Ch. 24

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Present day....

Zhao reaches at the hotel where he got the news of Wenchao's existence. He searched every single rooms of the hotel and finally found him with his lover. Yunlan angrily grab Wenchao by his neck....and drag him out of the hotel half naked and cold.....he throw him on the road and crouch down in front of him. Yunlan's one knee touched the ground....and on the other, he rest his elbow while holding baby Roulan's picture.


Yunlan asked in his hoarse voice....which make other shiver. He shook his head but Yunlan shoot him on his leg "aaahhhh.....hhhh!!" Wenchao groan in pain then Yunlan asked the same question....but this time Wenchao open his mouth and tell him that....he don't know about she.

But his mother knows about her because she want revenge from Yunlan.....Zhao asked who and why his mother wants revenge from him.....then he laugh like a maniac and whisper close to Yunlan's ear "Ai.....!!!!" Yunlan greet his teeth in anger and again shoot on Wenchao's another leg.....then he sign his officer arrest him and take him to the police station.

then he sign his officer arrest him and take him to the police station

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Meantime, Yunlan got call from Paris.....that He Luo has been killed by someone. He shocked after listening and asked how it's happened? Then that officer who eyeing on her....He told that someone had come during the night and hit on his head from behind.

Then what happened after that, he does not know anything, when he gets conscious in next morning he found her dead. Yunlan cut the call....he was now more troubled than before, first his daughter was kidnapped and now the news of He Luo's death. "Shenwei ah!......why you do this to me!!" Yunlan mumble to himself then dial someone number and go from there.


Meanwhile in the hospital Shenwei look back at the window.....he slowly come close to the window " Ah lan!!" Wei faintly mumble while touching his belly......Shenwei knew that Yunlan is angry on him, hate him but his heart.....only beat for Yunlan. Because no one has done as much love and respect as Yunlan has given to Wei. It was only because of Yunlan that Wei felt his existence in this world was not that bad.

"Ge? what happened....did you hurt somewhere?" Yao asked in concern "the person who gives pain does not feel pain.." Yunlan coldly said stepping inside the room "Good thing, at least you have faith on my pain...." Shenwei talk like a lifeless person.....and Yunlan only looking at him with hate "why you still here? I don't need you...just get out from he...."

"I've called him!"

Zhao interrupt by Xinci "dad! But why...?" Yunlan shockingly asked "Whoever has spoiled, will make it.... isn't it?" Xinci said looking at Wei "dad it's not ge's fault...please listen to me" Xian said and Xinci turn his gaze at him.....then Wangji "I already know why! and who! do that what....but this time Roulan is our first priority" Xinci said.

"You're right dad, and I also come with you. But how we find her..?" Yutong asked and Xinci tell him...that whatever happens with them's only because of his sister Ai. Everyone get shocked after hearing her name again....except Yunlan and Shenwei. "What she want from us now.." Mrs. Zhao asked "REVENGE! Cause I killed her lousy kids...."

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