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Time pass but baby didn't get conscious.....Shenwei had become like a living corpse.....he used to wait for his daughter to regain consciousness every day, but it never happened. Wei was completely broken from inside, he did not expect anything now, he was only afraid of one thing, if Yunlan would come to know about this.....then he will surely kill him.

And his fear come in front of him when Mrs. Zhao call Yunlan and tell him everything....what happens in passing days. Zhao furiously come there and first he go to meet doctor for Roulan....then Yao and Yutong. He apologize for his wife mistake....and after that he come to see his daughter.

After seeing Yunlan Shenwei's breath got stuck in his throat....and he hurriedly left the room. Yunlan didn't bother to stop him.... later he contact with others doctors and discuss about his daughter health and condition. Doctors tell Yunlan they have to do a surgery.....because Roulan's lungs has blocked....and only surgery can fix it.

(A/N:- i don't know much about this....i only imagine about this lungs problem. So read it for entertaining purpose..... 🙏)

Yunlan agree for this, but doctor need signature of Roulan's parents....on surgery paper, and Wei denied for doing this.....Yunlan asked to him why? Then Shenwei said, if he touch the paper.....then might be something happens to Roulan. Shenwei is totally broke.....and Yunlan shockingly looking at him......Zhao come close to Wei but other shiver and hurriedly.....knee down in front of Yunlan.

"I know....i....i...did's please.....d...don't's only four...months.....and" Shenwei said in his cries.....make Yunlan more shocked than before.

" can! I.....happily.... accept.....bbbut.....ple.....ase....please....Don....t....make me su....suffer(holding Yunlan's leg) i kill Yak's baby!! I always think.....that I'm only a.....bad omen, but in reality.....I'm a murderer....who not only kill his own child.....but others too!!" Shenwei said in his broken soul, and become silent....then suddenly start laughing.... like a maniac.

"Xiao Wei?.......Xiao Wei...???"

Yunlan is terrified seeing Wei's condition, he seeks help from the doctor and they told him that Wei suffer with some kind of mental pressure.....that's why it's happened. Zhao already knew why his beloved suffer with mental issues. Soon Shenwei get conscious and after much persuasion he agreed to sign on paper..... after that Doctors start their work immediately....and Wei went to the apartment.

Shenwei pack his belongings and suddenly someone throw....a toy in Wei's bag, Shenwei turn and found his daughter....playing on the bed while throwing her toys, here and there....Wei can't control himself and immediately pick Roulan in his arm and hugs her dearly....while kissing her, but Wei startled when his phone ring.

Shenwei look here and there and found no one around Wei only sees his empty hand on which only his tear drop...he stumble and sits on the couch.....while looking at his phone screen, which having Roulan's wallpaper. Shenwei silently crying seeing his beloved daughter....Wei never want this for her, but his dark shadow ruin everything. 3 hours later Yunlan call him and tell....Roulan is out of danger.

And also asked did he pack his belongings or not....Shenwei only hummed then cut the call. He smile a little after hearing the news....Wei wipes his eyes and go from there when Yunlan come to pick him....they reach at Zhao house, and Yunlan gesture Wei to come with him....Shenwei silently follow him behind.

Everyone including Yunlan's in law also there....seeing Shenwei with his luggage Mrs. Shen said, she won't take Wei with her.....Because there is no forgiveness for the sin that Wei has done to Yao. Shenwei looked at his mother....with swollen and moist eyes.

"But....Mom my daugh..."

"Shut up! It's all happens because of you....just because of you!" Mrs. Shen angrily shouted and Yutong who silently bear everything.... finally his anger erupt and once again Shenwei's tagged with lots of titles. Shenwei close his eyes and stand still.... bearing every hurtful word of Yutong "MIND YOUR LANGUAGE.... YUTONG!! don't forget that he's my...WIFE" Yunlan shout back for defending his wife.

Shenwei turn to look his husband....he hold Yunlan's hand and stop him....Yunlan grit his teeth then tell them....he was not here for talking to them, he only come to tell them....he going France with his family and only come here to say goodbye.

Mrs. Zhao try to stop him but Yunlan said, if he stay here for a few second...then definitely they all kill Shenwei with their harsh word....


Later Zhao come Paris (city of love 💕) and meet with another doctor....and ask about Roulan health. Doctor check her and problem have no cure, and it's possible for her to suffer sometimes with breathing problem.

But doctor also tell him....if he take good care of her, then she live her life safe and healthy. Yunlan do exact what doctor suggested him....but Shenwei didn't pay any attention toward Roulan. He maintain his distance from his daughter.....don't wanna hurt the little soul.

Yunlan tried hard to convince Wei but he was not ready to accept it.....and said if he not saved Wei at the time of Roulan's birth.....then she would not have been suffering from this breathing problem today. Because anyone believes or not it's all happens just because of Wei's dark shadow.

Zhao didn't say anything and quit forcing Shenwei....and do everything all alone, one month passed and Shenwei still the same...he do every household work but nothing do for day Yunlan got phone call from his office...for an emergency, it's morning so Yunlan immediately get dressed and go.

Shenwei doing laundry....and he heard Roulan crying, Wei hurriedly come and found baby is woke up and crying for milk....Shenwei call Yunlan but other didn't receive his call, which make Wei more worry than before. And on the other side Roulan cry louder than before....Wei try to control himself, because he feels pain in his chest....and his milk started increasing which make his cloth wet.

Shenwei sits at the bedroom door while covering his ear....and crying heavily. In night time Yunlan return and found a deadly silent spread inside the house....Zhao look here and there and found no one...he become frightened. He take out his phone and about to call Shenwei....he founded Wei's missed calls. Yunlan breathe become heavy and he dial Wei's number.

But he stop and turn back....Yunlan go backward and widen his eyes in shock.... he's eyes become moist to seeing the view. Shenwei humming a song while feeding their beloved daughter Roulan! and baby happily enjoying her mama's milk. Shenwei feels like someone looking at him...he turn and found Yunlan stand there.

Shenwei smile and without wasting any other second....Yunlan come and embrace them in his arms "thank you! Xiao Wei!!" Yunlan said and Wei smile with his moist eyes "thank you for.... believing on me, and i promise... from today i never do anything which hurt you and Roulan" Shenwei kiss Yunlan's cheek and look at their sleeping angel...who enjoying her mama's warmth!!


Please enjoy while reading....and I'm sorry for my mistake 🙏

Thank you ❤️

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