Ch. 6

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Shen Wei stop his car in front of ice-cream parlour.....he get off the car first and then pick Roulan in his arm.....and walk inside the parlour after locking the car door. Shen Wei take a table and make sit Roulan first then he sits beside her "which flavored you like to!" Wei ask and Roulan looked at the ice-cream counter......where lot's of ice-cream calling her ~eat me! eat me! eat me!~

where lot's of ice-cream calling her ~eat me! eat me! eat me!~

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{yum! yum!🤤🤤}

Shen Wei chuckle seeing his daughter and open the menu.....and choose healthy and low calorie ice-cream for Roulan.....but as he about to order, one waitress place ice-cream in front of Wei.

"your order sir!" waitress smile to him and Wei confusedly ask whose order this

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"your order sir!" waitress smile to him and Wei confusedly ask whose order this.....then waitress smile and said to Wei "your husband!" she left and Wei looked at the ice-cream and then here find someone.

"miss me!"

"daddy.....!!" Roulan jump in happiness when Yunlan come from behind Shen Wei......Wei shock to see Yunlan there "I thought you're in mission...." Wei said while eating his ice-cream "YES! actually I'm on my favorite mission" Yunlan suddenly peak on Wei's lips which make other startled "HUBBY! we're in public place....." Wei scold, but Yunlan ignore him and give high five to his giggling daughter......who also knew everything about it.

Shen Wei sigh and also chuckle.....because he have no other option left against his husband and daughter.....coz they are one team and Wei left alone, no one from his side "you two just wait! when I got member in my team....then I teach both of you a good lesson!" Wei threaten them and Yunlan rise his one eyebrow.

"member! what you mean by member...?"

"non of your business!!" Wei stood up to leave and Yunlan feel suspicious "Wei....! Xiao Wei! what you hiding..." Yunlan also walk after picking Roulan in his arm....they reach at the parking and Wei keep ignoring him "Wei.... listen to me..." Yunlan hold Wei's hand and make him look back.

"Okay fine! you don't wanna tell me.... it's okay for me....but listen to me, Wangji call me today and give a good news.... about Yao! he expecting again..." Yunlan said and Wei widen his eyes "Really! oh! I'm so happy for him..... how's Yao? and his health...." Wei ask in his excitement "dad wins business man of the year he throw party and want us to attend it" Yunlan slowly said wanted to see Wei expression.

"You go there with Roulan, and enjoy the party with them......and when you return, then tell me how is the party....all family member....and everything!" Wei politely said and open his car door.... Yunlan only nod his head because he don't wanna force do anything without his will. Yunlan also knew that Wei missed his both brothers so much....he want to meet to them.

Because it's been 2 years Wei didn't talk to them....even not contact them, because Wei don't wanna hurt anyone with his presence. Shen Wei knew very well that his existence always brings problem in others life. "by the way.....why you call me that time..?" Wei asked "actually....Wei! He Luo...." Yunlan stop for Wei's reaction.

Shenwei sits inside the car and looked at Yunlan "come home on dinner time....I'm waiting!" Wei said and Yunlan make Roulan sit back sheet of car "Yes ma'am!!" Yunlan tease him and other only smile... then drive away. Yunlan also go from there to finish his work.... because his beloved wife give him open invitation.....!!


Shen Wei come his apartment building.....he park his car in the parking lot and pick his daughter in his arm and all the grocery item. Wei entered inside the lift and press the button.....a minute later Wei come out from the lift and widen his eyes "MOM!!" Mrs. Zhao stand at his apartment door along with Yutong and Yao.

"Coffee!" Wei place coffee on the table and to them.....Mrs. Zhao smile "thanks! how are you....and where is Yunlan?" She ask and Wei tell her....Yunlan is in his office, coming late tonight. "Grandma!" Roulan try to climb on her lap.....Wei about to help her, Yao pick her immediately and make her sits on Mrs. Zhao's lap.

"How are you...." Yao said when he found Shen Wei didn't looking at him. Wei only smile and go to the kitchen for making dinner..... Yao looked at his husband's face and then his mother in law....Mrs. Zhao gesture him to go and talk for sometime. Yao nod his head and come in the kitchen. "ah!" Yao see Wei hiss a little when he lift the grocery bag "what happened... are you hurt somewhere..." Yao asked worriedly.

"Nothing it's just.... heavy actually"

"Let me help you then!!"

"No! I can manage...... you take rest okay!" Yao offer some help and Wei gently reject it "you still angry on me....." Yao said and Wei shook his head(no) "then why not you giving me your blessings...." Yao again said with moist eyes and Wei faintly smile "because I don't wanna repeat same mistake..... like before" Wei said and Yao try to control himself, not to cry in front of him.

"your blessings is not mistake....Wei! It's a nectar for us" Yutong come and hold Yao....who hugs him and crying silently "if my blessings is really a nectar..... then I'm not got title of bad omen!!" Shen Wei said and start doing his kitchen work "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry..... please! I'm begging you.... don't do this to me.... it's killing me from inside....." Yao said in his sobbing.

Yutong also feels shame on himself.....he keep thinking why that day, he humiliate Wei in front of other people......and also say hurtful words to him. But other didn't utter a word and silently bear all humiliation and blames......!!


Please enjoy while reading.....🤗

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