Ch. 28

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Ming house....

Grandpa Shen comes back from his business tour.....and he comes to know about Shenwei's condition and those situations which he gone through.


"I am ashamed to call you my son. Didn't I take good care of you? that you treated your own son so badly...." grandpa slapped Ming and angrily shout on him "Didn't you have any pity on that poor person? Didn't you love Wei in the slightest? (looking at Ming) not as a father but atleast as a human being"

Grandpa Shen shocked and hurt at the same time after hearing about Shenwei....he never imagined that his poor grandchild suffer like that. Mrs. Ming did not like the behavior of his father-in-law at all. she protest and blame Wei for everything. But grandpa tolerance limit has been crossed and he slapped Mrs. Ming.

"you blaming Wei for all of this...but won't you going to ask with your husband.....that what he did to HIM!" grandpa shout and Mrs. Ming look at her husband with frowned face. "M...Ming...?" She clearly saw the guilt on his face "I'm sorry! I am really very sorry..!!" Ming feeling so guilty and then grandpa asked where is Shenwei??



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It's been a 40 minutes and some doctors team discuss on Shenwei's report.....with Wang and Yao, inside the meeting room. And a heartless man called Zhao Yunlan....standing at the glass door with moist eyes and try to figure out....what's going on there.

Some minutes later one of the doctor come out from the room holding a paper "who is the guardian of the patient?" Doctor said and Yunlan asked what happened? then doctor tell him that they need Wei's parents or guardian signature on this surgery paper.....because If something happens to Shenwei, then the hospital has nothing to do with it.

Doctor said and Yunlan take the paper and about to sign it "Who are you, for my grandson?" Grandpa Shen come with his family.....and go straight toward Yunlan then snatch that paper from his hand.....while glaring at him "I'm his grandfather....where you need my signature?" Grandpa asked then sign the paper and gave back to doctor.....other left hurriedly for preparation of Shenwei's critical surgery. 

"Grandpa..." Xian hugs him and start crying "I'm here my child....don't cry" Yao also come out the room and crying seeing his grandfather "grandpa! Wei ge.....*sob* my brother*sob* it's all my fault...*sob* *sob* I so sorry....mmmm.....nnnnmmmm" Xian cried while holding his grandfather.

nnnnmmmm" Xian cried while holding his grandfather

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