Chapter 4

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His face was in shock and fear. And Frank looked shocked as well. Drake did the only thing he could think of. Because she knew him. He hit Frank over the head, knocking him out cold. And he runs to Marissa. She steps back in fear and he grabs her arm. And she begins fighting against him. He wasn't about to let her go. She was a witness and without questions, she would accuse him of trying to murder her boss. His strength was overpowering her. And he kept her at bay.

As she was dragged away with the gun to her head. No one noticed the monstrosity taking place. The music was too loud. And she didn't scream, which was weird to him. And as he dragged her closer to the elevator he kept wondering how she knew him.

"Who are you and how do you know me," he asked. He pushes her into the elevator. She is scared but at the same time, she's confused. He pushes the bottom floor to the parking garage.

"I'm Marissa Daniels, I'm Franks Secretary and he gave me your file to see if you were still around, and I guess I was right," she said. He snaps a look at her.

"You were investigating me," he asked. She nods.  The elevator stops and opens into the parking garage.

"Well, can't say I'm surprised, Frank wants me out away or dead, recently it's dead," he said. She was confused. He pulls her into the parking garage of the building. He grabs her keys and hits the unlock button. When he sees where she's parked he drags her over to her Toyota Camry puts her in the passenger's side and climbs in the driver's side with the keys. She is scared but at the same time, she's confused about him. She doesn't know whether to trust him or to punch him and run. But she was smart and she needed information.

"Okay so, where are we going," she asked, he backed up and pulled away. She puts her seatbelt on. He goes the speed limit because Frank would be out for a bit. And that gave him an advantage. But they needed out of the state. He knew that was the only chance he had. So he drove and kept driving.

"Where are we going," she asked. She turns the heat on.  He keeps a watch on her hands making sure she doesn't try to pull the gun away or have a weapon on her. Then he sighs knowing she must be scared.

"I won't hurt you, I have no beef with you, my beef is with your boss, and whether you believe me or not, I didn't commit any crimes, especially against my brother," he said. She looked at him studying his face.

"But you kidnapped me and knocked Frank out, and you won't tell me where we are going," she said.  He keeps his eyes on the road.

"We stop for gas in a couple of hours, and then we are going to Iowa Falls, Iowa, and while at the gas station, I expect for you to stay in the car and not run away," he said. She sighs.

"I mean, if I'm going in to pay for gas, I can't run can I?" She asks. She doesn't feel the need to run away. She wanted to know the truth. But his gun scared her. She kept looking at it. And at him. And backing over toward the door.

"It's not loaded, bullets are in my pants pocket, I was only bluffing with Frank, I wanted his confession," he said turning right. She was confused as to what he meant by that. But did she want to know? At this point, she didn't care to know.

She sat in silence for a while. Until they pull into a gas station. It was a quite little station in the middle of nowhere but very convenient for them. He pulls into the first pump. And then she looks inside the store and sees one man working. She didn't plan to escape. But to get answers first. But he didn't know that. He pulls out handcuffs from his back and places one on her right and the other on the seat head above her. Her windows were tinted so they were hard to see into.

"Wait, you're handcuffing me to the headrest?" She asked. He grabs $40 out of his wallet. There must've been at least four thousand dollars in there. It was crammed packed.

"Can't take any chances," he said.

She rolls her eyes and huffs. He shuts the car door and heads inside. She fiddles around for a minute. Taking those extra detective classes would pay off. She finds a Bobby pin and opens it up. These cuffs were hurting her hand.

He is standing at the counter with 2 bottles of water and some chips. So her opportunity was now. She began fiddling with the key whole to try and pick the lock. She pushed a little harder and twisted it right, and it clicked. Breaking her free from the handcuff. She rubbed her wrist and saw him coming back to the car. He goes to the pump placing it in her gas tank. And he opens the door. At first, he didn't notice she wasn't cuffed until he noticed her rubbing her wrists.

"How did you get free," he asked. She holds up a Bobby pin. He snickers.

"Of course, because women always carry those," he says as the gas clicks and he puts the snacks in her lap. He goes back to the tank and puts the nozzle back on and shuts the gas tank lid. And he slides back in the driver's seat.

"So are you ready to go to Iowa Town," he asks. She looks at him with a serious but sarcastic look.

"Do I have a choice," she asked. He shakes his head.

And just like that, they were on the road to Iowa town, and in peace, as they kept silent the entire time.

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