Ch. 32

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Xinci and Yunlan arrive at the hospital then asked to a ward boy "where is Dr. Wang..?" He send tell them in the parking lot.....where he saw her 1 hour ago. They both go there but found nothing "where is she...?" Xinci mumble and Yunlan look at his father with frown face "now what happened to you?"

"You have brought me here for this nonsense?" Yunlan said in annoyance "what do you mean by nonsense? She's your idiot brat!" Xinci scold him but Yunlan didn't pay any attention, only rubbing his nape while looking at cellphone. "Atleast, take care of her.....because what you have done to Shenwei! no one will do this to his enemy, which you did to your innocent wi..."

"Stop it dad! I'm not interested in your lectures.....and one more thing, whatever happens between me and X...(Yunlan pause for a moment) S...S...SShenwei! It's none of your business" Yunlan feels like his throat become dry.....when he try to speak Shenwei name. But somehow he manage then go.

"Where'er you going..? and what about Wang?" Xinci try to stop him "You guys tied her around my neck, I didn't say I wanted to get married! And anyway, the work for which Wang married me is no longer for her to do, so I don't care if she is here or not.....and one more thing, if you do care about her then do whatever you want....I don't care!!"

Saying this Yunlan left from there leaving guilty Xinci behind

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Saying this Yunlan left from there leaving guilty Xinci behind....because Yunlan is not completely wrong, his family members is also involve in that crime.....which they do to Shenwei.



"There is no time for....hello and hi! Just listen to me carefully Mr. Zhao Xinci, your daughter in law is in my possession.....or if you want her alive then do what I say to you" one person called Xinci and warn him then told something and cut the call......Xinci hurriedly dial Yunlan's number but other switch off his cellphone.


In Hong Kong restaurant

Shenwei waiting for someone in the restaurant with his daughter.....but he shocked when his daughter shouted with joy and run toward a handsome man "dadda......!!" but today he looks so gloomy and broken.

Zhao Yunlan immediately crouch down and pick his daughter in his arms then start kissing her cheeks and forehead......he looked at Shenwei who looking back at him with blank expression, like Yunlan is unknown person and Wei don't know him.

Zhao sits in front of Wei and other take out some money then place on the table and about to leave "I feel hurt Xiao Wei! and want to kill them all, who dare to touch you....." Yunlan said and Wei turn back at him.

Zhao answer of Shenwei's question, which he asked to his husband.....when Yunlan leave him in the brothel club (chapter xx). Shenwei angrily gazing at Yunlan and other stood up then come close to Wei.....he was to say something meantime, a hard slap landed on his light beard cheek! which make Roulan scare and she tightly hold Yunlan's leg.....

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