Part 29

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Lately, Kiara and I have refused to be in the same room together, let alone have a conversation

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Lately, Kiara and I have refused to be in the same room together, let alone have a conversation. Our shifts at the Wreck are separate, but the Pogues are having trouble getting to the money without us.

I wake up on a bright morning to the sun shining, the waves smacking, and the breeze cooling my room in the August heat. JJ is asleep next to me, his blonde hair ruffled into a disaster. I smile at his appearance.

I love this man. I'm so grateful that the universe could land me with such a perfect outcome. I rub my stomach, then climb out of bed. I quietly walk out of the room to brush my teeth. Once I finish, I hear John B and Pope in the living room. I walk out there, rubbing my eyes.

"Morning," I yawn.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," John B jokes.

"Ha ha," I say sarcastically. I grab a box of cereal out of the cabinet and begin to pour it into a bowl. Ever since I got the job at the Wreck, I've been buying things for the Chateau to make it liveable. I don't know how John B did it without me.

"Boat ride today, B," Pope asks me. As I pop a piece of cereal into my mouth, I say, "Only if Kie's not there."

"What even happened with you two," Pope asks.

"Yeah, you guys were, like, best friends."

"It doesn't matter what happened," I tell them. "What matters is that I have bigger things to worry about."

I shrug, then open the fridge for the milk. While I pour the cold liquid into the bowl, Pope asks, "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good," I say. "Just really hungry."

"Hey, don't eat too much," John B warns. "I do not want to watch you throw up all day again."

"I won't," I assure him. After sticking a spoon into the bowl, I join them on the couch. As I eat my cereal and listen to the boys talk, JJ comes into the room, rubbing his eyes. His hair is still a ruffled mess and his eyes are half shut.

"Good morning, princess," John B jokes. I giggle quietly, so as to keep JJ from hearing. I watch as the blonde gives him the finger while cracking open a beer.

As he sits down next to me, I ask, "Isn't it a little early for that?"

"Hasn't stopped either of us before," he shrugs. He chugs the beer, then takes a deep breath.

"Hey, do you wanna go on a boat ride with us later," I ask him, but he shakes his head. "Can't. I have to do something down at the junkyard."

"Right," I mumble. I finish my cereal, then wash the dishes. When I'm done, I walk back to my room.

I slide my clothes off, putting on a blue and white striped bikini. I jump into some denim shorts, and throw on a white tee. I put my hair up into a messy bun, then rejoin the boys in the living room.

"When are we going," I ask Pope and John B, who are laughing about something. "Oh, uh.. We're going right now. Pope, grab the beers," John B orders.

I kiss JJ, then follow John B out to the boat.


John B drives the boat, while Pope and I sit by him. It's sort of silent, which is nice, for once. The wind whips past us, and the waves crash under the Pogue.

"Brie, can you please just forgive Kie," Pope asks.

"No," I shout. "For the last time, no!"

"Why not?"

"She direspected my family," I explain. "That includes JJ and our baby. She outed me when I didn't wanna be outed. She's a bitch. Maybe, if she apologized, I'd forgive her, but she hasn't."

Pope stays silent. It's unbelievable how ridiculous these people are. Kiara suggested I get rid of my baby! Why should I forgive her? Because everyone else says so? I don't think so. I huff, sitting back in my seat and crossing my arms. I'm not enjoying this ride very much.

"Can we just go home," I ask impatiently. I need a break from these assholes.

"Sure thing, B," John B answers, turning the steering wheel. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch the brunette giving Pope a smirk. Rolling my eyes, I huff again. They're probably planning something, but I don't care. I just want to go home.


When we get home, I hurry into the house. I call for JJ, but he doesn't answer. I stomp into my room, slamming my door shut. I freeze in my spot. Kie sits on my bed, looking just as surprised. "What the hell are you doing here," I ask.

"Oh, uh.. JJ, he, uh.. He told me you wanted to talk," she stutters.

"Oh, well.. I don't," I say blankly. "You can leave now." Kie nods, and stands up. As she reaches the door, she turns to me. "Brie, I'm-,"

"Leave, Kiara," I shout. As she wraps her hand around the doorknob, we hear a click. My ears perk up, listening outside my room. "I feel bad about this," Pope says from the hallway.

"They need to get over their issues," John B tells him. "We'll get 'em out in the morning."

Stomping to the door, I grunt, "Ugh, John B! Let us out!" I bang my arms against the door. "Now!"

"Sorry, B," John B says through the door. "Talk to her. She's all you got for the rest of the night."

Hoping he'll answer, I shout JJ's name. "Brie, I'm sorry," JJ says. "But you gotta sort this out."

"Damn you," I yell. Realizing there's no hope, I shuffle to my bed. I fall onto it. I'm stuck for an entire night in one room with Kiara.

"Brie," Kie says softly. I hold a finger up. "No," I say. "We're not talking." She immediately shuts her mouth. I listen to her sit against the wall.


It's dark out, and I can hear the boys through my open window. They're on the back deck, probably drinking. I slam my book shut, pushing myself into a sitting position. Kiara is still hiding in the corner. I pat the sheets beside me, catching her attention.

"Okay, you wanna talk," I ask. "Let's talk."

"Brie, I'm sorry for outing you," Kiara tells me. "You didn't deserve that. I got angry, and-."

"That's not even the worst of what you did," I interrupt. "You told me I should get rid of my baby because of my background!"

Kie looks at the floor. "I didn't mean it that way," she explains softly. "I was just trying to remind you that you have options, different roads you can take."

"Okay, well, I want my baby, thanks," I retort. "It'd be nice if I had my best friend's support."

Kiara positions herself on her knees. "You've always had my support, B. If you want to have that baby, I'm right behind you. No matter what."

Surprised, I freeze. "Really," I ask. Maybe I was overreacting. "Really," she repeats. "I'm sorry if I made it sound any other way."

I wave her over, so she gets up and hops onto my bed, next to me. "I'm sorry," I say, tearing up. A tear falls down Kie's cheek. "Hugs," she asks. I nod as the tears come rushing out. We hold each other in our arms for a long while.

Eventually, we fall asleep on my bed. We talked all night, even after the boys were well asleep. It was a pretty good time. I always enjoy being with my best friend, but this time was probably better. Now, I know she has my back, and I have hers.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

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