Wei said and both giggle "! eat!" Roulan rub her eyes "meimei!!" both again shout and take Roulan one by one "wow! she's so cute...just like Wei mama" Yuan said "!" Roulan cutely said and both smile ear to ear.


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