Chapter 19

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Marissa told Brad what happened. He thought maybe her leaving and hiding would be a good idea, she would be safe, so he offered her his house in New York. She didn't want to leave but maybe it was for the best that she did. And if Brad was offering to pay Charles to go, and he was, she couldn't say no. Thanksgiving was a week away and she was alone now. Her dad was gone, and the only one that was going was Charles.

Harvey told her to stay in touch with him. He would let her know what happened. Sharon came in with a couple of suitcases. That wasn't Marissa's. Marissa was so confused. And then it dawned on her, that Sharon was going with her. To keep her company over the holiday. And she smiled knowing she'd have someone there with her. Someone she had grown to love and think of as a mother.

"He said to tell you goodbye, and that he hopes you will forgive him," Brad said coming out of the study. But Marissa would have loved to say goodbye to him. Harvey came into the main entrance and hugged his sister.

"Goodbye sis, keep in touch with us, and let us know when you land safely," he said. She hugged him back.

"Look after him for me, he may act tough but, he's got a good heart," Marissa told Harvey. He nods to him.

"And Marissa, he does care about you, more than you think, this is better for you," Harvey said. She nods. Brad nods too.

The ladies leave the house and get in the limo. With Charles. They sit in silence for a while. She takes her phone out and looks through her contacts. She sees his name, and her heart aches. Sharon grabs her hand. And she looks up. Sharon smiles sorrowfully. She understands. She loved Brad that much. And it was killing her to be away from him. They had never kissed, never told each other how they felt.

She gets a ding on her phone and opens it. Sharon had sent a picture of her and Drake when they first got to the estate. When Drake had his arm around her. They were looking at each other grinning. She smiled knowing that Sharon was trying to cheer her up. And then another ding. A picture from the night they fixed dinner after finding out that Harvey was her brother. They were wearing aprons and smiling at each other. And another picture of them swimming together. Sitting by the pool together, and another one at a dinner the night before they found out the truth. They were smiling into the camera together. And she saved them all.

"I know it's hard, but you'll get through this, he does care for you, that smile is one I hadn't seen in a long time," Sharon said. Marissa grinned and put her phone down. And they arrived at the airport.

** A few hours passed before they arrived in New York. And Marissa was looking forward to getting some rest. And Sharon was too. Charles was behind them in line. And he grabs their luggage. He comes to a sign that says 'Thomas' and he knows that's them. It's the alias they were told to use. He escorts the ladies to the limo.

"Jackie Thomas and daughter Jane," the limo driver asked before they nodded. He helps them inside the limo. Charles followed after. They sat in the limo, in silence.

Marissa was amazed by the city but even more by the estate they owned in New York. It was like a governor's mansion. Not as big as the one in Surf City but plenty of room. And Marissa wondered how they paid for these estates. Real estate agents didn't make millions. Maybe thousands, and marines had a retirement.

"It's prettier inside," Charles tells her. She nods. And follows him inside. He leads her through the front room into a den where there are chairs and a couch with a television. And then to the dining room with an island. And the kitchen with two refrigerators and two stoves. Then he showed her to her room, with a bathroom inside. And like the one she had, it was laid out the same but instead of gold, it was pearl. And beautiful.

"This is beautiful," she said. Charles walks her luggage inside. He opens her bag and reaches for a handgun. She gets scared at first but he extends it to her.

"Drake said for you to use this if you need it, it is equipped with 10 rounds, he said don't miss," Charles said handing her the gun. It was locked and on safety but it was a 9mm and packed a punch. It wouldn't kill unless you aim for it too.

"He does care about you, he sent you here with my protection and a gun, and he's having the security team come over tonight to install the new cameras and alarms," he said. He left.

She thought of his smile, his warmth. He was to
Handsome and she wanted to feel that warmth now. To see him teasing. And to be near him. Knowing he would protect her. And she trusted Charles but Drake would be in the room with her. And that was comforting to her. And she missed him.

And to be honest he missed her. Drake and the guys were going over tactics. To infiltrate Franks's place. One needed a diversion. Harvey would go in, tell him it worked, that Marissa was dead, and that Drake was beside himself. And ask him exactly what happened that night. So he would know what to look out for. Drake and Brad would be hiding close by recording everything, and once Drake got the confession he would call the police and get them to come to Frank's place. And he would be arrested for murder and scandalous crimes committed against innocent people. And also tampering with evidence.

"It's full proof but we need Harvey in a vest in case he decides to turn on him, and possibly a hat, I think I have the hat you need, it's plated with metal in case he goes for The head I learned a long time ago," Drake said. He handed Harvey the vest and hat. They were going in a week. Harvey and Drake would train together. And they would end all of this while Thanksgiving dinner was going on.

And just like that, thanksgiving for everyone wouldn't be a happy one, because this plan may have been solid but there were flaws.

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