Part 28

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The Pogues sit in broad daylight on the back deck, thinking about what the final clue meant

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The Pogues sit in broad daylight on the back deck, thinking about what the final clue meant. All I can think about is how excited JJ was when I told him about the baby. In fact, that's all I've been able to think about since I told him two days ago.

"People, think," Pope exclaims. "Who owed the most money at the time the money was buried."

"I don't know."

"No clue."

"No idea."

"Oh, I forgot. you all are idiots who don't pay attention in History," Pope insults.

"Hey," I exclaim. "Rude."

"Sorry, Brie," Pope says. "The most in-debt man in OBX at the time was a guy named Murray Gilbert."

"Murray Gilbert," John B repeats. "Okay, what's the point, Pope?"

"The point is, I found that Murray Gilbert did, in fact, live on the Cut," Pope explains. "And he rented a small patch of land called 'Rockfellow."

"Wait, I recognize that name," Sarah interrupts. "Rockfellow was.. Oh, my gosh."

"What," Kie asks.

"Rockfellow was here."

"Rockfellow was right here," Pope agrees. "The Chateau is on the Rockfellow land."

"What the fuck," I say in disbelief.

"Can you watch your mouth," Kie asks

"No," I smile sarcastically. "But you can watch yours."


"That's not my bitch. I can really be a bitch, if you want me to be."

"My money's on Brie," JJ comments.

"Nobody asked you," Kie yells.

"Dont talk to him like that, you fucking snake."

"Oh, sorry, I'll say it calmer," Kie says. Calmly, she tells JJ, "Brie may be with you now, but two months ago, she was making out with me. How do you like my sloppy seconds?" It gets quiet.

"Okay, so where would the number be," John B asks Pope, hoping to change the subject back to the money.

"Our best bet is to find the room that means the most," Pope answers.

I widen my eyes. John B told me the history of this room. I know exactly where the number is. I squirm out from under JJ's arm, and run inside. Throwing open my door, I practically leap to the dresser. My room used to be bigger, so it must be in there.

I knock on the wall a couple of times, and sure enough, the wall is hollow. I hurry inside my closet and punch a hole through. Pulling out my phone, I shine the flashlight inside the hole. Behind all of the spiderwebs, a large, red number is messily painted on the wall.

I turn around quickly, prepared to run back to the others, but I stop when I see them all behind me.

"Brie," JJ asks.

"It's eight," I breathe. "Eight is the last digit."


"Who do you love," JJ bursts into my room.

Surprised, I set my book down on the nightstand and sit up on my bed. "What," I ask. "I love you."

"Are you sure," he asks. "Or have you been in love with Kie the whole time?"

Oh, so that's what this is about. I kneel on my bed, resting my palms on his cheeks. "No, I haven't. I love you, JJ Maybank, and nobody else."

I kiss him softly, wrapping my arms around his neck. When he falls into the kiss, his arms surround my waist, pulling me closer. He rubs his fingers through my hair, leading his hands down to my stomach. He holds our growing baby in his hands, pressing his forehead to mine.

"Thank you, Brie," he says. "For everything."

The two of us change into comfier clothes and brush our teeth. I re-enter my bedroom to find JJ laying on the bed. "Tired," I ask, brushing my hair.

"Never of you," he smirks. I roll my eyes, then set my brush down. When I climb into my bed, the boy wraps his arms around me. He rests his head on my stomach lightly. "I'm sorry about earlier," he says.

"You don't have to apologize," I reason. "Kie was out of line. We didn't even make out. She kissed me when I slept over her house and I told her I wanted to be with you."

"That's my girl," he chuckles, giving me butterflies. "So you're mad at her?"

"If she's gonna be like that, yeah," I say. "The other day, she suggested I don't keep the baby because we have no adults to look up to."

"What the hell," JJ sneers. "I can't believe her."

"I know," I mumble. "But it makes me think that something else is wrong."

"Maybe," JJ says. "I don't care right now. I just want you."

I look down at him. That sentence may have been what gotten us here in the first place, but was it so bad? I reach for his arm, pulling him up to my eye level. I grab him by the back of his neck and push him into a deep kiss.

He holds me by the back of my neck as I run my fingers through his hair. He swirls his tongue around in my mouth, his taste electrifying. He runs his hands down my spine, making me shiver to the touch. I slide my fingers down his abs.

JJ lifts my shirt up, throwing it across the room. After unclipping my bra, he holds my wrists firmly over my headboard. He begins to kiss around my breasts, sucking every once in a while. He swirls his tongue around my nipples, giving me goosebumps.

"Take you shirt off," I breathe. He smiles and pushes himself up. Kneeling on my bed, he wraps his arms around his body, peeling the shirt off his toned skin. After throwing it to the floor, he lays on top of me again.

JJ wraps his hand around my throat. He kisses me until I can't breathe, then releases the grip he has on my neck. He slips my shorts and underwear off, then does his own. When I least expect it, two fingers shove inside of me. Every time he curls them, I moan. Wriggling in my seat, I take in every beat.

He takes his fingers out and smirks at me. Upon seeing my confused reaction, JJ dips his head, and begins to lick around my opening. I squirm so much that he has to grip my waist to keep me still.

I struggle to breathe from how well he does his job. Just as I'm about to finish, he comes back up and kisses me, giving me a taste of myself. He messes around with something below us, and pushes in. I scream, "JJ!"

As the boy begins to thrust himself deeper into me, I try to hold back my screams. He leans closer to whisper in my ear. "I love you, Brie."

"I l- love you J- JJ," I tell him between moans. He begins to move his hips faster, smacking into me every time he gets close. I can feel myself getting close, so I begin to move my hips, too. I can tell he's getting close as well by the frantic thrusts.

He kisses me to hide his moans, but I listen to him groan every time he goes farther in. I wrap my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist, giving him my entire body to take into satisfaction.

Finally, I relax my muscles. I moan to every beat, feeling my body become weaker. JJ grunts, "Fuck." He shakes for a moment, then the thrusts come to an end. We both take a moment to catch our breath.

"That was.. Amazing," I sigh. JJ takes a few steps back to stand in front of the bed. He smiles at me, mesmerized by my vulnerable appearance. "You're beautiful," he whispers. I gaze at him with a smile, blushing. "Thank you."

He climbs back onto the bed, joining me. Naked, we lay under the sheets. He wraps his body around me, hugging me tight from behind. His hands lay on my stomach for the rest of the night.

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