Part 21

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"Do you have it," I ask Kie as she shuts my bedroom door

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"Do you have it," I ask Kie as she shuts my bedroom door. The brunette nods and hands me the bag. I look inside at the box. I feel my heartbeat racing. "Will you be okay," Kie asks.

I nod. "This could be the day my life changes forever," I sigh. Kie hugs me tight. "I'm here for you, always."

"Thanks, Kie." I sink into her hug. When we back away, I ask, "Is Sarah coming in?"

"Yeah, she stopped to talk to John B. She'll be in here by the time you finish."

I nod, and take a deep breath. Turning on my heels, I exit the room. I walk into the bathroom across the hall, closing the door behind me. I throw the bag into the trash, holding onto the box. Staring at it, my anxiety begins. I watch myself in the mirror, attempting to calm myself down.

"It'll be okay," I tell myself. "It'll all be okay." I inhale, ripping the box open. I pull out the stick and follow the directions.

When I finish, I set the stick down and set the timer on my phone. "Everything will work itself out."

A knock sounds at the door. "Everything okay, Brie?" It's Sarah. "Yeah, I'm okay," I tell her. I listen as she walks into my room to join Kie in the wait. The timer goes off, terrifying me. My hands shake as I pick the stick up.

It's positive. A single tear drops down my flushed cheeks. I'm pregnant.

I hurry to my room, slamming the door shut behind me. "You okay, Brie," John B shouts from the living room.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I shout back. Kie and Sarah watch me from the bed in excitement. "Well," Kie asks.

"Am I going to be an aunt," Sarah exclaims. I slowly walk to the bed, sitting before the girls. I gently set the test on the bed. They lean down and immediately, their faces light up.

"Oh, my gosh," Sarah breathes. "You're pregnant."

"I'm pregnant," I giggle, tears streaming down my face. Kie hugs me tightly, whispering, "I'm so happy for you." Sarah wraps the two of us in her arms. The three of us hug and cry for a while, until I realize something.

I back up. "Issue," I say. "There are two potential fathers." Clearly, based upon the looks on all of our faces, none of us had thought of that.

"Okay, okay, we can figure this out," Kie says. "How can we find out who the dad is?"

"Wait," Sarah says. "I might have an idea."


"Whoo," I shout as the waves come crashing down. We all decided to go surfing later that day, and it's been the most fun I've had in a while. It was my first time surfing, and I've learned that JJ is the best surfer in the Outer Banks. That is, according to John B.

"You're a natural, B," the blonde shouts from a bit away.

"Thanks," I smile. "I think I'm gonna head in, though."

"Okay, I'll come with you."

I tread through the waters until we reach the sand. My wet toes curl around the golden specks. I set my board down. JJ made my board for me. He said he wanted me to have it, whether I rode it or not. It's a pretty teal and orange mix.

"Did you have fun," JJ asks me as he sits on his board.

"Yeah, that was insane," I exclaim, joining him. "Thanks for teaching me."

"Anytime, princess." He grasps my chin, kissing me gently.

"Okay, no macking," John B groans, walking up the beach to sit with us. "That's my sister, dude. Gross."

"Haters gonna hate," we say in unison.

"Cheesy," Sarah laughs. Pope and Kie follow them, pulling beers out of the cooler to pass around. When Pope hands me mine, I crack it open and drink it until Sarah slaps my arm.

"Hey, what was that for," I exclaim. She sends her eyes straight to my stomach. Rolling my eyes, I set the drink down on my board. When Sarah turns her attention away from me, I take little sips. Of course, I wouldn't want to hurt my baby, but it's still early.

"Hey, it's starting to get dark," Kie points out. John B shrugs. "Bonfire?"

"Yeah, okay," Pope says. Everyone agrees. "JJ, help me with the wood?" The blonde nods, and the two start off to find bark to burn.

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