Chapter 29

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Christmas Eve, has come, and Marissa is not ready to face anyone. Except her newly found friend. He had been there for her. More than she expected. And the Christmas Eve dinner party was tonight. She had already known about it. So she had her dress made a few weeks ago. It was royal blue with silver snowflakes. Justin told her she needed to find her happiness. For herself. She always wanted her family and she had it. But the one thing she didn't have was him.

So after getting her dress on it was also off the shoulders and her silver heels, she puts her hair to the side and it's curled. With a silver snowflake Bret. She is ready to go to the dinner party. They had invited a few friends and co-workers. And she didn't know any of them. But they were all so polite. And they liked Marissa and her bravery against the Mafia boss.

Drake was dressed in a black suit and red tie. He notices Marissa and he gets starstruck for a moment. Until he sees Justin grab her arm escorting her in. Harvey is dressed in a red velvet suit and tie. He looked like Christmas. Drake notices him too.

"Look brother don't take this the wrong way but uh, you look like Santa Clause," Drake said. Harvey chuckled.

"Santa is fat and jolly and I'm slim and almost drunk," he said setting his drink down.

Drake rolls his eyes. And he notices Justin dancing with Marissa. But it's not a romantic dance it's a friendly dance. And he realized that Justin was talking about him. He was the happiness. So he excused himself to go to Marissa.

"Justin, can I cut in please," Drake asks. Justin nods and Marissa takes his left hand. She smiles at him. Justin moves away.

"You know I'm happy for you I know how much you loved criminal law, and being a professor is amazing," he says. She grins at him.

"Well I can't say I'm surprised you are the head detective at the agency, you were always good at combat and battle tactics," she said. He smiled. Sharon and Brad notice them dancing. It's the first time in a while they've been together for longer than five minutes.

"You know, I am sorry for leaving like I did, I just couldn't-"

"Couldn't be near me, I get it, no apology needed, I pushed you away and made you leave this beautiful place, because I thought I was protecting you but you were the initial target, so a lot of good that done me," he said. She puts her head down for a second. And back up.

"And I was just upset with you, and I'm sorry, but I don't regret it because I got a house thanks to Dad and 2 cars and a great job and wonderful students," she said. He looked at Justin.

"Yes he is wonderful isn't he, like a puppy you carry around in your purse, so loving and warm, I can see why you like him," he said. She took that as an insult.

"Excuse me, Justin is a good person, and much like me," she said stopping. He stopped too. And was getting louder. By this time everyone was aware that there was an argument.

"Oh yes much like you, except he didn't get kidnapped and almost got killed, he may have lost his parents but he didn't have as rough as you think, he's cute and cuddly but he is a student Rissa, a student, how long do you think you can keep it going before someone steps in and fires you for being sweet on him," Drake said. Justin looks at Drake hurt. Brad was getting angry with the way Drake was talking with Marissa and Sharon too Harvey was too drunk to notice.

"You know what, you're right, he is sweet, and he's been there and he hasn't pushed me away, and he's exactly like me, which is why I see him like I do. And while you're pushing everyone away and being like this, remember someone does care about me, you should be happy because now you don't have to have me as a burden anymore. Don't worry I didn't consider myself kidnapped, I went willingly I could've left anytime I wanted and I didn't because I saw the real you. The innocent part of a man that had been broken," she stopped and looked at Justin and swallowed.

"And now I know it was a mistake to come here if you are going to be here, I won't come back, I can't be around someone who is so prideful and stupid to see that a woman, a woman he took from her evil boss, had fallen for him because she saw his heart and soul, and he pushed her into someone who would be there for her when he wasn't, so take your fancy cars and your military grade guns, and just leave me alone," she said as she stormed out crying. Justin ran but stopped in front of Drake.

"You are a piece of work you know that," he said running after Marissa. Everyone was still watching Drake until he walked out, the back way.

His mom follows soon after. Brad too. This was a family matter and his family was needed. Harvey included. He lost his buzz when that took place. Charles ran after Marissa. It seemed like everything was keeping them apart. And maybe that was the point. Maybe their being together was toxic. That's what Drake thought. But it wasn't like that. Everything was keeping them coming back. They stopped it.

"Son, listen to me, sometimes when forces bring people together it's meant to be, don't let her leave again, we gained a daughter and you have never been so happy as you were with her," Sharon said. He cried and he cried hard.

"Son when I said she lost everything, what do you think I meant," Sharon asked. Brad looked at Sharon. He understood. Drake looked up tears streaming down his face.

"Of course, she used to say that until I took her, she didn't have anyone. Just her job," he said. Relaxing what she meant.

"I screwed up," he said. Brad put a hand on his shoulder. And he sighs.

"Marissa may be bull-headed but she will stay until the break is over, son, make it right and tell her how you feel, let her breathe tonight, tomorrow is Christmas, and don't worry about Justin he knows how you feel about her, and he knows she's just a professor to him," Brad told him. Drake stood up. And Sharon spoke.

"Son, it was you, you were her everything and when you made her leave, she lost that."

"I know what I have to do."

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