Chapter 28

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"Marissa," Justin says. Drake looks from him to her. As Marissa steps closer and Justin too. They hug each other and Drake looks hurt. He didn't know why they knew each other. But Brad had his suspicions. She was a professor but Drake didn't know that. Justin steps back.

"You didn't tell me this was your family when you asked me to come with you, I would have rode with you, Drake has a way of getting to places in a hurry," he laughs but Drake doesn't. He's confused.

"Oh, I thought everyone knew," Marissa said realizing not one but Brad knew about her job.

"I'm a professor in law at Miami University, Justin is a student of mine, I'm helping him cram three years in one so he will graduate this year," she said. Drake looked at Justin.

"This is the professor you are always talking about," he asked. Busting nods and Marissa blushes. And seeing Drake made her heart weak. She still cared about him. And he did her. He loved her like he's never loved anyone. Sharon steps up to Justin.

"Welcome to our estate Justin, and as long you're here, consider yourself family," she said. He smiled as she hugged him. He hugged back reluctantly but he was confused until Marissa assured him they were huggers.

"So is Drake your brother," Justin asked she shook her head.

"No they aren't my blood parents It's a long story but they are our family and I do consider them to be my mom and dad because it shows that I love and respect them, Drake is their real son, me and Harvey were their best friends kids," she told him. Drake closes the door and hugs his mom watching Justin.

"So you talk about me?" Marissa said. Justin blushes.

"Don't get too flattered, I told him I love your class because you're not old and stuffy also I told him that I look up to you, you are an inspiration to me," he said. She nods and grabs his hand.

"Your friendship is everything to me, I couldn't be where I am if you hadn't started my class like I said before you are a top student of mine," she said. He squeezes her hand and lets go. Drake is confused but Brad tells him she started at the university a couple of weeks ago.

Drake missed her. He wanted to touch her again, to feel her skin on his but he couldn't. It was too painful. He thought that maybe Justin would be good for her but he knew better. He was still in love with her. And the holidays wouldn't be the same. With Justin here for two weeks, it would be difficult. And Drake knew she would want to help him while they were here. And Justin would accept it.

"I work there too, I'm a science professor," Harvey said. Marissa turned to him.

"Oh Harvey dude I didn't see you, wow, the wind blows you where you need to be doesn't it," Justin said giving Harvey a fist bump. He must've had him too. And he did.

"Well, if anyone cares I'm head of the detective agency," Drake said sarcastically. Marissa looked at him. And she smiled. And she did an unexpected thing. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"And we are proud of you too," she said. He laid his hands on her back. Hoping this would last. But it didn't. She pulled away and turned back to Brad. Sharon looks at Drake.

"Honey, I think she still cares about you," she said. He swallows.

"Yeah, but now she's got Justin to be there for her," he said. She snickers.

"She doesn't like him that way. He's her student. She has that same spark when she sees you that she did before," Sharon said. But Marissa and the others walk away. Sharon nods.

"Mom, she left because she couldn't be around me, and now she is back and different how do you expect me to talk to her without telling her how I feel," Drake said. Sharon was a bright woman.

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