Part 27

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I watch my reflection in the mirror

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I watch my reflection in the mirror. Mixed feelings surface at my appearance. My stomach has begun to grow. I'm happy because my baby is getting bigger, but worried about JJ's reaction. I still haven't told him about the baby, but I should soon.

The symptoms are getting hard to hide. I used to barely eat. Now, I'm practically stealing the food off my friends' plates. I'm in the bathroom more than my own room, and I'm not running as fast because of my cramps. I'm usually asleep now, and I refuse weed and alcohol. My first appointment is coming up, and I want JJ to be there for it.

I grab my phone off my bed, and dial a number. When the other line answers, I say, "Hey, Kie, wanna go shopping?"


A little later, Kie and I are shopping for baby clothes in a little shop outside of town. I swipe through all of the clothes on the racks, searching for the perfect onesie to surprise JJ.

"What do you think of this one," Kie asks, holding up a pink onesie with little ruffles.

"That's so cute," I exclaim. "But I don't know that it's a girl."

Kie frowns, putting the onesie back on the rack. We begin to walk to another part of the store. "Are you sure you want to keep the baby," Kie asks. "I mean, you never had any adults to look up to. Your parents were pretty shitty."

I stop immediately. Turning to her, I say, "Excuse me?"

"I just mean, your mom does drugs and hits you, and you never knew your dad," Kie explains. "And it's not like JJ has the best parents, either. Every time he goes home, he comes back with bruises all over his body!"

I get close to her, very close. I give her the dirtiest look I've ever given someone. "Don't you ever talk about my family like you've been through it, and that includes JJ. He's my family now, too. And for the record, I did have adults to look up to. I looked up to your parents because I saw firsthand how well they raised you, until you decided to open your big mouth about my family."

I walk past her to find a onesie. Forget her, I have other problems to worry about. I have a baby to focus on now. I look through the rack until I find the perfect onesie. It's green with a little elephant on it. Simple, but perfect.

I walk to the counter to buy the onesie with my own money. I never thought I'd be able to do anything like this. Once the cashier hands me the bag, I leave without even checking to see if Kie was still there.


When I get back home, I cover the bag with my hoodie on the couch. I want to show John B what I bought, but I can't if JJ is here. "JJ," I shout. "John B!"

A few seconds later, John B and Sarah come out of his room. "JJ is delivering stuff on the cut with Pope," he informs me. "What's up?"

I smile and uncover the bag. Sarah immediately gasps. "I bought the first onesie."

"Oh, my gosh," Sarah exclaims. "Let's see it!" She and John B sit down, and I pull the onesie out of the bag to show them. Sarah squeals, while John B says, "Awee."

"That is so cute," Sarah compliments. "I love how simple it is!"

"That's exactly why I bought it," I tell her. "I'm gonna surprise JJ with it tonight."

"Tonight," John B asks. "That's great!"

"Do you think he'll be happy," I ask as I fold the onesie and return it to the bag.

"He'll be ecstatic," Sarah assured me. "How could he not? He's having a baby with the love of his life."

"I hope you're right," I sigh. "Anyways, I'm gonna go chill in my room."

I grab the bag and carry it into my messy room. I decide to clean up first. I make my bed, perfecting every pillow's position. Then, I clear off my nightstand and dresser. I set my phone on the charger and leave a few perfume bottles and my brush on my dresser.

I pick up all of the clothes from the floor, and split them between clean and dirty. For the dirty ones, I toss them in my hamper. For the clean clothes, I fold them and place them in my dresser. I set the bag down on my dresser, and pull out the pregnancy test to sit next to it.

I open my curtains and change into a pair of green shorts and a white tee. I grab my book and flip to the page I left off on.


Later that night, I'm eating takeout in the living room with Sarah, John B and JJ. I spread out my bites to control the nausea.

"How long do you think it'll take us to get ahold of the money," Sarah asks while chewing.

"I don't know, man," JJ answers. "But I swear, if Ward steals it like he did the gold, the glock's coming out. I'll go to jail for that shit."

"Please don't," I say. "Just kidding. I know I can't stop you."

"I'm so full," Sarah groans, setting her plate on the coffee table.

"Me too," John B agrees. "If I eat another bite, I might explode."

The two stand up and say good night. As they walk into John B's room, Sarah turns her head to smirk at me. Clearly, they planned this to be something special. "I'm gonna brush my teeth," I tell JJ.

I stand up and walk to the bathroom, followed by the blonde. As I reach for my toothbrush in the medicine cabinet, I say, "Hey, J, can you go in my room and bring me my towel? I left it in there yesterday, and I wanna hang it up."

"Yeah, sure, princess," JJ says. He kisses my head before going into my room. I follow him, standing in the doorway when he enters. I left my towel on the dresser on purpose, so when he goes to grab it, something else catches his attention.

JJ lifts up the test and examines it. After a moment of interpretation, he shouts, "Brie! Is this a joke?"

"No," I giggle from my doorway, startling him. "It's not a joke." I may be giggling on the outside, but I'm dying on the inside. JJ turns to face me. He stares at me in disbelief.

"You're.." He trails off.

I step inside the room, closing the door softly behind me. I walk closer to him, reaching my arms around his neck. "I'm pregnant."

JJ scoffs. A smile spreads on his handsome face. "You're pregnant," he exclaims with tears in his eyes. "I'm gonna be a dad.. Wait, I am gonna be a dad, right?"

"Yes," I laugh. The boy cheers, then holds me by my waist. He pulls me in and kisses me. This kiss is different. This kiss is deep, passionate. It's like every beautiful thing was put into this single kiss. When he breaks it, he looks down at my stomach.

"How did I not notice that before," he chuckles softly. He presses his hands to my stomach and smiles at me. We both begin to cry as he kisses me again.

"Look in the bag," I tell him with a grin.

"This bag," he asks. I nod. "Okay." He digs into the bag and pulls out the onesie. When he unfolds it, he chuckles. Tears fall down his cheeks. "Thank you, princess," he whispers. He pulls me into a hug, digging his temple into my neck. We both laugh and cry.

"I love you," JJ whispers. "I love you so much." He leads me to my bed, and we both sit down. "Briana, I owe you so much, simply for being my girlfriend. I never thought I could be a father, but right now, right here, I really think we can do this. I feel so honored be your baby's dad. Really. This is the happiest I've ever been. I just.. I love you, B."

I sob, "I love you, too." JJ presses his palm to my stomach again. The touch lingers, sending shivers down my spine. I feel so grateful to be carrying this baby right now. I have faith, for the first time in my life, that I could actually have a family and be happy.

Author speaking!
Stop, this is so cute.

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