Chapter 20

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It had been 5 days already. Marissa had been speaking with Harvey but Drake didn't want to speak with her. And that hurt her. Sharon kept in touch with Drake and Brad. They learned that Frank was going to be going to his house in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. It was an hour and 10 minutes from the estate the ladies were at. But far enough they wouldn't be in the crossfire. So Brad and the guys would stay at their estate until it was time to go. They would leave that day, and a fine haven near Franks place.

So today the guys would arrive at the New York estate. Drake said it was a bad idea for them to be seen together with Marissa because Frank was not too far from them. But Brad told him to chill. They would be leaving the next day anyway. So the ladies prepared for them. But Marissa knew Drake wouldn't want to see her. But he did want to. He yearned to see her and to hold her again. But he didn't want her to end up hurt.

"They're here ladies," Charles said. Brad walked in first hugging his wife. She had been teaching Marissa how to be a proper lady. The whole nine yards, dressing and speaking. But it was her choice. She wanted to prove to herself that she was more than her career.

"Marissa," Harvey said loudly. She ran to him engulfing him in a long hug. And Drake walked on by. And passes Marissa and Sharon up. And headed toward the study. Where he would remain. Marissa felt heartbroken but she learned from Sharon to not let it get to her. She let go of her brother.

"He does care, why do you think he's going to
The lion's den Tomorrow, it's all for you just like I'm doing it for you too, I love you, sis," Harvey said. She smiles.

"I love you too dork," she said. Making up for the years she never had with him. Brad hugged Marissa too. Which wasn't expected but he held on longer than he thought he would. He was so relieved to know she was still safe.

"I'm glad to see you Marissa and I will be watching your back until this is over we all will," he said letting go. She looks back at the study. She was wearing a two-piece navy dress suit. With high heels that were slick black and her hair was pulled back with a Bret.

"Lord Sharon what have you done to her," Brad laughed. Charles brought the luggage in. He looked at Brad after dropping it.

"Sir she looks rather posh, I like it, but she needs to work on that grammar," he said laughing. Everyone shared a laugh. And Drake was watching them. He would love to go over and start a conversation with them. They seemed to be having a good time. Even her brother was happier than he had ever been.

Sharon notices him and she joins him in the door not letting the others see her. He watches his mom stride over. And he sighs. She knows what's on his mind. He wants to tell her how he feels about her. But he was scared she would convince him not to do this. Say it was too dangerous. There was no other way.

"Son, she is in deep and now Frank wants her dead as much as you, why are you doing this to her and yourself?" She asked. He grabs her hand.

"Because she deserves the moon and I can't give it to her."

"Son no one could give the moon it isn't theirs to give. But if you love them unconditionally they will love you too," she said. He looked at Marissa. She was smiling at Brad.

"What did you do to her, you made her more like you, I always admired your strength, mother, but don't turn her into someone who has to prove something, someone who wants everything and loses nothing because they don't know what nothing is, it's not who she is. Because she rose from a life of nothing and now she's, the rarest thing, a beacon for light and hope, and she gives me courage, don't change that about her."

"Son, she will always try to herself, she wanted this life because she lost everything she ever thought she had," Sharon said. He shoots his attention to her. Confused. She smiles and steps in front of him.

"Mom I don't understand what she lost, she had you and Harvey and Dad, and even Charles, she had you all, and she was protected, why would she change herself, and for what reason," he asked. She smiled and shook her head. It wasn't that she didn't want to tell him, but he needed to see it for himself.

"You'll eventually wake up and see it for yourself," she said. He was so lost. And she didn't help anything. Not telling him what she meant was leaving him lost.

"Thanksgiving dinner is at seven tonight be ready, all your favorites will be served," Sharon said leaving him to his thoughts.

Marissa was getting ready for dinner and Sharon walked in, to help her. Marissa was happy to have her around. She came to love her as a mother. And she loves Brad as a father even though hers was one of the best. And she knew Brad and Sharon loved her now too. They had always been kind-hearted people. And loved more than words. Much like Drake was. When he loved he did it unconditionally. And maybe that's why Marissa cared about him. Because he was a good person.

Sharon helps her zip her new dress up. It's a knee-length fitted navy dress and it has black seams. And black heels. She had Sharon put her hair halfway with a pumpkin Bret. It was silver.

"Marissa, you don't need to wear anything fancy to fit in here, you're perfect as is," Sharon said. She smiled and shook her head.

"I have always wanted a mom to show me how to be a real woman, to fix my hair for me and help me pick out nice things to wear, but my mother was always on drugs or drinking, and my dad just couldn't, so I'm glad to have you helping me," Marissa confessed. Sharon grinned at her.

"You are a real woman sweetheart, because you have a heart full of love. It isn't the clothes or the jewelry, it's the way we treat people, however, you do dress very beautifully," Sharon said. Marissa smiles.

"Thanks, and I have a question," Marissa says. Sharon steps back. And she waits. Marissa is nervous but she pulls herself together and steps back.

"Would it be too much to call you mom, I know it's forward and we've only known each other for a few weeks but I feel I've known you my entire life," she asked. Sharon tears up. And Marissa thinks she's hurt her feelings.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," Marissa says but Sharon shakes her head. And wipes her tears. She takes her broach off of herself. It's a maple leaf and it's gold. She places it on Marissa's dress and pens it.

"I've always wanted a daughter, and I swore if I had one I'd pass it to her, and though you aren't blood, you care for my son, so I would be so happy if you called me mom," Sharon said. Marissa smiled and hugged her.

"Thank you so much it's beautiful, and I just wanted to say how much I love you and Brad, he feels like a father to me, I know he wouldn't let me call him that but he does feel like, so thanks, Mom."

"Are you kidding if you called him Dad, he would flip a new switch, he wanted a girl after Drake but I couldn't carry her, he loves you like a daughter you know," Sharon told her. Marissa was sunny that. She didn't know he felt that way. She was shaken.

"He feels like a father to you Marissa, and he would protect you like his own."

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