Part 17

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⚠️ ⚠️ FIGHTING ⚠️ ⚠️

I kick my clothes around my room, searching for my grey bandana

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I kick my clothes around my room, searching for my grey bandana. I can't find it anywhere. I crack open my bedroom door, and shout out to the living room. "Hey, John B! Can I borrow your bandana?" Footsteps inch closer to me, until JJ stands over me. "What's up, princess?"

"Where's John B," I ask. I chuckle, but I really don't want the world to see the bruise this blonde boy left on me yesterday. "He went to pick up Pope and Kie. What can I help you with?" I toss my hair over my shoulder, revealing the hickey. "Woah, who did that," JJ exclaims.

"You did."

"Oh, I did?"

"Yeah, you did," I giggle.

"Okay," JJ laughs. "Can I come in?" I open the door wider, allowing the boy to enter my room. He stumbles over my clothes. "I know it's in here somewhere," he mumbles.

"What's in here," I ask, raising a brow. JJ picks something up from inside my closet. "Ah, my bandana. I left it in here yesterday. Come here." He waves me over to my dresser. I watch in the mirror as the blonde stands behind me, tying his brown bandana around my neck. When he finishes, he claps his hands. "There! Problem solved."

I giggle, turning to face him. I rest my palms on his chest as he places his hands on my waist, pulling me closer. I kiss him softly, then push him away. "We need to get started on that clue." JJ groans, dramatically falling onto my bed. "Can't we just lay here all day?"

"No," I say, leaving my room. I continue shouting from the kitchen while I look for non-moldy food to eat. "We have to hit up the lighthouse today." JJ slides lazily across the floor. He stops behind me, wrapping his arms around me. He kisses my neck, making me giggle. "JJ, stop," I laugh. "We have to go."

"Fine," he groans. I lead him out to the boat. We climb on and start up the engine, ready to go to the lighthouse.


When we arrive at the lighthouse, JJ hops off the boat. He holds his hand out, helping me to the ground. I look up at the tower. "Woah," I breathe. "That's a lot of steps." We hold hands, heading to the door.

By the time we've reached the top, we've probably hit the world record for tripping up the stairs. Between the two of us, we've tripped over thirty times. JJ bangs on the door, until an old man answers. "Hey, man. We're here about Alice Hathoway and Tanneyhill," JJ informs the man. The man stares at us in surprise. "Your the first," he chuckles. "Come in, come in."

We follow the man out to the ledge of the lighthouse. John B was right. You really can see everything from up here. I'm snapped out of my admiring daze when the man begins to talk. "Alice Hathoway was a poor woman with more knowledge than any of the housewives in the Banks. She had an affair with a rich man by the name of John Limbrey, captain of the Royal Merchant. The two kept their heating romance a secret for years. Limbrey would give Hathoway money to live off of until she was rich, and they could publicly be together.

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