Ch. 7

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"Please! don't cry..... it's not good for you and not for your bab.......I mean, please don't hurt yourself" Wei again gently said. Yao grab Wei's hand and Wei hurriedly pulled back "don't touch me! It's not good for you...." Wei give water to Yao "wash your hands immediately..... please!" Wei said and Yao feels uneasy.....he cover his mouth and run to the washroom....Yao vomit and Wei shiver badly while seeing him.

"I told you to not touch me....but you didn't listen to me....(looking at Yutong) take Yao from here immediately" Wei said in his fear "Wei! it's not what you thinking.... it's common in pregnancy" Mrs. Zhao try to make him understand.

"mom please! I don't wanna take another blame on me.... please go from here, as soon as possible.... please!!" Shen Wei fold his hands in front of his mother in law.

Yao wipe his mouth and crying while listening Wei's word.....he come out and looked at Wei face, which is still emotionless.

Ding Dong!

Doorbell rang and Wei go to open the door.....he open it and found Yunlan stand there with Rose bouquet and box of chocolate "I'm homee....' Yunlan stumble when Wei hugs him suddenly and start crying.....which make Yunlan startled "what happened Wei.....why you crying" Yunlan panickingly asked but Wei only sobbing while mumbling "they'"

Yunlan sigh deeply and asked where are they.....Wei tell him they all inside. Yunlan wipes his wet eyes and give Wei soft kiss to calm him down....and it work, Shen Wei feels relaxed and calm.

Yunlan come inside and smile to see them "what a pleasant surprise...." Yunlan said and hugs his mother "how are you my child..." Mrs. Zhao ask and Yunlan smile to her then he turn to Yutong and congrats him and Yao. They both also smile and Yunlan sense something....and he didn't get any other second to guess what happened here.

"So what's bring you here....." Yunlan said and Yutong tell him.....Mrs. Zhao want to see both of you, that's why they come here. "excuse me sir! I need your help...." one officer come and Yunlan nod.

"is there any problem.....?" Wei looking confusedly at them "she's in the car...." Yunlan said and Wei understand everything.....he smile "let me prepare room for her....." Wei go inside and Yunlan go with office.


Dragon City

"Lanzhan! Lanzhan! did you listening to me or not..." Xian shout while folding clothes and Wangji rolls his eyes "I'm listening....Weiying!" Wangji checking some files and talking without looking at his whining wife "then why didn't you let me go with them..?" Xian want to go Paris, to meet his dear brother....whom he has not met for the last two years. "Because I know....if you go there, then you make the situation worse"

" What you mean...?" Xian pout and Wangji sigh deeply then place the file on the table....he come close to his angry wife and pulled him in his arms "my furious love! you already know what's happened between them (Yao & Wei) two years ago, and I want them to solve this their own is on" Wangji said and place kiss on other's pouting lips.

"But I want to meet Wei ge! because I know him....he never come back again here" Wangji feels hurt seeing Xian sad face.....but he know that Xian is right after what happened between them two.... it's really hard for Wei to come back.


In Paris

"what's the matter...." Yunlan asked "actually sir! she said that...she won't get off the car until you come" that officer said and Yunlan grit his teeth in his anger..... then come close to He Lou.

"What your problem.....Why you creating scene here"

"I am not! I only trust you Yunlan.....No one else"

He Lou said and Yunlan angrily grab her wrist.... then drag her out of the car "ahh.... yunlan! you hurting me...... why you behaving like this, you don't have heart" He Lou said and Yunlan slapped her hard..... which make other looked at him shockingly.

"You are only a criminal.... and I Zhao Yunlan have no heart for person like you!!" Yunlan said and push her harshly and go from there.....He Lou bump with that officer and angrily looking at him.

"Walk...!" that officer said and start walking while dragging He Lou.


Shen Wei preparing room for He Lou(I don't know why weiwei is nice to everyone...🙄😅) Yao come inside the room and found Wei busy in cleaning....Yao come behind Wei and hugs him "I'm sorry!!!! please...I'm so sorry....I know I hurt you most! And there's no forgiveness for the mistake I've made!! slap me if you want but please don't take me away from you i won't be able to live....I will die!" Yao said in his cries while hugging Wei and other widen his eyes....and turn back at Yao.



I'm sorry for my mistake 🙏 please enjoy while reading...🥰

Thank you ❤️

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