Ch. 27

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"Doctor....! Doctor...!!" one nurse come running toward Wang and tell her.....Shenwei get conscious but groaning in stomachache. Wang immediately go to see him following by Yao and Xian....but Zhao Yunlan still stand on his place like a statue, he confused after listening his new wife..... Lots of unwanted thought and questions roses in his heart.

And without wasting second he run behind Wang......then stop her by holding her arm "what you mean by come you know about everything? And if you knew that....then why didn't you tell me?" Yunlan asked her lots of questions in one go....but Wang swat his hand and rush toward Wei "will talk about this later...."

"If anything happens to my brother

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"If anything happens to my brother....then remember one thing, your whole family will pay for this...." Yao threaten Yunlan then go from there.


Wang step inside the room and found Wei sitting on the hospital bed.....and looks pale like a corpse "Wei?" Wang sit beside him then hold his hand "how are you feeling?" Wang politely asked....Shenwei look at her.

"Will my babies survive or not...?"

"I have talked to another doctor he is a very good surgeon..." Wang try to control her emotion.

"Will my babies survive or not...??"

"You will be fine after surgery and can live your life comfortably..." She still trying.

"WILL MY BABIES SURVIVE OR NOT....???" Shenwei shout out of his lungs and Wang broke down "NO! I'm sorry.....I'm so sorry!!" Hearing Wang's word.....Wei close his eyes and take a deep breath "how much time left?" Wei asked and Wang look at him with angry expression....she slapped Wei then shout on him "how much time left.... are you out of your mind!! What kind of mother you are...?

"Don't you feel bad....I told you don't do this....don't put your life in danger...but see, what have you done to yourself. I warn you, don't do this....but you do. I warn you, take good care of yourself...but you won't. Can I ask you why you do this to yourself.... don't you love yourself? Don't you care about it?" Wang angrily shouted and Shenwei chuckle.

"Ha! Care....Love....It's all book stuff. The fact is that I was unwanted, I am and always will be! there is no place for me in this know what Wang! if somehow I died, then no one will be going to fake cry on my funeral. I struggle my whole life to finding love and care....But all these things were not written by God on my part. That's why I never got it, there was only pain in my part, which God had grant me"

Shenwei slowly stood up then come at the window "my grandmother always ignore me.....never talk to me, but on my wedding day....she come to visit me. I'm shocked that time...never expect this from her. She come close to me and cares my face.....for the first time in my life, otherwise she only touch me when she slapped me..." Shenwei look back at Wang.

"And guess what...she hugged me dearly and then give me her blessings....after that I start crying silently, because just like I said....never expect this from her. And you know, what she said in her blessings....she said. ~~I pray that after marriage your life becomes worse than before and suffer for the rest of your life~~

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