Ch. 14

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As Wei about to complete his word.....meantime, Yunlan's phone start ringing....he stop sucking and receive the phone call. Shenwei suddenly feels jolt in his body....and looked back at his sleeping daughter "No! Wei.... don't hide it from Yunlan, what if once again you lose this....." Wei inwardly think and immediately hold Yunlan's hand.



Yunlan widen his eyes in shock and other only nod his head....Yunlan cut the call and hold Wei's shoulder "is...i...s.....I....mean'm...uhh....ehhh ..going"

"YES! you're going to be father....after five months" Shenwei said and Yunlan become happy...he kissed Wei passionately "thank god! I'm going to be father......In five months.....wait! what? fiv.....five months???" Yunlan looked at Wei with frown face "I try to tell you...but you always busy" Shenwei innocently said.

"So did you intend to tell me after the birth of the baby...?"

"Babies..." Shenwei said and Yunlan widen his eyes "WHAT...?????!!!!" Yunlan shocked and Wei shyly look down....Yunlan only shook his head while chuckling then pull Wei on his lap.....While spreading his legs widen.....Shenwei startled and feel uncomfortable "Yunlan? what you doing....?"

"Giving you punishment..."

"P-Punishment...but why?" Shen become frighten "because you were hiding this from me for four months..." Yunlan said inhaling Wei's sweet....he snuggle his nose in other neck which make Shenwei giggle "umm...Yunlan!.... don't please...." Shenwei whinne and Yunlan peck on his lips "thank you!"

Zhao said in his moist eyes.....Wei smile and place his head no other's chest "I love you....Ah lan!!" Yunlan kisses on Wei's forehead then go from there.


In Party

They all meet with each other and talk happily for sometimes....Mrs. Ming come to Wei and cares his face....Shenwei smile "how are you..." Wei asked in his low voice "I'm good, only worry about Yao..." she said then hold Shenwei's hand "How many days do you have to stay here?" Mrs. Ming asked and Wei smile faded away....he understand what his mother try to say.

"Next morning....Yunlan has too much work, we can't stay for long" Shenwei said then excuse himself....Yunlan talking to other guests and his father's office colleagues. Zhao notice Wei going somewhere, he excuse himself and go behind him.


"Lan Zhan....? Lan Zhan....??" Xian looking for his husband in the party. But other busy talking to his office colleagues....Xian make sad face and went to the wet bar. He asked for water and bartender gave him "good choice! that you only just ordered water, because you yourself a drug! who can easily kill anyone..."

"Excuse me...!?"

Xian angrily said and that person come close to him....then start flirting with him. Xian don't like the way he talks....he ignore that person and about to go, that person hold Xian's wrist. "Where you trying to escape? sweetheart!" that person said and Xian slapped him "don't you dare touch me!!!"

But that person fume in his anger and pulled Xian by his waist "give me a kiss darling...." Xian struggle to free himself but other stronger than him "leave me....I...I....say...!!" that person smirk and about to kiss Xian....Wangji come and pull his wife behind his back, then give him a hard punch on his ugly face.

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