Ch. 38

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I know, after reading this last chapter, some of you thinks.....why author do this....why not patchup....or maybe why not separation? But guys, I'm helpless while writing this last one....because it's really hard for me to think something  different for this book.

Neither can I let the wrong win nor the truth defeat! That's why I choose something like that for my this book📗📖 I hope you all enjoy while reading.....and forgive me if I hurt you somehow 🙏🥺

Now without wasting your time......please enjoy the story!!


Meantime, Xinci and Mrs Zhao arrive there with police and immediately capture them....but Shengfu play a trick and shot Yunlan "YUNLANNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!" Wei shout and punch Xurui with all his might "aaarrrrhhhhh....rrrrrrhhhh" and other fell on the ground while groaning in pain. Shenwei hold Yunlan and start looking at this wound.

"Don't panic! arrhh....I'm o.....okay.." Yunlan try to bear the pain because he got shot on his arm.....Shenwei tore off his Tshirt 's arm then tie Yunlan's wounded arm stop bleeding "that man done lots of bad things to you! and you still try to save him.....(Wei look down) you think that piece of cloth can save your filthy husband? So it's your misunderstanding....because your daughter life is still in my hands....and after killing him, I kill your daug....AAaHhh...ahhh!"

Shengfu didn't complete her words.....Shenwei take gun from Yunlan's hand and shot on her head "WHATEVER HE DO....HE ALWAYS DO RIGHT! and you want to ruin my dare you!!! This is only shelter which God grant me.....and you try to snatch it, I won't let anyone do that....!!" Shenwei angrily said while embracing Yunlan tightly.

Everyone who present there got shocked with Wei's action "MOM!!!!" Mrs. Zhao run to hold her mother and Xian hold is frightened after seeing her parents, she crying nonstop looking at her parents....and Mrs. Zhao crying holding her mother's lifeless body "why mom...? do this, why!!!" Mrs. Zhao cried while holding her.

"I'm sorry ma! I know, I did wrong to you but.....what would I do, nainai wanted to kill my husband and child. And I can tolerate everything but if someone wants to hurt my family then I will not keep silent...." Shenwei apologize to his mother in law....and other look back at him "You haven't done anything wrong. I was wrong, who tried to snatch your only home(Yunlan) from you.

And my mother also hurt you from the beginning.....(walking towards Wei) try to kill your daughter, but you still apologize to me....(holding hands) Why are you kind to us Wei....? from where do you bring this much kindness....!" Mrs. Zhao feeling guilty and Wei hugs her "first of all....thank you ma, to accepting guy like me.

Because after giving birth to me my parents were throw me out of the house. So thank you for being my mother on that time....when I need her the most!" Mrs. Zhao cares Wei's back lovingly and Shenwei continue "And as far as kindness is concerned, that's how I am! I never had any complaint with anyone, even not at all with Yunlan! because he was the only one who never blame me.

Because from birth, I was blamed for everything.....If the food cooked bad then it's my mistake.....If the business meeting goes bad then it's my mistake......If my brothers get hurt then it's my mistake.....If I like something or someone then it's my mistake.....If I fight for my justice then it's my mistake.....If I want love and respect from my husband! then it's my mistake"

Yunlan eyes goes moist and he close it, feeling so much pain right now....listening pain of Shenwei's heart "in short I'm just a......MISTAKE! but only one person...(looking at Yunlan) only one person never said that I'm mistake.....always stay with me in any situation....(come close) I am not saying that you are not bad, but whoever you are a true human being! you never pretended that you're good.

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