Ch. 5

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"We have surround you from all sides, surrender yourself to the law" one officer said and gesture his team to go inside the abandoned building.....his team silently entered inside the building and start checking every room one by one.

But they all shocked see the view because all the goons unconscious lay on the ground. They all look at each other with confusion, then one of men sign others to look at other side.....where an extremely handsome man stretching his arm and neck muscles.

"chief Zhao!!" one man said and Yunlan gesture them to arrest all of the goons......and Yunlan about to go from there, he heard someone footstep.......Yunlan tip toe go there and one person attack on Yunlan from behind, and in fast move Yunlan knockout him "mmm....ummm" Yunlan hear something, he check here and there then found someone tightly tie on the chair.

Yunlan come close and shocked to see that person's face "HE LUO....!!" Yunlan said and other start crying after hearing Yunlan's voice.

In Hospital

Yunlan brings He Luo to the hospital and doctors treat her. Yunlan calls his fellow officer and tells him about He Luo "Are you sure it's He Luo?" Officer Han asked and Yunlan told him everything, then they both talk on the phone for a while.......At the same time someone comes to the hospital with the intention of killing He Luo......and also attacks.

Yunlan hears a noise, then he immediately disconnects the phone and goes to save He Luo. When Yunlan arrives, he sees a man trying to kill He Luo with a knife and she trying to save herself. Yunlan, without wasting any time, shoots the man and saves He Luo.

"are you okay?" Yunlan said and He Luo smile to him....then Yunlan ask why they want to kill her? first He Luo shiver but when Yunlan assure her that she's safe with him He Luo sigh and tell everything to Yunlan.

{last time(in Special Bond) HeLuo agrees to become a government witness and also helped them to capture the Mafia Chang right hand's Xiaofu. But when Chang find out this he send his men to kill her.....and since then He Luo was running for her life, but she was caught one day, and those people started torturing they about to kill her, Yunlan come and save her}

Yunlan tell everything to his senior officer and.....that officer order Yunlan to take He Luo with a safety. First Yunlan reject it but when He Luo start crying.....and unwillingly, Yunlan had to take He Luo home with him.


Dragon City

Yao give water to Mrs. Zhao and sits beside her "mom! are you all right? what happened.....why you worried?" Yao said but Mrs. Zhao didn't say anything only cries silently.....which make Yao sad and he cup her face "mom please! don't cry.....and tell me, why you hurt..." Yao said and Xian also come there after finishing his kitchen work "what happened Yao ge! why mom like this....." Xian said and Yutong come there while talking to someone in phone.

"mom! let's go....all arrangement is done" Yutong said and Yao asked where they going? Yutong tell him that they going Paris! to meet Yunlan and Wei......Yao suddenly feels uneasy and start breathing "what happened to them....?" Yao asked worriedly.

"relax! Yao! nothing happens to them...."

"Then why you going there....and why mom is still crying...??" Yao ask "relax son!! actually....I want to meet Wei! mother is there...and I'm sure, she definitely mess things up...... I knew her very well" Mrs. Zhao said"she already!" Wangji said entered inside the room.

"Lan Zhan!" Xian smile and Wangji also smile back "what you mean....?" Mrs. Zhao said "I call Yunlan ge, and tell him about.....(looking at Yao)the party!" Wangji said "did they coming....! and Roulan....! Wei ge...??? " Xian asked in his happiness but when Wangji shook his head.... suddenly all environment become gloomy.

"Wait! Why? I mean..... you didn't tell him about....." Yao touch his belly and tear left from his eyes..... Yutong hold him "I think Wei is still hurt because of me...... that's why it's happens right!!" Yao sobbing in Yutong's arm "I told you that day..... don't say anything, but you keep blaming him and ruin everything......" Xian shout on Yao.

"I know that's all my fault....and I apologize to him for my mistake" Yao said "can apologize fix everything....??" Xian asked and Yao remain quiet because he know..... Xian is right! whatever happen in passing years.....that event stirred the bitterness in their relationship.


In Paris

"Hello! Wei! Where are you...." Yunlan asked after listening some crowd around his wife "I'm in convenience store.....buying something for dinner......~no darling, don't touch" Shenwei said and his daughter pout cutely.

"Roulan with you?"



"She left angrily..... Actually when I was feeding Roulan.....and she come inside the room, even without knocking, it's so uncomfortable Yunlan......and.....a"

"So what you cook in dinner.....?" Yunlan asked and Wei frown "you not going to ask me anything.....Why she left and what I done to her...." Wei slowly said and Yunlan chuckle "you're smarter than me.....and if you make any decision, then it's means you always right" Yunlan said and Wei smile.

"kimchi fried rice...."

"But I want to eat soft tender white meat...."

Yunlan seductively said and Wei frown "No Yunlan! not again, what you did to me last's already hurting me" Wei said while putting all stuff in the car "mama....choco chips...!" Roulan cutely said "of course baby.... but first let mama put these things... okay!" Wei said and other side Yunlan chuckle "you always fulfill Roulan wish..... but instead reject mine"

Shenwei smile "because your wish.....make me suffer a lot!" Wei said and other side Yunlan frown "oh! really....then fine, it's decided......from today onward I'm not going to touch you....even you plead to me" Yunlan threaten Wei and other rolls his eyes "fine by me! let's see who plead to whom...." Shen Wei said and cut the call.

"Wanna ice-cream my heart...." Wei asked to his daughter and Roulan become happy "hurray! today is cheat day" Roulan cutely said and Wei smile and give Roulan forehead kiss.....then drive to the Ice-cream parlour.



Please enjoy reading.....and I apologize for my mistake...🙏

Thank you ❤️

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