Ch. 26

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All family members come and take Roulan in their arms one by one with love and care....but baby wants something else, she looking for her mother in her sobbing.....and she found Wei standing far from everyone and talking to her daddy.

"It's time to leave..."

"But where will you go?"

"You would have stopped me first, but you asked the address of that place where I'm going..." Shenwei said and Yunlan feels guilty.....he apologize but Wei didn't bother to say anything to him. Zhao looking at Wei's face without blinking, like he try to find something....but don't know what exactly that is. He think of something and open his mouth.

"Th....Thank you!" Yunlan hesitantly said but Wei didn't say anything, only smile....then go from there without saying anything "mama!" Shenwei's feet get freeze on the spot when he heard.... Roulan sweet voice. Shenwei get emotional but he control himself and was to take his step ahead....Roulan hold his leg then start crying.

"" without wasting any second Wei pick her in his embrace "Ssh...don't cry sweetheart! Look, mama is here....please don't cry!!" Wei soothe his sobbing daughter "mama! I'm hungry...." Wei close his moist eyes.....he knew that if he stopped, he would never be able to leave his daughter again.

"Mama!? are Roulan's mother?" Wang confusedly looking at Shenwei.....and other also looking at her with confusion "Wang? What are you doing here...?" Wei asked and Wang looked at Yunlan.....Wei looked at them both then understand everything.

Shenwei slowly take his step toward Yunlan and stand front of him "You know, my life was like a curse. Due to which not only me but others also had to face trouble......then I got married with you and my curse turned into pain. I struggled all my life and I'm still struggling today" Wei looking into Yunlan's eyes.

"Every parent gives love and blessings to their child......and I just got only taunts and hatred, but I never demanded for anything else.....because I knew no one ever has anything for me. But from you, YES! Zhao Yunlan, from you I had expected only trust.....but you did not consider it necessary to give that too, so what does it matter now?"

Shenwei said with his moist eyes "In your presence Yunlan! they did wrong to me, then what is the need of this incomplete relationship

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Shenwei said with his moist eyes "In your presence Yunlan! they did wrong to me, then what is the need of this incomplete relationship......(taking off his ring) I free you from this unwanted relationship" Wei place his wedding ring on Yunlan's hand "Wherever you are, be happy and take care of our..... Pardon! i mean your daughter! take care of her. And one thing....(wiping eyes) never tell her about me, because I don't wanna see disgust in her eyes for me..."

Shenwei said and about to go "Ge! What are you doing.... please don't do this.....she needs you more than anyone please! Wei ge I'm begging you don't do this.... don't go!!" Xian and Yao try to stop Shenwei.....but poor broke soul didn't listen to them. 

"mmmnn...nnn....mama! mama! nnmmm......mmmnnn mama!!" Wei heard Roulan's crying, now it was clear that he not going to leave her again "you hungry?" Wei wipe her wet eyes and place kiss on her forehead....which make baby calm "don't go....mama!" Roulan snuggle in Wei's chest.

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