Part 16

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My chest rises, then falls slowly

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My chest rises, then falls slowly. I run my fingers through the boys hair, while he lays on my stomach. The waves say hello to me, the wind dances throughout my room. The sun shines down on my glowing skin. Then, the snoring slows to a halt.

"Good morning, princess," a groggy voice sounds from below me. I smile. His voice is so cute. "Good morning, Maybank." He raises his head slowly, dragging himself to the pillow. He lays down, watching me as I watch him. "What do you wanna do today," he asks.

"Not sure," I whisper. "We have the house to ourselves for the day."

JJ rests his palm on my waist, pulling me a bit closer. He lays flat on his back, and I rest my head on his chest. He rubs my back, and I listen to his heart beat. "Can I talk to you about something," I ask, my voice breaking.

"You can talk to me about anything, B," he whispers. "What's going on?"

I take a deep breath. "I think I'm over the Topper situation," I tell him quickly. We sit up, and he stares at me in disbelief. "Okay," is all he can say.

"I just don't want to think of that as my first time," I explain.

"D- Does that m- mean you want to..," he asks, trailing off. He's shocked when I nod my head a bit. Then, he smirks. "Are you sure?"

"I've never been more sure about anything," I say. Before I can say anything else, JJ pulls me close to him. He presses his lips gently to mine, kissing me softly. He rubs his hands through my hair and across my body. Our tongues touch, circling around each other. Then, he lays me down on the bed. He traces his fingers over my jawline, collarbone, down my arms. He stops at my stomach, and looks up at me. "Are you sure," he repeats.

"Yes," I shudder. I look him dead in his eyes, demanding he go on. He smiles sweetly, then kneels on the bed. He pulls his t-shirt off of his body, revealing rock hard abs that shine in the sunlight. I can't take my eyes off him. When he notices my staring, he scoffs, "Take a picture, princess."

JJ returns to my level, kissing down my stomach until he reaches my shorts. He begins to peel them off my thighs. He continues to kiss the inside of my thighs. When he reaches my underwear, he pushes it to the side. He slides his tongue around my opening a few times, causing my legs to shake. Then, he crawls up to my face. He kisses me, harder this time, while unbuttoning his pants. He breaks the kiss to take them off, then rips my shirt off of my body.

The two of us climb under the covers, dressed only in our underwear. JJ kisses me again, swishing his tongue around inside my mouth. He slides his hand down my body. He caresses my thighs, making me moan softly. Then, a finger crawls inside of me. When it curls up, I squirm in my sheets. JJ watches me, laughing softly. He leans down to whisper in my ear. "You like that, princess?"

"Mhm," I whine, taking in every second of this feeling. JJ takes his finger out, then wraps his hand around my throat. He chokes me a little while he lowers both of our underwear, tossing them across the room. He pushes up against me. The feeling of his dick makes me die from my body's demand to have him. "You want it," he whispers, smirking down at me. I nod my head quickly, attempting to breathe. "You're gonna have to do better than that, Rutledge."

"Please," I beg. I can't take another moment without him. "I want you. Now. Please." He chuckles quietly, then says, "Alright, princess. As you wish." I watch him staring at me with a smile. When he slides inside, I scream. This is the most exhilarating feeling I've ever experienced. He slides in and out gently, as if he was scared of causing me pain. He leans down, kissing my neck. I moan, "Faster. Please." I hear him moan softly into my neck as he begins thrusting harder and harder.

I scream, wrapping my legs around his waist. He leans up from my neck, smiling. He bites his lip, concealing his moans. I grab him by the back of his neck, pulling him into a rough kiss. He groans into my mouth. "Fuck," he grunts, pushing harder. He shakes, flipping me over. Once he rests onto the pillow, I rock my hips slowly. He grips my hips, moving me faster. "Fuck, Brie," he moans, throwing his head into the pillow. I lean down to kiss him, bouncing up and down. He watches me in awe.

"I love you," he whispers into my ear. I sit up, surprised. "You.. You w- what?"

"I- I love you," he breathes. "I know it's soon, but I can't help it. I'm sorry." He looks away, nervous of my reaction. I lay on top of his chest. Pulling his head to face me, I whisper, "I love you too." He smiles brighter than the sun, pulling me in for a deep, passionate kiss. When he releases me, we smile at each other for a moment. He takes me by surprise when he flips me back onto the bed. I giggle as he leans down and begins to thrust again. We kiss, moaning into each other. He grips my hair, then begins to suck on my neck.

I moan so loud the entire island could hear. He finishes me off, both of us shaking. He continues to thrust faster, while I groan. "Shit," he grunts, sucking on my nipples. He finally finishes, then rolls over. We both lay and catch our breaths. After a moment, I exclaim, "That was.. Fucking amazing!"

We both laugh, then I roll over into the sheets, kissing JJ before laying my head on his chest. He rubs my back slowly. "I love you, JJ," I tell him softly. He gently smiles.

"I love you too, Brie."

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