Chapter 2

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She had spent 2 days trying to figure out what was missing. But nothing would appear out of sorts. He was too good to be bad. Or at least she thought he was. Then she began thinking maybe he couldn't handle the pressure. But Frank wanted to see if she had seen anything that could point to where he might have gone. But she needed more intel. Something felt off to her.

She took a long lunch break. Telling Frank she needed a couple of hours to refuel so she could keep digging into the case. He allowed her to go for a while. So she went to the local police station first. Public records weren't sealed. If they were public. So that was a good place to start. Maybe the brother's case would be there. And if it was maybe more information.

"Excuse me," she spoke to the police officer at the front desk. The man was mid four-ties and he looked up and grinned at her.

"How can I help you," he asks. She clears her throat.

"We'll see I'm working on a project and I was just wondering if The case I'm working on is on public records, and if so could I get a copy of it," she said. He nods.

"Okay well what's the name," he asked trying his credentials into the computer system.

"Devin Williams," she said. He looks up and then back down at his screen. Typing the name in.

"Okay, well, there's no public case anywhere on Devin, however, there is one on his brother, Drake, looks like it's a closed case but it is in public records, if you want those I can get those for you," he says. She sighs. She has those records.

"I have those already. I'm trying to piece some things together for my project due Saturday. Are there any news articles about Devin?" She asked. He crosses his arms.

"There may have been a few articles when it happened, what kind of project are you working on," he asked. She gets scared for a moment. But she learned a thing or two in law school. And that was when to change the subject without raising suspicion.

"Oh never mind I may change my project since it was a bust, thank you anyway," she says. He nods to her and she walks out of the police station.

She picks up her phone and looks at the time. She still had an hour for lunch left. Maybe the library would have something on Devin. Maybe if he went to school or if he worked anywhere. So that would be the next best place to look for information. She gets in her car and drives to the public library which is a block from her work. It's a large library but she needed the archives. And the paper copies would be in the basement.

Once she's inside the library she reaches the elevator and presses 'B' for the basement. She stands for a moment and the elevator dings and opens. And the scene inside is crucial. Paperwork was stacked on desks. Boxes of files were stacked as high as the ceiling. And it was so full of boxes. There was a woman stacking boxes to her right. So she walks over slowly not trying to startle her. The woman who is at least fifty notices her.

"Can I help you," she asks. Marissa walks closer.

"I need some files on someone and I'm hoping I can find them here," she said truthfully vague.

"Ooh, well, what's the last name," the woman asks her.

"Williams," Marissa says. The woman nods and looks at the shelves before pointing to the section.

"All of the w's are in this section," the woman says. Marissa nods and strides over to the section the woman told her. She begins looking for his last name.

Marissa looks and looks, over each box. And finally, in one small box, she finds the name she is looking for. 'Devin Williams.' And she grabs it. She sits it on another box right in front of her and opens the box.
Inside are pictures of newspaper clippings. Of the day Devin was killed. Dates and articles. There was another newspaper clipping of something that she hadn't expected to see. Devin was in college in his graduation attire and his brother Drake was beside him they were smiling.

"Devin Williams, alongside his younger brother Drake, posing in front of the science department. Where Devin graduated with a bachelor's in sciences. He had a GPA of 4.0 and was the highest in his class. It was a great day for Devin Williams, we congratulate him on his achievements and hope life takes him far."

Marissa cringes because Devin didn't live long after that. That was in 2010. His brother was a sophomore studying Law and criminal justice. And that's when it hit Marissa. Something was wrong with this investigation. Why would two brothers highest in their class studying science and criminal justice, get caught up in laundering money and selling drugs with the mafia? Something didn't add up. Why was Frank wanting this investigation opened again? Was Drake hiring him to be his lawyer?

She looked for Drakes's files, and she found a box full of them. She gets it down and goes through the files. Drake had a lot of achievements. And no criminal record. And then he found it, his birth certificate. 'Drake Michael Williams was Born July 25th, 1986 at 9:25 pm, to Sharon and Bradly Williams."

Devin's birth certificate wasn't in his box but his death certificate was. December 31st, 2011. Time of decease 11:50 pm. Cause of death gunshot wound to the front of the skull. Died on contact.

"I need the police reports on this, something is going on, I need to fully investigate," she said to herself. She looked at her phone. Shoot she was going to be late. She took pictures of the certificates and the documents. And then she placed the boxes back and exited the library.

In her car she notices something is off with this detective work she was asked to do, but she doesn't want to believe Frank had anything to do with any of this, so she pushes it out of her head. And she drives back to her office for another boring day of work.

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