Part 26

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"Are you sure you guys are okay with this," Sarah asks softly

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"Are you sure you guys are okay with this," Sarah asks softly. We're standing outside the Cameron's house, waiting to sneak in. I nod.

"We'll be okay," I say. "I'm not scared of Rafe. That asshole could suck my dick if I had one, for all I care."

"That's my girl," JJ comments from behind me, making me blush. I love it when he says that.

"You ready, Pope," I ask the boy, who's looking nervous as ever. He nods quickly. "Let's just get this over with."

"Okay, now remember, you're gonna go in there with my gun," JJ starts.

"JJ, they're not taking the gun," Kie interrupts.

Behind me, JJ mumbles, "They never want the gun when they need it."

"Dumbass," John B whispers.

"Alright, you guys are gonna sneak in," Sarah instructs. "You're gonna go straight up to Rafe's room. Brie, it's the door at the end of the hall that Wheezy's room is in." I nod. "Look for the clue. Get in, get out. If you get caught, I sent you there and you didn't know where you were going. Smile, be nice."

That was mostly a warning for me, I can tell. The two of us take a deep breath. "Good luck," JJ whispers, kissing my forehead.

"Thanks," I smile. "Let's go."

Pope and I hurry through the gate, and hide behind a tree. I hold my finger to my mouth, checking to see that the coast is clear. I nod to Pope and we race to the front door. Carefully, I pull the handle, opening the door. We slide through, closing the door behind us.

Footsteps sound in the hallway. I push Pope up against a banister. His breathing increases, and it's getting too loud. I hold his hand to calm him down. I look around the banister and hurry back when I see Ward and Rose walking past us.

When I check again and the coast is clear, I pull Pope up the stairs. I find the door at the end of the hallway, and we hurry inside the empty room. When I close the door, Pope lets out a large breath.

"Are you okay," I whisper. He nods. "Okay, let's look."

I begin to search inside the closet. I push Rafe's clothes and shoes around, using a flashlight to look, but find nothing. I look around his bed and dresser. Then, I hear a creak.

"Pope, what the hell," I whisper-shout.

"Sorry.. Wait." Pope crouches down, pulling the floorboard up. He reaches his hand in and pulls out an old, ripped piece of parchment. "What the hell?"

The doorknob begins to turn. "Put it away," I whisper. Just as Pope sticks the paper in his pocket, Rafe walks into the room. "What the fuck are you two doing here?"

I hurry to answer before Pope messes up the whole plan and gets us killed. "Uh, Sarah sent us to get something of hers." I laugh a little to make it believable. "Sorry, I haven't been here much. We got lost. Where's Sarah's room?"

Rafe stares me down. He's thinking of something, but I can't make out what. "To the left of Wheezy's room." He points out the door, so we hurry out. We're about to head down the stairs when I realize he's behind us.

"Here it is," I sigh, walking into Sarah's room. I rush to her closet. If I'm going to lie to get out of her house, I'm gonna get some clothes out of it. I look through her closet, searching for something cute. Finally, I find a long, white dress with off-the-shoulder sleeves.

"Sarah made you two freaks come here for a dress?" Rafe raises his brows at me.

"Yeah, uh.. She wanted to surprise John B for their.. Date," I lie. I pray to the Lord above that he believes me.

"Right," he says. "Well, if that's all, could you get the hell out?"

"Yeah," I smile sarcastically, hurrying past the blonde to grab Pope. We hurry down the stairs and out of the door before Ward and Rose see us, too. We race across the lawn to the others, who cheer us on.

JJ lifts me up and spins me in circles, kissing me. Kie and John B jump on Pope, hugging him tightly. "You guys are acting like we were walking into a death trap," I laugh as JJ sets me down. "C'mon, thought you would've learned by now. I'm a survivor."


When we arrive at the Chateau, the six of us hurry to the living room. I sit in between Pope and JJ, while Kie and Sarah sit next to each other and John B seats himself in the chair. "Show us," Kie exclaims.

"Yes, please," JJ agrees, rubbing his hands together.

"Okay, okay," Pope chuckles, pulling the parchment out of his pocket. He lays it flat on the coffee table. "Woah," John B scoffs.

"Congratulations! You have made it this far, do not fret. The hunt is soon to finish," Kie reads. She passes the page on to Sarah.

"Your digit is four. Now, one more." Sarah passes it on to John B.

"You shall find the final digit where you least expect, for it lies with those channeling less dialect."

JJ grabs the page, staring at it. "What's wrong," I ask him. He hesitates before whispering, "I can't read cursive."

I take the page from him and read, "Your digit lies with those who fret, those who owe the most in their debt.' What?" I pass the page to Pope to finish.

"You are so close, so close I bet. You shall find your digit where Primrose will sett."

"What the hell is going on," JJ asks. "I didn't understand one word of that."

I giggle, patting his face gently. "So, wherever Primrose used to grow the most is where the last number is!"

"Guys, we're close," Kie exclaims.

We all celebrate, hugging each other and cheering. After a while, we finally calm down and fall asleep.

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