Ch. 22

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In British Library

"Hello! Mr. you doing?" Evelyn greet with old librarian....who always help Evelyn in her research "as usual old and handsome..." Mr. Omar wink and both chuckle "So what bring you here?" Omar said and Evelyn asked him for a book which having information about the cruel queens of ancient Egypt.

Omar give her and other start looking for what she want.....meantime, Zahur come there and found Evelyn finding something in old ancient book.....he think of something and hide behind the book shelve. After sometimes finally Evelyn found what she looking for....she call Omar and asked permission for take the book.

Omar agree for that but tell her return back as soon as possible.....because this is against their library rules. Evelyn assure him that she will return that book soon....after showing some information to his best friend Shenwei. When Zahur heard Shenwei name....he smirked and text Mafia Chang.


Chang who busy in dealing some ancient artifacts....suddenly interrupt by a text message. He read it and smirked evilly "finally! Time for our!!" Chang stood up from his chair and go from there while dialing someone number.



Shenwei stir when he heard....ringing sound of his cellphone. He sit up and receive the call without seeing caller ID "Hello!" Wei said in his sleepy voice and other chuckle "you still sleeping....darling!?" Shenwei open his eyes and looked at the caller ID and it's Zhujiu.....he looked at the time and it's 4: 22. Wei squeeze his eyes.

"Hello...? Hello...! Wei....?" Zhujiu said and Shenwei apologize for his delay....then Zhujiu tell him that he come here to pick him.....because Evelyn found something and she want to show them. Wei immediately go to the door and open it....and found Zhujiu standing there with smile.

Wei gesture him to come inside....but other stunned to see Shenwei. Because he sleep while feeding his daughter.....and his shirt button is opened. Wei's shirt is not able to hide his beautiful body from other's eyes..... Zhujiu gulped as he step inside "Ahem!" he cough for getting Wei attention. Shenwei looked at him with questionable eyes....and Zhujiu pointed his finger toward Wei's shirt.

Shenwei look down and immediately cover himself "excuse me!" Wei run inside the washroom and Zhujiu chuckle.....later Shenwei get ready and dress up Roulan then go with Zhujiu.


They meet with Evelyn and other show them that book....which having information of mistress xxxx. Shenwei give Roulan to Zhujiu "can you hold her for sec.." Zhujiu happily take her in his arms and baby giggle cutely.....Zhujiu smile seeing her and looking at Wei who busy with Evenly.

"Well, finally you found that what's your next move? Wei asked seeing the crown and Evelyn sadly smile "but I don't have that gemstone. It was hidden somewhere else..." she said and Wei smile cutely "if i find for you....then what you do?" Wei wiggled his eyebrows and Evelyn feels suspicious. "And how you find it...."

"Well, I've found such a rare diamond! that only a jeweler like me can only test it...."

All of them turn back and found Zahur coming straight toward them....with someone, who look so muscular tall and Handsome man....Zahur smile and Evelyn rolls her eyes "now what's bring you here...ungrateful man!!" Evelyn glare at Zahur and Chang who lost his senses.....he forget where he stands....and walks closer to Shenwei ignoring everyone.

He hold Wei's hand and place a kiss on back of his hand.....Shenwei frown and pull back his hand "excuse me!" Shenwei don't like it "I'm sorry! For that....but allow me to introduce myself, I'm..." Chang interrupt by Evelyn "He is a bad minded arrogant man! who do anything with his money power....and considering other people as a property of his father. I am right....or I'm right Mr. Chang!?"

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