Ch. 19

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Present day

"Weiying....? Weiying....?? Please listen to me, don't hurt yourself like know that I can't bear your tear. It's hurts me...."

"If it's really hurt you....then you never do this to me and my brother!"

Wangji try to calm Xian who cried on the bed.....while hiding his face in pillow. Wangji sigh and cares his back "please babe! Don't cry....look, I'm sorry! please!!" Wangji calmly said and Xian turn his head toward his husband...who sitting beside him. He looked at Wangji worry face "You know that all this happened to Wei ge because of me, yet you spoke against him..."

Xian said and Wangji look down.... because he knows very well that he do a grave mistake....not telling anything to his angry brother Zhao Yunlan. "If Wei ge had not helped me at that time, then I would have been in his place today!!!" Xian cover his face while crying heavily.

"I have made a mistake Xian.....but you tell me what I would do, everything happened so quickly that I didn't even get a chance and.....Yunlan ge had already made his decision" Wangji word make other stop for a moment "you're right! finally! your brother make my Wei ge.....prostitute!! And it's all because of me.....only me...."

Xian crying while slapping himself and Wangji only try to....stop this madness!!!


On the other side....Yao packing his belongings for leaving the house "Yao? Cat....listen to me! Please don't do this, don't take any decision in your anger babe! Please! Stop...." Yutong stand in front of the door and try to stop him "Get away from the door Yutong, now I can't stay here in this house for even a minute and not at all with a mean man like you" Yao pushed him and go dragging Ru with him.

"Mama...! Daddy...??" Ru crying to seeing them fighting to each other....other family members also come there and shocked to see the view. "Yao? baby...what are you doing? Please sweetheart don't go..." Mrs. Zhao said in her cries "why are you stopping If you had to stop, you would have stopped your son Yunlan who kicked my brother out of the house and......" Yao stop and start crying.

"Ge?" Xian hugs his brother tightly "please don't leave me here....i don't wanna stay here anymore..." Xian sob in his brother arm....Yuan also become frighten and cried while holding Ru. "stop this nonsense Weiying....look, Yuan is scare, please! I'm begging you..." Wangji become worry.

"Yao! Xian! what a spectacle you both have doing here? don't forget that, it's your in laws house!" Mrs. Ming scold both of them "Mom, you just keep quiet, you are also responsible for whatever is happening today!" Yao shout back on his mother.

Xinci listening everything....he feels so helplessness today, he never wanted that there should be any fight between his kids.....but everything was ruined. Xinci curse himself that why he marrying his son with Shenwei.

"Why you do this to me....Shenwei! Why son? Why?....." Xinci inwardly think "Ahhh....!!" meantime Yao scream in pain which make everyone worry for him.


Brothel Club

Shenwei stir and open his eyes....he blink couple of times to clear his vision, but widen his eyes in shock....when he found a man sleep beside him naked. Shenwei slowly turn his gaze and looked at himself, he shiver when found that man is still inside him.

"Aahh....!!" Shenwei scream and try to push that man....other also hiss because of sudden action of Wei. "How dare you to touch me!!" Shenwei slapped that man hard "you're a prostitute and I pay for you..." that man said and again force on Wei "" meantime, that prostitute come and pulled that man away from Shenwei.

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