Part 4

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"Hurry up," Kie urges

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"Hurry up," Kie urges.

"I'm going as fast as I can," Pope argues. The Pogues sit around a computer in the library, impatiently, while Pope researches Alice Hathoway. Every now and again, one of them will pay attention to the search bar and throw around suggestions, but Pope is doing pretty much all of the work.

"Okay, here," Pope says, catching everyone's attention. "Alice Hathoway, 1864, buys out Tanneyhill."

"What," Kie says, confused.

"So, this weird rich chick from, like, two hundred years ago owned Sarah's house," JJ asks.

"That would explain why the money is under the Cameron's land," I say. It's weird how coincidental all of this is.

"Do you think your dad knows about it," asks John B, turning to Sarah.

Sarah scoffs, "I doubt it. He would've spent it on another house by now. Either that, or Rose would have a shiny new necklace."

"Well, this could be a part of a clue," Pope says. "Let's go back to the Chateau and try to figure it out."

"Well..," I hear Kiara whisper.

The Pogues stand up and begin to leave the library. On the other side of that door, disaster is waiting to happen. Two blonde boys notice the group and stop in their tracks.

"Well, would ya look at that," one of the boys sneers.

Sarah rolls her eyes. "What do you want?"

"Nothing, nothing," the boy answers. "But Dad wants you to come home for a night instead of sneaking in and out to see Wheezie."

"She's the only sane one in that house," Sarah scoffs.

"Alright, let's back up," the other boy says, pushing Sarah and the first boy back. John B steps up to him, ready to fight, JJ right behind him.

"Who's this," the first boy asks when he notices me standing beside Kie. The second boy looks at me and instantly smiles. Weirdo.

"I'm Brie," I answer him. "And you are.."

"Rafe," the second boy answers. "And I'm Topper."

"Well, Rafe and Topper," I say sarcastically, stepping up. "Why don't you two back up a little, and we'll be out of your hair."

Rafe rolls his eyes and wipes his hand across his face. He takes a deep breath, and gets really close to me. I can feel his breath hitting my face when he asks, "Do you really wanna step to me, Pogue?"

JJ slips his hand in between me and Rafe before I say, "Oh, I'll step to whoever I please. I'm a lot stronger than I look."

At this point Topper is grabbing Rafe's arm, pulling him away. JJ and John B are blocking me from Rafe's aim. Rafe finally gives up, and the two boys walk away. As we part, Rafe turns back around and says, "You better hope I don't ever see you on our side of the island!"

"Wishing on the North Star, babe," I shout back with a sarcastic smile.

When the Pogues get back to the van, they start laughing. John B and Sarah climb in the front, smiling. Kie and Pope are laughing, and JJ sits with his arm around me.

"Yo, that was the best thing I've seen since Pope beat the crap out of that dude," JJ says.

"He didn't know what to say," Kie laughs.

"You left him speechless," JJ agrees.

"He was a dick," I shrug. "That's what he gets for talking to you guys like that."

"Awe," Kie says, holding her heart.


When the Pogues arrive back at the Chateau, John B grabs a beer, and tosses one to each of us. Pope and JJ go out back to sit on the boat. John B and Sarah sit on the chairs in the living room, while Kie and I share the love seat.

"Okay, I seriously cannot believe you stepped up to Rafe like that," Kie chuckles, opening the beer can.

"Who were they, anyway," I ask, taking a sip out of mine.

"Rafe's my brother and Topper's my ex," Sarah answers, clearly embarrassed. "Yikes," I say. "Bad luck."

"Tell me about it," she scoffs, drinking her beer.

I realize it would be best not to talk about Rafe in front of Sarah, since he's her brother, but I need some truth.

"I'll be back," I tell them, walking out the back door. I join Pope and JJ on the boat. As I sit down next to Pope, I ask, "So, I need honesty. What was up with Rafe and Topper?"

"Dude, you don't even wanna know," JJ laughs. Pope nods his head in agreement. I stare at my drink, hoping they'll tell me anyway. JJ leans forward.

"Okay, so basically, Topper is Sarah's shitty ex boyfriend who still likes her."

"Rafe killed the Sheriff," Pope says blankly. JJ chimes in. "Stone cold murderer, B."

B. I don't know what it was about it. I mean, we're talking about Sarah's brother killing the Sheriff, but when he called me B, I got butterflies.

"You okay," Pope asks. I realize that I was daydreaming, so I say, "Yeah, sorry. That's insane though."

"Yeah, I know," Pope agrees. "That was really cool how you stepped up to him earlier."

I shrug. With a smile, I say, "It's what I do."

Then, we hear Kiara shouting from the back door.

"Guys, I think I figured out the clue!"

** Author speaking!!
We finally met Rafe and Topper!! This should be fun..

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