Part 5

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The Pogues sit around the Chateau's living room, waiting for Kiara to explain her discovery

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The Pogues sit around the Chateau's living room, waiting for Kiara to explain her discovery. She's been waiting for all of us to shut up, but we're too excited.

"Are you guys done," Kie shouts over the laughter. Everyone clears their throats and focuses their attention on the short girl sitting with them. "Okay, so we know Alice Hathoway owned Tanneyhill one hundred and fifty seven years ago, right? What year was that?"

JJ raises his hand as though we were seated in a classroom. Kie rolls her eyes and says, "JJ."

"Two hundred B.C.?"

"No," Kie grunts. "The year was 1864, fourty three years after the Royal Merchant sank."

The group looks at her in confusion. Kie groans, then continues. "Does anybody remember what the engraving said in the sewers?"

"Well," I question. I still don't understand what's happening. "Yeah, the engraving said 'well', and where did we find the gold from the Royal Merchant?"

"In the well under that old lady's house," John B exclaims. Well, that's news to me. Gold?

"Exactly. Now, when I figured this out, I did some digging. I mean, why would some old lady put a clue on her money that relates to someone else's?"

"Okay, Kie, what'd you find," Pope asks impatiently.

"Alice Hathoway had an affair with John Limbrey, the captain of the Royal Merchant, in the 1800's."

"So, what does that mean for us," JJ asks.

"I think, maybe if we retrace our steps in finding the gold, we can find the key that goes into that hole or another clue," Kie explains.

I say, "That's a good idea, Kie." Kie smirks, "Thank you, Brie."

"So we have to refind the gold all over again," Pope asks. "John B got framed last time we went down that road. Do we really wanna do it again?"

"Wait, what," I ask, though no one hears me.

"C'mon, Pope," JJ says gently, walking closer to the boy. "It may have taken a minute, but my motto is always correct. Stupid things have good outcomes all the time."

As the blonde says this, everyone mouths the words along with him. "See? We all know it's true."

"I'm down," John B says. Sarah nods in agreement.

"Me too," I say.

"Then it's settled," JJ smiles as Pope shakes his head. "Operation Get the Gold Part 2 is on."


A little while later, Sarah and I leave for Tanneyhill to check on Wheezie. I'm nervous walking into the house. The others have told me stories of Sarah's family. They're cold blooded.

"Sarah, are you sure this is a good idea," I ask. I'm sure her family would love their enemie's sister being in their home. "You'll be fine. I promise."

Sarah leads me through the house. We're heading up the stairs when a raspy voice sounds from behind us.

"Sarah, you're home," it says as Sarah slowly turns around. "I missed you, sweetie."

"I'm here to see Wheezy," Sarah says blankly. I turn around to face the man. He has greasy brown hair and a scruffy greying beard. He's wearing a button up shirt and jeans. This must be her father. "Who's your friend," he asks.

"This is Brie," Sarah says. "We'll be quick."

As we turn to walk up the stairs, he says, "Well, uh, Brie.. I'm Ward, Sarah's father. If you need anything, just uh.. Give me a shout."

I nod with a smile, then follow Sarah up the stairs. That guy creeps me out. We're almost out of the hallway when another voice creeps up behind us. "Oh, Sarah," she laughs. "You scared me."

"Rose," Sarah breathes. "Brie, this is Rose. Rose, this is Brie. Yes, Dad knows we're here. I wanna see Wheezy, then we'll leave. Bye."

Sarah grabs my arm, then pulls me into a room. A girl with curly, brown hair and glasses smiles. "Sarah!"

She runs to Sarah and gives her a hug. When she releases Sarah from her grasp, she asks, "Who's this?"

"Wheez, this is Brie," Sarah tells her. "She's John B's sister, but don't tell anyone."

Sarah holds her finger up to her mouth as she says this. Wheezy rolls her eyes, then looks at me. "You're pretty."

"Thanks," I smile. "But look at you."

Wheezy giggles, then drags Sarah and I away from the door. We sit on her bed with her when she says, "It's getting worse. Rafe is out of control. He's asking for help, but Dad doesn't care. Rose is inside Dad's head and.. and.."

Wheezy starts to hyperventilate. Sarah holds her close, hugging her tight and shushing her. She releases Wheezy, and holds her face in her hands. "I promise you, I will get you out of here. We will take care of you. It'll be okay, I promise."

Wheezy nods. Sarah kisses her on the forehead and says, "We have to go now. I'll be back soon, I promise."

"It was nice meeting you," I wave as we leave the room. We hurry down the stairs and out of the front door. We're almost off the property when I bump into Rafe out front.

"Hey, watch where you're.. It's you," he smiles evilly. "I told you not to come to this side of the island."

"No, I believe you told me to hope you don't see me on this side of the island," I smile. "I'm so scared."

Rafe is about to say something back, but Sarah butts in. "Rafe, don't! C'mon, Brie."

"See ya around, Cameron," I say, shoving his shoulder as I walk past.

I wonder if he hates me. God, I hope so. He's such a pain in the ass. I can't stand him.

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