Part 9

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⚠️ ⚠️ TW: SEXUAL ABUSE ⚠️ ⚠️

"Brie, could you get table five for me?"

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"Brie, could you get table five for me?"

I smile and nod, pulling out my notepad and pen. It's my first day working at the Wreck, Kiara's parent's restaurant. So far, it's going well. When I reach the table, consisting of a man, a woman, and a child, I wave at the little kid. "Hi, my name's Brie! What can I get for you today?"

The customers order, and I head back to the front counter, where Mrs. Carrera is waiting. "Here's table five," I tell her, feeling proud of myself. "Thank you," she says. She leaves to put the slip in the kitchen. When she returns, she leans against the counter and exclaims, "Y'know, you're doing so well today!"

"Thank you," I smile. Kiara appears next to me. "Yeah, you're doing so good, but your shift's almost up."

"But I'm having so much fun," I complain. Mrs. Carrera laughs, "Well, I'm glad, but we can't overwork our employees. You can come back in tomorrow and continue your fun."

"Okay," I groan, joking. The front door of the Wreck slams shut and we turn to see Pope. "Hey," Kie and I say in unison.

"Hey, guys," Pope smiles, taking a seat on a barstool. "Brie, your shift's over, right?" I nod, frowning. I'm enjoying this job too much to leave. I've never had a job before, and this is the most fun I've had doing actual hard work. "I'm heading out for deliveries, but I have to go to Figure Eight. Could you come with me in case Topper tries to jump me again?"

"Oh, yeah," I nod. "For sure! Let me just clock out." Pope nods, and I hurry behind the counter to hang up my apron. It even has my name on it! I say goodbye to Mr and Mrs. Carrera and Kie, then Pope and I head out down the street to Heyward's Seafood. When we arrive, Heyward is helping out a customer. He notices us walking by, and waves. "Hey, Brie! How're you doin'?"

"I'm alright, Heyward," I shout back. "How about you?"

"I'm holding on," he laughs. "You going with Pope to Figure Eight?"

"Yeah, Pops," Pope smiles. "We'll be back in a bit!"

Pope leads me to his dad's boat, where all of the groceries are. We hop on, and he starts it up. I stand at the front and feel the wind whip through my long hair. Pope stops the boat when we get to Figure Eight. He takes a look at a slip of paper that was in his pocket.

"Okay, you take these," he says, pointing towards some bags. "You're going to the Lawrence's. Here's the address." Pope hands me the slip and grabs the rest of the bags. "I'm heading to the Watson's. Meet back here?"

"Wait, I thought you were worried about Topper," I say, confused.

"Yeah, you'll be close enough to hear my screams," he jokes. "Anyways, the sun's setting. We better get a move on."

Pope begins to walk to the right, leaving me behind. "Okay," I squeak quietly, reaching for the grocery bags. I climb off the boat, starting down the left side of the road. It's nice on Figure Eight. The houses are large and elegant. Some people on the street are walking their dogs or laughing with their friends. Some sit on their porches with their families.

I'm starting to get tired. It's getting darker. I've been walking for about ten minutes, and I'm only half way to the address Pope gave me. I take a break to breathe and regain my strength. Setting the bags down, I lean on my knees. Then, I hear a boy say, "Hey, Brie."

I turn around, startled. "Topper," I breathe. "You scared me." He chuckles. "Yeah, sorry, I just saw you and thought I'd say hi."

"Oh, well, hi," I giggle. He gets quiet, just staring at me. "So, uh.. Have you thought anymore about my offer," he asks.

"What offer," I ask, furrowing my brows. He pinches his forehead, laughing. "You know," he says. "From the party?"

"Oh," I exclaim. "Topper, that wasn't an offer. You tried to kiss me."

"That was most definately an offer," Topper breathes. "So, are you going to take it?"

I don't know what to say. Topper is a pretty sucky guy, from the looks of it. How do I break it to him nicely so he doesn't break me like he did Pope?

"Topper, uh.. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear at the party," I smile politely. "But I'm with JJ. Sorry."

"Oh, yeah, no.. I get it," he says. He looks like he's going to laugh it off, until he says, "I get it. I get that you don't wanna admit you want me."

What? "Uh.. Topper, no. I'm dating JJ. I don't want anyone but JJ."

"No, yeah, it's okay. I'll keep your secret." Topper gets this crazy look in his eyes. My chest tightens. "In fact, why don't I help you out with this obsession over me? Yeah, okay, come with me."

Topper grabs my wrist, but I pull back. "Topper, I don't want to fuck you," I shout. He quickly covers his hand over my mouth. "Come on," he whispers, wrapping his arms around my body. He pulls me back into the woods. I try to fight him off, but I'm too exhausted. He's too strong for me. He drags me down a trail. "Stop," I scream. He finally lets me go.

"Okay, so we're being difficult today," he chuckles. "That's okay. I can handle that." Before I get the chance to ask what he means, he pulls a syringe out of his pocket, the kind that you'd put some kind of drug in. He stabs it into my neck, and I instantly go hazy. I drop to the ground, and I can see a blurry picture of Topper standing above me. He drags me onto the beach.

Unfortunately, no one is on the beach because it's dark outside. I can feel myself falling asleep. I find myself too weak to move or say something. I lay limp in the sand. The last thing I see is Topper, laying down on top of me, kissing me.

Then, I pass out.

Author speaking!
Frick Topper. That's it. That's the comment.

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