Part 25

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"Brie, can you take these to table seven?"

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"Brie, can you take these to table seven?"

"Sure thing," I smile. I take the trays of food from Mrs. Carrera, and balance one on each hand. I carry them across the restaurant to table seven, a full house. "Alright, I've got two Wrecked Burgers, three sides of fries, one ribbed steak, one crusted salmon, and one kid's chicken fingers."

"Thank you so much," a customer smiles at me.

"No problem," I grin. "Let me know if you need anything." With that, I start back to the front counter. It's only been two days since I found out the paternity test results, and I've been ecstatic ever since. Everyone has noticed a change of my mood, even my bosses.

"Hey, Kie." I wave at the brunette, wiping down a table. "Hey, Brie! How're you feeling today?"

"Like a goddess," I shrug.

"You're glowing, girl," Kie shouts as I walk away. I'm almost at the counter when a hand grasps at my arm, pulling me behind a wall. I glance up at the person. Before me, Topper stands in a blue polo and khaki shorts.

"Hello, Topper," I say. "Can I help you?" My attitude is well noticeable.

"Okay, quit it with the chatter," Topper scoffs. "Did you get the results back?"

"Yeah, I did," I answer civilly. "I'm sorry, Topper. You're not the father."

"What?" The blonde clearly begins to get mad. His cheeks get red almost instantly. "You knew this in the first place, didn't you?"

"Wha- No," I scoff. "Why the hell would I talk to you at all if I knew?"

"Why would you put me through this," he shouts, slamming me against the wall. He grips my shoulders tight.

"I think you need to leave." Kie steps out from around the corner, backed by her mom and dad. "Now."

"You're kicking me out," Topper shouts. "Fine, I don't wanna be in this dump anyway!"

Kie mouths 'bye' and waves her hands sarcastically. "Yup, right out."

When he's finally gone, I turn to Kie and Mrs. Carrera. "Thank you," I say as I tear up.

"Sweetie, you are practically family," Mrs. Carrera says. "No way is some guy gonna come in here and treat you that way."

"We will always be here to protect you," Mr. Carrera says. "And your baby."

Confused, I turn to Kie. "I'm sorry, I told them," she tells me.

"I'm sorry if I've disappointed you." I look down to my dirty sneakers. "If you want to fire me, I wouldn't blame you."

Mr. Carrera laughs. "Hell no, we ain't firing you," he says. "This is a family business, and you're family. We get it, we were there."

"If you ever need any help, you come to us," Mrs. Carrera says. "We love you, sweetie."

The couple opens their arms and I run straight to them. Kie joins in the hug, and I sink in comfortably, like these are my own parents. When we release, Mr. Carrera heads back to the kitchen. Mrs. Carrera smiles at me, then kisses my forehead and follows him.

"Are your parents always that cool," I ask Kie, who's smiling away.

"Not to me," she laughs.


Later on, I'm reading on the couch. I'm dressed in my favorite pair of sweatpants and an old tee that John B lent me when I first arrived, covered in the most comfortable blanket I've ever felt.

Kie is still working, while Pope, JJ and Sarah are out, planning our break-in to the Cameron house. It's just me and John B, who sits on the opposite end of the couch, staring at an old compass.

John B takes a deep breath. "Hey, Brie, can I ask you something?"

"What's up," I ask, keeping my eyes on the words I'm reading.

"I know something's up with you, and it seems like everyone does, too." He looks up at me, as I peel my eyes off of the page. I inhale deeply. "Not.. Everyone."

"So, there is something," John B comments. I nod. "Yes, there is something."

John B shifts himself closer to me. He rests his hand on my knee. "B, you can trust me. What's going on?"

I sigh. "John B, the only person who doesn't know is JJ. I'm not ready to tell him yet. I just.. I need you to trust me."

"You're scaring me, kid," he chuckles. "What is it?"

In my head, all I hear is 'I'm not ready,' but he deserves to know. Besides, no one is ever ready for something as big as this. Here goes..

"John B, I.." I pause to take a breath. "I'm pregnant."

"You are," he scoffs. A grin spreads across his face. "I always thought Sarah would be the first." We both laugh our asses off for a second. "I'm happy for you.. A- And I'm here to help you. I'll babysit, anything. Whatever you need me to do."

"Thank you, brother," I smile. John B approving my pregnancy gives me the greatest feeling. "That means so much to me."

"Just to be clear.. JJ is the father, right?"

"Yeah, he is," I say quietly. "Please don't be mad."

"You know, surprisingly, I'm not," he shrugs. "I guess that 'no Pogue on Pogue macking' rule is dust now, huh?"

"Yeah, it really is," I laugh.

"So, when will you tell JJ?"

"Soon," I answer. "I'm not sure, but soon."

"Just don't keep it from him forever."

John B holds his pinky out, meant for me to promise. I latch my pinky onto his. "Promise," I smile.

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