Part 23

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⚠️ ⚠️ MENTION OF RAPE ⚠️ ⚠️

Knocks sound at my door, startling me awake

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Knocks sound at my door, startling me awake. I groan while protecting my eyes from the sun shining through my window. I swipe my hands across the sheets, searching for the feel of JJ's body. That's weird. Usually, he sleeps later than me and he's not here.

"Brie," John B calls through the door. "Can I come in?"

I groan again in response. John B slowly opens the door. He throws the blankets that covered my body onto the floor. "Dude, what the hell," I shout.

"Woah, there, Maleficent," he chuckles. "It's five in the afternoon. You slept all day."

"Yeah, well, I was up all night," I explain, sitting myself up.

"What were you doing all night?"

"Getting rid of the food I ate yesterday," I chuckle. "Not a fun night."

John B sits next to me, concern spread across his face. "Do you need to see a doctor? We can do that."

"John B, I promise, I'm fine," I tell him. "I've probably been smoking and drinking too much lately."

"You've barely done either of those," he reasons. "What's up with you?"

"I.. I don't know. I guess I'm just doing too much in the heat."

"Okay, well if you're sure, we're going to a kegger tonight. We're leaving in, like, an hour. Get ready."

"Wha- Why do we keep going to these parties with the Kooks," I ask in disbelief.

John B shrugs as he opens my door. "We need some entertainment." Then, he leaves.

"How is a black eye and bruised ribs entertainment," I shout through the door. When I hear voices in the living room, probably John B and JJ, I groan and slide out of bed. I check the mirror to make sure I still have a flat stomach. I can't have JJ finding out before I know who the father is.

I look through all of the clothes in my closet. I find a white, crotchet, cropped halter top, then slip it on. I kick through all of the clothes on my floor, until I find a grey denim skirt. I slip on some brown, leather sandles.

After brushing my teeth and doing my makeup, I tie a brown bandana around my head, allowing my waves to hang down my back. I slide my phone into my pocket, then head out to the living room to meet my brother and boyfriend.

"Morning, princess," JJ smirks before taking a hit of his blunt.

"Good morning," I sigh. I gracefully sit down next to JJ, who offers me the blunt. I hold up my hand and say, "No, thanks."

"What," JJ asks in confusion. "You never refuse a hit."

Oh, shit. "I'm just not in the mood today. I want to stay sober."

"You won't be for long," John B chuckles. "Speaking of, Kie and Pope should be here soon."

Just then, Sarah walks out of John B's room, holding onto her bikini from behind. "Hey, John B, can you help me tie this?"

JJ tries to stand up, but I push him back down, rolling my eyes. "Yeah," John B answers, walking closer to tie the top.

"Knock, knock," Kie shouts as she walks through the front door, followed by Pope. "Let's go, losers. We're gonna miss out on the drinks and good weed."

John B swings the Twinkie keys around his fingers. Everyone whoops and practically skips out of the front door. I am not excited for this party. Alcohol and weed? I'm going to have to find an excuse to not use any of it.


"Hey, Brie, you wanna drink?"

The boys holler at me as I near them. "Okay, fine. One!"

John B fills my cup, and I pretend to sip it. When I lower the drink, I catch Pope staring at me. "Everything okay," I ask him. He nods quickly. "Okay."

I walk around the party. Some people whisper, but it doesn't affect me. Some say hey, some don't even acknowledge me. I find Kie talking to some guy.

"Yeah, like, I don't understand why it's so hard for people to pick some trash out of the ocean. Like, save the baby sea turtles."

"Hey." I interrupt Kie's conversation, so the guy gets up and leaves. I step over the log she's sitting on, seating myself next to her. "Sorry, everyone's offering me stuff, and I need a break from making up excuses."

Kie laughs, "It's okay. Have you heard from the doctor yet?"

"No," I say, dumping my drink in the sand. "I'm hoping I do soon. This secret is killing me."

I turn my head to watch everyone, and notice Pope standing dead in place. I wave, and he snaps out of it to wave back. Then, I hear shouting. I look to Kie for opinions. "That sounds like Sarah. Let's go."

Kie and I hurry to the argument. Sure enough, Sarah is arguing with Topper. "Back up, asshole. What is going on," I ask.

"Oh, I bet you were apart of it, too, weren't you," he shouts, pointing his finger. "This snake getting a sample of my spit."

Oh, that's what this is about. "Brie! Sarah," I hear John B shout from behind us. Sarah moves away to keep the boys back.

"Yeah, uh.. I was," I admit, causing surprise to spread on Topper's face. "Topper, we need to talk."


Topper and I sit on a hidden branch. Kie is right around the corner, in case the blonde tries something. Sarah is still keeping the boys distracted. I rest my hands on my knees and take a deep breath.

"Topper, I'm pregnant."

Topper looks shocked, at a loss for words. "Y- You're.. You're what?"

"I'm pregnant.. And I know what you did."

"Yeah, like I did something."

"Topper.. You did," I tell him.

"Really," Topper chuckles. "What did I do then?"

This is terrifying. Admitting what I know. I shudder, and goosebumps spread down my arms and legs. "You.. You.. Y- You raped me.. And because of that, I don't know who the father is. We used your DNA sample to find out."

The boy's face is beat red. He knows that I know. "Oh, I- I, uh.. Can you tell me when you know?"

I nod, shaking from fear. "Yes, I'll tell you when I know."

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