Ch. 4

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Shengfu looked here and there "have you no manners.... how to respect the elders" she shout on Wei and other startled "Yunlan!" Wei call his husband and Yunlan come there "what happened.... love!" Yunlan hold Wei from behind.... Didn't care for that lady who angrily glare at them "YUNLAN!!!!!!!" she shout which make Yunlan looked at her "nainai...!" Yunlan shocked to see her.

(A/N :- our beasts call Sheng Fu(Mrs. Zhao's mother) nainai.... and it's easy for you all to understand, in my thinking... hehe 😅😅)

Minute later Shengfu sitting in the lobby and talking to Yunlan, Wei come with cup of tea and place it on the table then sit beside Yunlan......but Shengfu didn't like this..... she time to time looking at Wei head to toe..... which make him feel uncomfortable "how's your journey nainai...." Wei start the conversation.

"Thank God! at least you ask me this.... Otherwise I thought you not going to ask me or maybe you don't like my arrival...." Shengfu taunt and Wei shook his head "no! I didn't mean that..... Actually I don't know about you, that's why I....." Wei interrupt by her.

"you never know anything....and there is no shame in you, and even you don't know how to dress in front of elders. I'm ashamed to see you like this but you don't care about it......people are right that you only know how to seduce your husband by showing your beauty!! And when you get pregnant, kill the child so that there is no loss in your beauty" Shengfu scold Wei in her jealousy and other's eyes goes moist with tear and he left immediately.

"nainai!! how dare you to talk to my wife like this....." Yunlan angrily said "DARE! I'm not your mother...who tolerate this misbehaving! and how dare you to shout on shameless boy, go and tell your drama queen wife.....cook for me clean and tasty traditional foods.....and if I found any mistake, then ready for the worse" Shengfu also scold Yunlan and left from there.


Dragon City

Mrs. Zhao come in her room and take her phone to call.....her elder son Zhao Yunlan. But she shocked when she found 8 missed call of her mother Shengfu "mom...? why mom call me..." Mrs. Zhao thinking something and widen her eyes "Oh no! Yunlan....." she mumble and hurriedly call Yunlan.


In Paris

Yunlan come inside the room and his heartache to see his beloved.....who silently crying while covering his mouth, it's been two years Wei never cry anymore.....but today he cried again while hugging his sleeping daughter "Xiao Wei.....!!" Yunlan come close to Wei and voice him.....Wei turn and hide his face in Yunlan's chest and cry out of his lungs.....luckily Roulan in deep she didn't heard her mama's cries.


Yunlan looked at his phone and Wei go in the clean his face, Yunlan pick it and calmly said "hello! mom....can I talk to you later.....I'm busy!" Yunlan about to cut the call Mrs. Zhao stop him and ask that Shengfu come there? Yunlan frown and ask how she know about this.....then Mrs. Zhao tell him that, one week ago she call Mrs. Zhao and tell her that she want to meet you.....and soon she come to you.

"If you know about this....then why didn't you tell me in the first place..." Yunlan angrily shout "I'm sorry for this baby.....but why you angry?" Mrs. Zhao ask then Yunlan tell everything, about her arrival and what happened today. Mrs. Zhao shocked after listening him.....she want to talk Shen Wei and Yunlan say, wait for minute.....he call back.

Yunlan cut the call and knock washroom's door......Wei come out from the washroom and Yunlan tell him, mom wanna talk to you.....Wei nod and Yunlan call his mom.

"Hello...! Wei? are you okay....Please don't feel bad about mother's words, she is of old thought and I apologize from my mother's side" Mrs. Zhao said feeling guilty "please mom! don't say like that....It's okay! I'll make sure I don't make any mistake" Wei said politely and Mrs. Zhao smile "I told you to ask your wife to make breakfast for me, but he busy in talking.....and don't want to respect his husband word" Shengfu scold Wei and other apologize then hurriedly go from there to make breakfast. Yunlan grit his teeth and glare at Shengfu.


On the other side Mrs. Zhao tremble and about to fall Yutong hold her "mom! are you okay? what happened?" Yutong ask and she tell everything.....Yutong grit his teeth "baby! take me to Paris....please! I don't know but I think something bad going to happens soon" Mrs. Zhao said in her worry......and Yutong nod.


Yunlan got call from his office and he have to go there, because it's an Yunlan tell Wei to take care of himself and Roulan then he left. "*cry* mama....*cry* mama....." Roulan awake and start crying because she feel hungry.....Wei heard her crying so he turn low the flame and go to check his daughter.

"Aw! my wake feeling hungry, come to mama......" Wei pick her in his arm and close the door but didn't lock it.....then Wei sits on the bed and roll up his top then help crying Roulan to suck his she taste her favorite drink, Roulan smile beautifully while enjoying it.

Shengfu come in the kitchen and didn't found Wei there......she fume in anger and barged inside his room "I already told you to cook for me.....and you still sitting here disobeying me!!!!" Shengfu shout and Wei hurriedly fix his cloth "How did you get should have knocked" Wei feel embarrassed and Shengfu slap Wei "How dare you to shout on shameless slut!!" Shengfu angrily said and Wei looked at her with shocked and moist eyes.



I'm sorry for my mistake.....🙏🙏

Please share your vote comments.... which I really need to improve myself😓

Thank you 🤗🤗

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