Ch. 37

142 9 15

*sob* *sob* *sob*

*sob* *sob* *sob* *sob*

"Please! Shenwei...don't cry.."


"babe listen to me...."

"DON'T!! I don't wanna talk to're a very bad person! VERY-VERY BAD PERSON! didn't you feel shame on yourself when you rape me...."

"I do! But..."

"but WHAT....?? Don't try to fool me, I know you very well....You always do this to me. Have you ever wondered what would I feels after these actions of yours? You never changed!! You always do this....even you try to force me on our first night!!! then again and again....and again" Shenwei cried while holding his both babies.

Yunlan also crying seeing Shenwei hurt.....he remember that day when they get married and just like Wei said.....Yunlan try to force him.


Abandoned factory

That lady warn her guard then she go from there....after looking here and there. But she stopped and look at those crates where Ru was hidden.....Ru immediately sit down and she take out her gun then start walking straight toward those crates.

Ru become frightened and tear start gathering in his eyes......he close his eyes in his fear while holding his cellphone "daddy..!!" Ru inwardly said and that old lady about to look behind it *Rrrrrr....Rrrrrr!!!!* meantime phone rings which make her stop at her place......she look behind and see that guard holding his cellphone.

She rolls her eyes and gesture him stay alert then leave from there. Ru take a deep breath then wipe his sweat full face.....he again peek behind the crates and found that guard.....guarding the room door while talking to someone on the phone.

Ru sit back again then start thinking how to rescue Roulan.....because that guard is looking strong enough and Ru is only 7. He looked at his thin biceps and sigh deeply "why it's not like daddy..!?" Ru pout then text someone immediately.



Eight years ago.....

"Wow! It's your room?" Shenwei asked looking here and there in the room.....and Yunlan nod with smile "Yup, you like that...?(Wei happily nod) see, I choose everything according your taste" Yunlan said "thank you! It's really beautiful...." Shenwei feels so fortunate.....he never thought that anyone would ever care for his like-dislike.

Shenwei get emotional and look down for hiding his tear......he close his eyes then take a deep breath. Zhao notice "is there anything you don't like?" Yunlan gently asked while embracing Wei from behind "No, everything is's just....I am not used to much love" Wei sadly said and Yunlan make other turn.

"So get used to it, because after today you will never lack for love!" Yunlan said then slowly kisses Wei's soft lips "!" Wei moan beautifully then pushed Yunlan.....when Zhao's hand sneak inside Wei's pant "why you push me..?" Yunlan frown and Wei giggle "not now....I'm tired" Wei about to go Yunlan grab his wrist and pull him.

By force which make other stumble and fall on the bed having Yunlan on top "allow me to reduce your tiredness..." Yunlan seductively whisper and Wei shyly smile then close his eyes.....Zhao smirk then open other shirt button and slowly licking and sucking Wei's neck.....leaving some lovely hickeys.

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