Ch. 13

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Everyone sitting in the lobby while happily talking to each other.... except Shenwei, who feeding his daughter in Yunlan's bedroom....and both Ru and Yuan playing there while talking to him. Xian come and pinch Roulan cubby cheek "hey! love.... remember me?" Xian kiss her forehead.

"Ge? can I ask you something...." Yao also come with juice, milkshake and snacks.....and place it on near table, Ru and Yuan pick their favourite milkshake then start drinking "yummy! Thank you Wei mama...for coming here, because of you....mama give us our favourite milkshake without scolding" Ru said and Yao frown.

"What you say....?"

"Yes Wei mama.....since the news of the new baby came to know, mommy has become irritable" Ru cutely complaining to Shenwei and it's make other laugh "it's okay, now I'm your mommy never feel like this..." Wei said looking at Yao "you are absolutely right ge, you're our only cure..." Xian smile and give juice to Wei.

Shenwei smile back and asked to Yao....what he wanna asked? Yao hold Wei's hand " there anything you hiding??" Yao's question make Wei nervous "wh...what you mean.." Yao looked at Xian and both smile "you expecting?" Shenwei widen his eyes and become speechless.

He hesitantly smile and look down....and both brother cover their mouth "that's true! right?" Xian said in his excitement and Shenwei shyly smile "oh, I'm so long it has been?" Yao asked and Wei smile then place sleeping Roulan on the bed "4 months..." Wei said and Yao shockingly looking at Shen head to toe.

"You're 4 months pregnant? then why you looks so skinny....!?" Xian said and Yao check Shenwei "relax guys! I'm good and about my health, I talked about this to doctor....and she said it's because of my surgery...." Yao and Xian looked at each other worriedly "come on! Please...don't make face like that.... that's because I didn't tell anyone"

"You didn't even tell about this Yunlan ge?" Xian asked and Wei shook his head "I'll try know him, always busy" Shenwei pout....both brothers chuckle and hugs Wei dearly "don't worry! in tonight party....we handle everything" Xian wink and Yao nod....Shenwei only chuckle seeing his beautiful brothers.


Evening time

Yunlan had already left for the party venue with his family....because he had to return back to Paris tomorrow morning. 

"hurry up Jun don't forget we are host.....not guests" Xinci said while wearing his suit then Mrs. Zhao come near to Xinci and adjust his neck tie "You are getting ready since morning..." Xinci again said and other roll her eyes "don't you are old! and no one going to see you" Mrs. Zhao complete her word and Xinci pull her in his embrace....and place a soft kiss on her lips.

"What are you doing...?"

"Giving you proof that I am not....old" Xinci wink and Mrs. Zhao smile. Meantime, Yuan enter inside the room.....he was wearing white tuxedo and looking like a charming prince "grandma? look, and tell me did I look handsome like daddy?" Yuan asked and Mrs. Zhao cough "ahem!" and Xinci pick Yuan "Yes! my look so handsome.." he said then take his leave from there.

Mr. Ming and other family members come there "grandma!!" Ru said and run toward her.....Mrs. Ming pick him in her arm "how are you dear...and why you look so happy" she asked and Ru smile then tell her about Shenwei arrival. Mrs. Ming widen her and looked at her husband "he come back..." Jiang Yanli said and after meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Zhao......they all goes to the party venue.


Zhao stuck in the traffic..... and it's been 1 hour and they still at the same position....Shenwei reading some document on his phone, which Evy mail him. Yunlan think of something and look here and there.....then touch his Wei's earlobe "Um...Yunlan! I'm busy!!" Shenwei shove other hand and Yunlan pout.

Minutes later, Wei need to go pee and it's urgent.....but in traffic it's difficult for him. Yunlan notice his wife restlessness....he asked what happened? and Shen tell him. Zhao chuckle on Wei and other frown....he hit Yunlan and turn other side while pouting his mouth....Yunlan cough a little then look outside "It will take time to clearing the traffic, can't you hold for awhile?"

"It's urgent...." Wei said and Yunlan look outside then gesture Wei toward the forest....Shen hurriedly go in the forest. Yunlan look back at his sleeping daughter....then he get off the car and lock it....and go behind his so damn sexy wifey.

In forest

When Wei busy finishing his business someone looking at him with lustful eyes.....Shenwei turn but found nothing, but he feel uncomfortable.....and about to pull up his zipper. Someone hold his hand from behind.....and Shenwei shiver then looked at that person face.....that person only looking at Wei's lower body while licking his lips. Wei glare and punch him with his bunny fists....and other only laugh.

"You shameless pervert! I will kill you today..." Wei shout and Yunlan pull him close to his chest "By dying with your hands, I will consider myself fortunate" Wei rolls his eyes and struggle to free himself.....Yunlan smirk and kiss Wei's eyes.....nose....then lips. Wei free his hand and pushed Yunlan.....then go from there but Yunlan run behind Wei and cage him from behind, he whisper something to Wei while touching Wei's front.

Shenwei widen his doey eyes and turn red in embarrassment......he again pushed Yunlan and about run from there.....Yunlan hold Wei and push him against the tree "why you feeling shy...?" Yunlan seductively looking at Wei's face "Yunlan please! let me close my zipper..." Wei said and Yunlan demand something else.....

Wei reject, then Yunlan plead to him.....but Wei again reject it. Then Yunlan again used his puppy eyes......and Wei defeated but he say to Yunlan only for once... Because their daughter sleeping in the car alone....!!

Zhao attack on Wei's neck....then start kissing and licking his soft skin "umm...hh" Wei smiles feeling his husband's touch. Yunlan slowly going down while kissing every possible part of Wei's soft body.....then he sits in front of Wei and pull down his pant....then take Wei's beautiful prize in his mouth "" Yunlan sucking it making Shenwei restless.

"Ahhh...uhh!" Wei cum in heavy amount, then Yunlan immediately stand up and use Wei's lube and insert his hungry beast inside Wei's warm hole....then start moving "uhh....ah!...yunl....lannn...slow....aaahhh....i...i..m...pre...g....ahhuunnn...mmmnnuuhh" Wei hardly speak in his heavy breathing.....because Yunlan's doing making him moaning mess.

"AAAAHHHH!!!!!" Yunlan and Wei both cum together and pant for some air.... Yunlan hold breathing Wei careful and other smile on Yunlan's shoulder " are...w what?" Yunlan asked in his breathing and Wei didn't say anything....only resting on Yunlan's shoulder. Zhao pick Wei and takes him to the car....but the trafic jam was still not clear, Wei was exhausted but the beast inside yunlan wakes up again.

As they sit inside the car....Roulan woke up and asks for her mama "eat! eat!! milk...milk...." then Yunlan pouts and gives her to Wei.....Shenwei pulled his shirt up and start feeding her. Yunlan also feels hungry and he attacks his wife's tummy....and pinch it, and smirks. when Roulan sleeps Yunlan place her back seat....and start sucking Wei's nipples, making them red.

"Yunlan? Look, traffic is clear..." Wei pat on Yunlan's shoulder and other smirk "first, tell me...what you want to say..." Yunlan bite his nipples "ah!... hubby?!" Wei hiss a little and Yunlan keep doing this....Shenwei smile and ruffle Yunlan's hair "I'm pre.."



Enjoy while reading....😘

I'm sorry for my mistake 🙏😓

Thank you🥰

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