Part 45

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The waves smack against each other. The clouds stand over us with a grin on their faces. The chilly wind blows hard against my skin. Goosebumps crawl up and down my arms. I shiver in the cold.

It's been a few weeks since I had Jack. I can finally see my toes again, so I guess that's good. I stand silent as Pope drives the Pogue back to the Chateau.

When we reach the Chat, Pope jumps down to the dock. He holds out his hand. I take it gently, and he helps me to the ground. Together, we hurry into the house. Everyone sits around the living room.

"Hey, a hurricane's coming in," John B tells us.

"Really," Pope asks. "I couldn't tell."

I hold back my giggles at Pope's comment. "Do we have food?"

"Yep," Kie says.


Sarah hums, nodding her head.

"Okay, JJ, go make sure the boat is secure," I order. "Kie, Sarah, lock the windows. John B, go pick up anything in the yard that could fly away or break. Pope, go close the car windows. I'll lock the doors."

They all stare at me in confusion. I clap my hands. "C'mon, let's go, people!"

They all scurry. JJ runs to the boat, while Pope hurries to the cars out front. John B races to the yard. Kie begins to lock all of the windows in the living room, while Sarah locks the windows in the back of the house.

Once everyone returns, I lock the front and back doors. We all sit on the couch and watch the storm form in the sky.

"This'll be fun," John B comments sarcastically.

He's right. We're all mad at each other, yet we're stuck in the house for the rest of the day and all night together. I'd say I'm only mad at JJ for being so dumb lately, but the others are mad at JJ and at least one other person. This should be loads of fun.


The doctor and nurses surround me. This is probably the worst day of my life. Today is the day I give birth to my lost child.

"Okay, sweetie," the nurse breathes. "I need you to push really hard for me, okay? As hard as you can."

I nod as sweat drops down my forehead. Tears form in my eyes as I feel Jack's head forming. I throw my hand out, and JJ grabs it. I squeeze so hard you could hear his knuckles cracking above my screaming.

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